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NFL draft top 40

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Where the team is .....(game #6)

.500, for starters, which considering, is pretty good and the 3rd best record in the AFC (currently-talk about parity!) The offense is lead by a soon-to-be-great QB, who is still learning the difference between professional and college football. He has at his disposal a very good arsenal of weapons to choose from. The running backs by committee, isn't really the problem, there is talent there, I really like Ballard and think he'll turn out to be a more than capable RB. The O-line on a good day,



I think the verdict is in (game #5)

I mentioned that 5-6 games would should indicate where this team was at, then last (2nd half) week happened, that kinda messed up the pattern. There is always positives and negatives to any win or loss, next week will cement my thoughts, but I really don't think 1 game, after 5, is going to change that. Before I talk about this weeks game, it must be said, you are never as bad as you look when you lose ( or as good-when you win) is right on the money. Last week, the Colts looked like a playoff c



Still looking for that sign (game #4)

I thought by the 5th or 6th game, there would be a pattern and we would have a pretty good idea where the team was at......... The first 3 1/2 games , they looked pretty much the same, then..........came the second half of this weeks game and another team showed up, I am not sure which team is the real Colts, the next 2 weeks should help clear that up.....or not. For whatever reason it happened, that was a good sign...or..... to be down 21-3 vs a team that good, at the half and come back and w



Not a good sign (game #3)

All pre season and the first 2 games, we all are looking for signs, signs of where this team is at and where they are going. This is the 1 game that looking at the schedule I was confident it was a game the Colts could/should win. The Jags were the consensus worst team in the league and have not played well the first 2 games and it was a home game, that all adds up to a win for the Colts or that's why they play the games, seems like each year, there is more and more parity in the league, teams w



Coughlin vs Schiano

this is a big topic of discussion, I am interested in how our members on here feel about it, who do you think was right?



Is the horseshoe lucky?

I did a couple of blogs recently on the greatest Qb's and RB's in NFL history. The Colts really haven't had alot of Hall of fame type players on the defensive side of the ball in their history. On D-line there was Gino Marchetti and Art Donovan (from the Baltimore days) and Freeney and Mathis of the current team. At LB there was Mike Curtis and Ted Hendricks, in the secondary there really hasn't been many of significance, hard to tell what could have been for Bob Sanders and Bubba smith who both



What's the key to winning in the NFL? ( game #2)

What is the magic formula to winning? I know there are plenty of those who think they have got that figured out, but............there is no magic formula, teams win in many ways, the real formula is...........whatever it takes................ Congrads to the Colts/Luck on win #1 in the new era. There are still some concerns, the running game was not impressive, 30-84 (2.8 avg) the O-line didn't look too good in the beginning (again) then Satele went out, but I didn't really notice any dropoff, w



Edgerrin James, how good was he?

I read the article today on Colts.com about Edgerrin's upcoming honor and got me to thinking, where does he rank, all-time? As always it's subject to opinion, without giving it a great deal of thought I think there are 5 RB's who seperated themselves from the rest and I ranked them ( also without a lot of thought ) 1. Jim Brown-much like Unitas and Berry his career stats don't look as impressive as some, but it was a different era and they played far fewer games in that era 9 years-12,300 yds-



The era begins.............

Just as the pre season isn't really a good way to guage...much, neither is 1 game, after about 4-5 games, a pattern will develope and then the indications will be more defining. I like that Pagano and Luck both stood tall and said they have to do a better job, nice try, the TEAM needs to do a better job, not saying they weren't without fault, but they aren't the problem. Luck played pretty good (on the Luck curve) very good for a rookie QB, he said he turned it over 4 times 1. not a good thro



53 man roster (so far)

QB- was really impressed with all 3, glad Harnish made the cut RB- Karim looked pretty good, but you can only carry so many RB's, didn't see much of Moore or Carter TE- really good group, Jones made some plays and looked very good WR- didn't think we would keep 6 (maybe due to Collie's situation) would have been interesting to see if we kept Whalen or Adams, had Whalen not got injured OL- we will see............. DE/DT- Redding needs to stay healthy, he's a big key to the D-line NT- Johnson is



Third impression

I still don't think pre season games answer many questions, at least, not the questions I have. Yesterday's game did not look very good, from just about every angle imaginable. The defense needs to improve, the O-line needs to improve and the special team needs to show that this is a different era, so far, that hasn't happened. I think once the season starts and teams are playing with 53 players and not using vanilla-type offenses, the real results will be telling. As of now , we can watch and m



second impression

I tried to not make too much out of the last game and pre season as a whole, but for now, that's all we have to go on, so............. Playing the Steelers, in Pittsburg, would be a way better guage, then playing the Rams, in Indy Andrew Luck- I ranked him in the top 10 after last weeks game, with experience the only thing keeping him out of the top 5 Qb's in the NFL he's played 2 games, time for a promotion....I knew he was going to be special, but wasn't quite expecting this, this soon. The pi



