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Posts posted by NFLfan

  1. 8 minutes ago, dgambill said:

    It auto corrected on my phone lol!  Brunson creates so much contact and when ever he wants he just throws his hands up and these college refs call a foul. He is super smart...but it’s still a cheap move. I can’t spell the kids name off the bench the Chinzo kid but he is on fire. When someone gets like that you can’t stop them because he can drive too. It’s why Villanova will probably win. They have so many guys that can kill you.


    I like both teams. It is too bad one has to lose. I have been a big fan of Jay Wright since his coaching days at Hofstra. I hope he stays at Nova and has a long career there like Boeheim at Syracuse. 


    But I really want Nova to win because of what the NCAA had done to the Big East. To think the Big East had UConn, Syracuse, BC, Miami, and Pitt, and they have all moved to the ACC. That is when I stopped following college basketball. But this tournament has brought me back. Hopefully they won't move Nova too. 


    Big lead now for Nova.

    • Like 1
  2. 27 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Sources for what?  I read it like two weeks ago, and I'm not writing an expose' on him.  Google "Lamar Jackson ball velocity" if you want to know.  Also, Josh Allen threw it 62 mph.


    You're the one who stated this:

    12 hours ago, DougDew said:

    Jackson also had a slow 40 time, poor accuracy, and poor velocity in the combine tests.  


    I asked you to cite your sources because I wanted to see if what you wrote was true.


    I get it now. You made it up. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


    Jeez. I wonder if people have to help him tie his shoes. :D 


    I am hoping he just had one of those days. We all have days where we just don’t function correctly. It’s pretty hard to only get a 13 on a test like that. 


    Many others have similar scores. Reggie Wayne, Ray Lewis, Neil O'Donnell, Brock Berlin all scored 13. 


    Jeff George and Darrell Revis scored 10. Garrett Bolles and Reuben Foster scored 9!

  4. Wonderlic Test scores do not predict success in the NFL.


    Kellen Clements, Christian Ponder, Ryan Lindley, Matt Linart, Drew Stanton all scored 35. Blaine Gabbert and Drew Henson 42!

    Yet Dan Marino and Terry Bradshaw scored 16. Jim Kelly, Steve McNair, and Randall Cunningham scored 15 . McNabb 14. Neil O'Donnell 13 like Lamar Jackson. O'Donnell was better than most of the guys who scored above 35.


    Todd Husak (39)
    Colin Kaepernick (38)
    Ryan Nassib (41)
    Sean Mannion (40)
    Matt Flynn (38)
    Charlie Frye (38)

    Jim Sorgi (15)

    Jeff George (10)

    Kordell Stewart (14)

    John David Booty (14)



    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

    I hear that. Geno reminds me of some movie 'Don' from a crime family....

    He's obviously a great coach but they didnt handle ND's zone defense at all


    I'm impressed with how ND's Muffet McGraw manuveraed a team of basically 6-7 players through 5 game s of playoffs now..

    Louisville beat ND by 30 during the regular season...


    I thought Louisville had made the Finals. How did they lose that game against Miss St? I checked out the game late and I thought they had the game won. I woke up and noticed they had lost. 

  6. 6 hours ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    It is a very happy household and community right now


    Congrats! I was rooting for them and for you last night. I checked online and saw that ND was up by 10 at one point early on. I was disappointed when I checked again and they were down by 6 or so with four plus minutes. I turned off the TV and hoped ND would come back. I am glad they won. I am tired of UConn winning all the time.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, dgambill said:

    Oh...dang I hadn't heard that. Makes a lot of sense why they didn't keep him in Minnesota then. I wondered why they didn't at least re-sign him to back up Cousins. Hate to hear that!


    Zimmer wanted Teddy back but he said the medical staff did not feel comfortable with the knee.




    “Well, I thought he was doing good in practice. The reports I’d get back from the medical people weren’t as positive as I was,” Zimmer said Tuesday at the NFL annual meetings.


    “That’s kind of how it came down. They said his knee wasn’t — they saw there was some recovery he needed to do. But when I watched him in practice, he moved well. I didn’t see limitations, but from what I was told, there were some.”




    • Thanks 1
  8. 29 minutes ago, dgambill said:

    I've only heard a bit of both of them but they both did a good job from what I heard. Smith wasn't too over the top like his on field persona.


    So are you going to change your profile pic to Cousins...or Simien lol. At least you can still follow Teddy in NY although I'm afraid he is going to get stuck behind guys for another year. I wish he went to a better situation.


    I tried to change my profile pic about a week ago, but instead, I accidentally changed the background picture. I could not reverse the change. I was disappointed because I liked the background pic I had. I will change the avatar eventually but it won't be a picture of a player.


    As for Teddy, he may not play again, but I hope I'm wrong. It sounds like the knee is worse than we all thought.  Both he and the GM made comments in the last few days that left everyone wondering if his knee is well enough to allow him to play.

  9. 12 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I'm shocked at the news that Fox Sports has hired John Fox.    Seems like the most bizarre fit.    Fox Sports is typicall very cutting edge.     And John Fox, is,  well......   not.


    That said....


    Two new guys for you to watch for that I think you'll really enjoy.


