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Posts posted by NFLfan

  1. 1 hour ago, jvan1973 said:

    I take it you didn't watch the game.  He looked great today.


    What he was traded for is irrelevant.   The saints didn't use him to his strengths


    57 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

    He had 130 yards today.


    I am very happy for Peterson. The Saints were not a good fit for him. He looked a lot better today. I hope that continues.

  2. In the Utah-USC game, Utah did not get the extra point. USC will win 28 to 27.


    Update: Utah opted to go for 2 and the win instead of the extra point that would have tied it. They did not get it. I like the call even if it did not work. I know most will disagree. Folks seem to prefer the safe play (extra point).


    Lol. The Stanford game is being held up by a rabbit running all over the field. lmao

  3. 2 hours ago, Gramz said:

    All I can say @Lucky Colts Fan is I'm glad it was you and not me.    haha  


    btw..  you are correct, and she was WRONG.  Peyton was indeed born and raised in New Orleans, LA.


    As I was reading the story, I wondered for a sec, "How would Gramz or Ms. Q react?" haha


  4. 42 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:

    She seemed like one of those customers that's just looking for a fight.


    I suspect that's the case.


    She probably has a different reason for not liking Peyton (other than his family not being from New Orleans). Perhaps she wants others to see Brees as the greatest or as being better/more acconplished than Peyton.

  5. 6 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

    My mother died with severe dementia as well.   She never played one down of football


    Sure, but that does not mean that playing football does not contribute to one of the causes of dementia (CTE). Repetitive blows to the head cause brain injury and lead to decline in cognitive functioning.


    A higher than normal number of former football players in their 50s or younger appear to show clinical symptoms of dementia; the rates are much higher than those in the general population of the same age. Someone like your mother most likely was not showing clinical signs of dementia at 40 or 50. There are too many football players showing signs of dementia at 40 or earlier for there not to be some link. JMO


    (Btw, I don't believe CTE is the cause of YA Tittle's dementia. He was over 90. Being older is the top risk factor for getting dementia.)

  6. 6 hours ago, dgambill said:

    @NFLfan so do you think this will work out for AP. I know you have followed him very closely being a Minnesota fan. Watching him run it just looks clear he has lost a step...just can't get to the corner anymore. Maybe I'm wrong and its just him being rusty and not getting enough carries to get his engine revved. David Johnson should be back later in the season...I think this might be it for AP. Great career though! Just goes to show the longevity of Frank is something special.


    haha You should know my response by now. Even when he led the league in yards two years ago, I told many that it was not as impressive as it seemed. He could still bust one for 80 yards once every other game, but he was not consistently good as in the past. He seemed to lose yards on every other carry. We relied too much on him and it hurt us.


    The Saints were not a good fit for Peterson. I believe he will play better for Arians and the Cardinals. But I think this is the beginning of the end for him. He will be in the Hall of Fame one day.

  7. 56 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    I see the Civil Rights Pioneers and Women's Rights Pioneers as fighting for me to because "we" did not get our rights until their equal rights were achieved 


    There are some other folks here who have disabilities. Why not "work" together (exchange PMs etc). I once asked someone with disabilities to create a thread about living with disabilities. Understandably, he declined. He shared a lot with me. It was eye-opening. He let me into his world. I appreciate what you have shared too. Thank you!


    One person I wish I could have talked more with was our brother Gavin. Before he died he began to share some of his struggles. I wish I could have helped more. 


    Wow. It is way past my bedtime. I have to get up in 5 to 6 hours. TTYT

  8. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    It will never happen because if they don't play they don't get paid. They make millions dollars to play a kids game and have it made and still protest things. Some of those guys make more money in 1 year than we will ever see in our lifetime. I think the US is treating them pretty great.


    Ok, I hear you. Playing Devil's Advocate, not everything is about money. There is much more to life than making money. 


    And playing in the NFL is not "a kid's game". To say that is to discount the amount of work, preparation, etc. it takes to play the game. Also, no one is putting out $500/ticket to watch a "kid's game". 

  9. 7 hours ago, Nadine said:

    It's all part of the whole big deal.

    It's everywhere all the time nonstop.

    And honestly, I think that some of us have been too quiet for too long.  

    We need to start talking to each other imo


    I completely agree. I believe that if people spoke with each other and did not dismiss other peoples' feelings and points of view, we might get somewhere. However, most folks don't expose themselves to different people and use only their own experiences to derive conclusions about other groups. 


    The type of work I do gives me the opportunity to talk with many groups of people. That has helped me to appreciate where people are coming from and understand their points of view. So, yes, let's talk more and keep an open mind. (These threads are so great, IMO :))


    Last year my nephew asked me what I thought about Kaepernick's actions. I told him that I did not like it, as I believed it was not the proper way to draw attention to whatever his concerns were. I thought it was disrespectful and it took attention away from what Kaepernick said he wanted addressed. It has turned out exactly how I thought it would. It has been met with anger, not with understanding or empathy. Kneeling/not showing respect for the flag and anthem is not the way to address police brutality or inequality.


    I will continue to watch the NFL. I will go to games and I will stand during the singing of the anthem.

  10. 56 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    Do to my disability I have experienced some systemic discrimination 


    Okay, I got it. Disregard my earlier question.


    Sorry to hear that. Many folks with disabilities have shared those same sentiments. :( 

  11. 1 hour ago, csmopar said:

    No but I do think there are similarities but let's s get back to the memo. From the way that espn is describing it, teams can be fined all the way up to losing draft picks if players continue to do it.  That's gonna be a message right there


    I wonder what would happen if all (Ok, most) players decided to defy this memo. Would the NFL go with replacement players? Would they not play the games?  If so, the NFL would really lose money.  


    The players are the product. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    Once Teddy is activated off the PUP, the team has an additional 3 weeks (in practice) then must decide to whether to activate him onto the 53 man roster, or return him back to the PUP for the rest of the year. If activated before or around week 9, then I believe Sloter returns to the practice squad and runs the scout team. 



    Thank you for that. I forgot that they can use all 3 weeks before adding him to the 53-man roster.


    We would have to waive Sloter to get him onto the practice squad, I believe. If he clears waivers. then we can get him to the PS. We don't believe he will clear waivers.



  13. Thankfully Zimmer did the right thing and got Sam out of there. He did not look good even before the game. Case came in and helped win the game.


    Teddy is expected to be activated after next week's game against the Packers. We want to retain Keenum (good backup) and Sloter (developmental QB). Maybe we will put Sam on IR? We cant keep 4 QBs on the roster. @ColtsBlueFL what do you think will happen when Teddy returns after week 6? Who will we part with?

  14. 2 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:

    When one of the most accurate QB's doesn't look accurate, there's issues.  Appears Vikings may have rushed him back to lineup too soon.


    He appears accurate because he only makes safe throws. Look at how Luck plays. Luck will sacrifice his accuracy to try to win. 


    During preseason, Keenum looked much more like a leader than Sam. Same today. Keenum is not as accurate but he plays to win.

  15. 6 minutes ago, ReMeDy said:

    Considering how long Bradford held onto the football in the back of the endzone, I'd say either the OC is giving him too many deep routes or Bradford is just being too cautious with his throws.


    See what is in bold. He is the classic "playing not to lose" type of player. He is gunshy. He shows no leadership, no urgency. He is the opposite of Andrew Luck.  I know ColtsBlueFL is a big fan of his but not me. 

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