First impression

For the first time in a looooooooooong time, I watched a Colts game and really wasn't sure what I would see. To say there are questions that need to be answered would be a major understatement. I really think scores of pre season games shouldn't even be counted, that's how meaningless it is, it's always better to win any game than to lose, but if a team doesn't accomplish what they need to accomplish, what's the point? I saw about what I expected to see............ Offense: I would say Luck one



Best QB ever-part 2

One of the reasons I did part, one was setting up , part 2. A new era has begun in Coltsland, whether you agree/like it or not ( and I am on board with there was no excuse for what Irsay did-NONE-ZERO-ZILCH!) It's probably not going to change because I don't like it. Which brings us to Andrew Luck....I ranked Peyton #3 on my all-time list ( with the possibility of moving up) the only drawback was lack of championships, compared to those above him, fair nor not, that's the way I see it. If some



Best QB ever?

To begin with, there is no right answer, it's an opinion. There are 2 factors, stats and winning. Winning is the ultimate guage, but this is a team sport and the Qb is only 1 player and some of his success or lack of, depends on his supporting cast (players,coaches,owner,etc). 1. JOHNNY UNITAS-Unitas had the stats, when he retired, he held almost every passing record in the books, the game has changed and many of those records have been surpassed, which takes nothing away from what he did and w



A look at the roster for 2012 (DB/summary)

CB: Powers-J.King-Vaughn-Rucker-Johnson-Thomas Powers is the only proven big time talent in this group, King and Vaughn were good additions adding some much needed experience, the hope is that the other 3 will all take it up a notch, benefitting from the reps they got last year. S: Bethea-Zbikowski-Lefeged-Caldwell-Hines Bethea has been the glue in the secondary for years and is one of the leagues best, Zbikowski will quickly become a fan favorite and a solid player, The 2 young guys have looked



A look at the roster for 2012 (D-line/LB)

DE: Redding-Nevis-Moala-Mathews-Ogbu Redding provides some much needed experience in this defense, but isn't exactly entering his prime, the rest are all DT's playing DE, Nevis looked good last year, when healthy. Not much depth here, don't think Ogbu is a good fit for DE NT: Chapman-Johnson-McKinney Johnson will probably start out the year and eventually backup Chapman, McKinney is a huge body with experience in this defense. Johnson might be a better fit at at DE, not alot of depth here either



A look at the roster for 2012 (WR/O-LINE)

WR: Wayne-Collie-Avery-Hilton-Brazill-Whalen Reggie has quietly become of the best in NFL history with year after year of consistent production (with another 1,000 season, he would rank in the top 15 all-time). I think Collie is the forgotten man, his production the year he had concusion issues was on a Pro bowl level, before the injury. Avery brings elite speed and unfilled expectations to the team and I think he will excell. Hilton and Brazill, also bring very good speed to the position. Whal



A look at the roster for 2012 (QB-RB-TE)

With all the off season programs in full swing and training camp around the corner, a preview of each position and where we stand: QB: Luck-Stanton-Harnish If Luck plays the way I expect he will, I think he will, when it's all said and done, be the best QB this league has ever seen, he has everything in takes to be that guy, with his makeup, along with his talent, would seem to indicate he will. I really don't expect a big learning curve, he should excel from day #1 Stanton is the best backup



Draft grades

I always enjoy checking out all the teams drafts' and seeing who I think did well............or not. The 1 team that really stood out in my view was the Bengals, not known as a team that usually excells.... Bengals: it doesn't hurt to have 2 #1 picks 1- Dre Kirkpatrick- outstanding CB 1- Kevin Zeitler-one of the top G's 2- Devon still-a first rounder on most boards 3- Mohammed Sanu- really slid down, great value 3- Brandon Thompson- solid DT 4- Orson Charles-some ranked him above Fleener and All



Colts 2012 Draft picks

1. Andrew Luck-QB-Stanford-6'4-235-4.6 Haven't really seen anywhere that had anything other than #1 overall, is the highest rated QB since Peyton (1998) or elway (1983) depending on the source. He has all of the qualities than made Peyton a great QB and is a better athlete-should end his career as one of the best in NFL history............the best? Very likely 2. Coby Fleener-TE-Stanford-6'6-250-4.5 Considered by most sources as a 1st or high 2nd round pick, some had him rated as the best TE, ot



NFL draft top 40

This will be my first blog on the new site. After months of researching I have finally got my top 40 players ranked. I rated 323 players, I broke them down to a top 10 for each postion , then the top 40-overall. There are always players projected for the first round that don't get picked and a few that weren't projected, that do............ 1. A.Luck-QB 2. M. Kalil-T 3. T. Richardson-RB 4. R. Griffin-QB 5. Q. Coples-DE 6. M. Claiborne-CB 7. J. Blackmon-WR 8. R. Reiff-T 9. L. Kuechly-ILB 10. M. B



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