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Posts posted by NFLfan

  1. 6 hours ago, dgambill said:

    I think context means a lot. In a normal everyday setting I don't think that it has any racial or social meaning....however the super charged atmosphere that is the NFL landscape using an analogy of players to prisoners (who are criminals) is not the most sensitive and appropriate of comments. I don't think any owner who really values his employees and their opinions would use such language to describe that situation. It was distasteful at the least and I can see where some players might be offended...especially those that just raised over 20 million dollars for your community while promoting your team and another that gave up game checks to low level employees that work in your organization who are going through a tough time during a disaster....it was not well thought out statement...and very disrespectful imo...and goes possibly to the heart of how Mr. Mcnair views his players/employees. I would feel very cheapened if I worked for a boss that felt that way about me. Again like I said about Cam and many others....do I think he is a racist because he made those comments...I don't know and I won't accuse someone of such a strong hateful accusation...but he said something very crude...and came off as an *.


    I agree. I don't think he is racist but the comment was inappropriate and offensive. I think it was GoPats who wrote that given that the players are trying to raise awareness of police brutality, calling the players "inmates" looks bad and shows that he does not have much empathy for his players. The fact that he changed the word "asylum" to "prison" makes him look even worse. But I don't think he is racist.


    I will share a story about being careful when speaking. I once told a veterinarian that "I thought I would kill two birds with one stone." (A very popular expression, no?) Well, he was not pleased. You would have thought that I actually killed two birds. If I had been mindful of my words, I would have known not to say that to a veterinarian. Well, I learned my lesson. I no longer use that expression.

  2. 2 hours ago, GoPats said:


    I would be completely shocked if the Steelers trade him to NE. They would sit him or suspend him before they'd trade him to another team in the same conference. Unless the Patriots make it an incredible offer, which again I can't see happening. One more strike and this guy's out of the league right? 



    You're probably right. But, were you shocked when the Colts made trades with the Patriots this past off-season?


    For the Steelers, getting rid of Bryant is addition by subtraction. The guy is a headache. 

  3. 5 hours ago, dgambill said:

    Why not.....smh....I would think a team like Seattle or Buffalo...heck even Cleveland...honestly if I thought he would just shut up and play and stay out of trouble I'd trade Davis for him...but if he is discontent in Pittsburgh he wouldn't last in this train wreck....but you would think he is the type of player (attributes wise) that Ballard was going for when he brought in Aiken.


    I would not trade for him. I don't like malcontents. In addition, he has been suspended by the league for substance use. Too much of a headache. 

  4. 3 hours ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    The injury might cost him a shot at the Heisman


    He was not going to win it. The Penn St RB is the one who everyone is talking about. 


    But it would have been great. He is not only a good football player but he is a good student. It would be great if the Heisman or the NCAA would also recognize those who excel in the classroom.

  5. 48 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    If his bac was .05.  That could be one glass of wine with dinner.   


    Thank you. What is the name of the device that when it senses alcohol on one's breath will not allow the car to start. 

  6. 10 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    What I would do with drunk drivers is have that device put on all of their cars where they have to blow into it before driving. If they have had even 1 drink, their car wont start.


    9 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

    You usually get those devices after a second offense.   If you blow with alcohol on your breath,   not only does the car not start,   you violate your probation and probably go to jail for awhile 


    I had never heard of these devices. That is a very good idea. What is the name of these devices? I would like to read more about them. Thanks.


    As for this incident, :facepalm:. I don't get why folks drive after drinking. Is their judgment so impaired that they cannot find alternative means of getting home?

  7. 11 hours ago, Jules said:


    Almost 100% certain that AM is "Mazz22" on Pats Planet. This post might get deleted though since it crosses over to another forum with gossip.


    :scratch: I don't believe anyone on this thread mentioned any other forum before your post. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Never know saying stuff like Rodgers is single so he will have to do everything left handed a while. That sounds like something she would say but who knows.


    Maybe. Thanks for the heads up. :thmup:

  9. 3 hours ago, JaguarsWoman said:

    That's not going to be easy. Even Vikings fans have to feel bad for him. Anthony Barr said he was not trying to hurt #12. It's going to be a hard year for Packers fans, especially with the Vikings solely owning the NFCN lead.


    Not this Vikings fan, lol. Rodgers has terrorized us enough.


    All kidding aside, I don't think Barr was trying to hurt him. He is not the type. Perhaps if it was Everson Griffin, I might consider that, but Barr would not deliberately hurt anyone. I hope Rodgers comes back healthy next year, as the NFL product is better when its elite players are in the games. 


    Great to have you on the Colts forum. It is one of the best forums out there. 

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