    First.....     Steve Smith.    The fomer 5'9" feisty WR from Carolina and Baltimore.   He seemingly played angry with 100 pound chips on his shoulders.    Lots of bad attitude on the field.      Now retired,   he's a delight to listen to.     He was a star the week of the combine.    Lots of fun personality.    During the 40 yard dash for the RB's,  as Royce Freeman was ripping off some 4.5's,  Smith quipped that defensive players do NOT like trying to tackle Freeman.    That linebackers and Safety's don't like to,  and especially Cornerbacks.   Smith was off-camera,  but you could hear his voice....    and when he said, "Cornerbacks HATE trying to tackle Freeman.   They have to make CAREER BUSINESS DECISIONS when they come to tackle him!"   you could hear Mike Mayock and Rich Eisen laugh hysterically at the line!   Really fun to listen to.    A really likeable guy.   


    Then, right after the combine,  Smith wrote a story for NFL.com about 5 WR's that are under the radar but could be very good pros.    He said who they were and why they were good.    He didn't do the easy and obvious story about who were the five BEST WR's at the combine.    No,  he did five guys you don't know but might soon know really well.    A really good read.


    So,  Smith is someone to look for.


    As is another former player.   (At least,  I think he's retired?)    Anyone remember Chris Canty?    The giant DL who played about 10 years.    He came from a top academic school,  Virginia.    And he sounds like it.     First,  he has a great voice.    Maybe not James Earl Jones or Morgan Freeman.    But a great voice that you want to hear more of.    Second,  he does not speak in cliches like many athletes do.    You may not always agree with him,  but when you listen to him you'll at least think this is a guy who has given the issue/topic some serious thought and he expresses himself so well.    So well spoken.    So articulate.     You want to hear more from him.     He was filling-in on the new Golic & Wingo show and he was great to listen to.   I think I read that he also has a radio show in New York City.    But I expect to see him more and more on ESPN.  


    I hope both men will be on your radar and you'll give them a good listen.    I think you'll enjoy their professional work.     They may be former jocks,  but these are NOT former dumb jocks.     No,  just the opposite.    Just sharp.    Enjoy!



    I like Canty a lot -- very intelligent guy indeed. I hear him a lot on weekends, but he has a radio show in NY called "Humpty and Canty" on weekdays during which I am at work. I am unable to listen to that show unless I have the day off. (Humpty is former NY Islanders Goalie Rick Dipietro). 


    I am not a big fan of Steve Smith. He seems like too much of a loud mouth.

    • Like 2
  10. 20 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

      Not that I was watching 60 Minutes for that reason...but...

    there was a wonderful story on Giannis and how he got to Milwaukee


    I did not know that he has a younger brother who is also headed for the NBA...

    I didn't know that he still lives in a 2-bedroom downtown apartment with his mom..on his $22,000,000 salary.

    He is so young


    I don't watch the NBA but I saw that feature on 60 Minutes. I like that kid. He seems so humble. I'm rooting for him. 

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, RealityIsLuck said:

    Thats the thing, it doesn't say anything about splitting people up by colour or religion, or anything about changing freedoms based on colour, but, yet, that's what happens. Black lives are being neglected, they aren't valued the way other lives are. It's not crying foul when it's a pressing issue in society, and to say that you are bringing race into it when that is the very divide which is creating the issues, the protests, etc.. is just disgusting. 


    It's clear you don't care about peoples rights, freedoms, liberties or else you'd care that police are killing unarmed black men every day, let alone getting ANGRY at the fact that a player stands UP in any way possible to make an impact. Truly disgusting.  


    Folks like the guy you are responding to are so unreasonable that it is best to ignore them. His posts demonstrate that he has no capacity to appreciate anything outside his reality. It is an exercise in futility.

  12. 5 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:

    So a safety isn't getting work... and it is because of ____________________


    Is that true also for Kenny Vaccaro, Tre Boston, Ron Parker, Corey Grahjam, Darius Butler, and Reggie Nelson?


    Quite a few safety's looking for a spot.


    Reid is probably the best among those names.


    I am a Stanford football fan and Reid's brother Justin played for the Cardinal. I have wondered whether Eric Reid's protests would affect Justin's draft stock. We will find out in 5 weeks or so.

  13. 7 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    Walter McCarty has been named the next Purple Ace Coach


    I read that earlier. What do you think of the hire? I did not realize McCarty was from your area of Indiana. I was once riding the subway and McCarty and Jay Williams (Jayson Williams, former Duke player) were in the train car sitting across from me. I wondered why two rich guys were riding the subway.


    Congrats to McCarty.

    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, southwest1 said:

    Son of a...I get attached to guys I like & I get bummed out when they get shipped off. I know this is the business side of the NFL, but JPP was a great fit in the Big Apple man. Crap, I feel like I lost a family member man. This blows especially after JPP returned to form after his fireworks accident. 


    The Bucs really? Who cares about the darn Bucs. I sure don't. Can't you send JPP somewhere decent? Sigh...A sad day in Giants country. 


    I feel the way you do. I don't like the trade.


    My friend who is a Giants season ticket holder promised to take me along to the Giants Fan Fest in May or June this year. I had hoped to meet JPP.  Oh well. 


    I am not enjoying this off-season. 

  15. 5 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Tough matchup for Cousins right off the bat.


    3 hours ago, dgambill said:

    Yep....if they don't win it will immediately start the can't win the big one there in Minny!


    Tough matchup for anyone, including Tom Brady. And the game is in Philly.


    It is absurd for fans to say that someone on his new team "can't win the big one" after just one game. But ya never know.

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