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playoff predictions (post draft)


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Why does everyone think that the Texans have the division locked up? I just don't see them at 13-3 after their offseason. More like 9-7. The defense is decent, but teams now know what to expect and can plan for it.

Their offense is on very thin ice with an injured QB, a bad backup, and an obliterated right side of the offensive line, having lost the guard, tackle and tight end on Foster's strong side. Andre Johnson has lost a step or two and is missing games because of hamstring that keeps flaring up, they did nothing in the offseason to pick up a veteran WR, and they let their kicker go.

The Texans are very vulnerable to at least the Titans, and hopefully us. They aren't going to score a lot of points.

If our defense was 'decent', then the Colts with a healthy Peyton Manning were 'alright'. Without an offseason we improved to the number one defense in the league the first few weeks of the regular season, had the second-fewest yards allowed, and allowed the fourth-fewest PPG. As far as an injured QB, we both had issues with that last year, the only difference being that we continued winning...And even if Schaub does go down again, God forbid, T.J. Yates was a steal of the draft, in case you didn't see how well he played last year, the exception being part of the playoff game versus the Ravens. Andre Johnson is still arguably the best wide receiver in the NFL, and now that he's tasted the playoffs, he'll be heck-bent on making it back again. Kevin Walter will do, just as he always has, and we have rid ourselves of that cancer Jacoby Jones. We also drafted a pretty good kicker, in case you didn't know. The Titans may provide competition, but with Locker, another young QB in this division, they will not seriously be playoff or Super Bowl contenders for a few years...Kind of similar to the Jaguars and Colts as well.

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Interesting points.

C'mon Jules...those weren't "interesting points". That was one level above trash talk. Looking at his post history, this guy is obviously pretty upset that the Texans are a good football team.

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If our defense was 'decent', then the Colts with a healthy Peyton Manning were 'alright'. Without an offseason we improved to the number one defense in the league the first few weeks of the regular season, had the second-fewest yards allowed, and allowed the fourth-fewest PPG. As far as an injured QB, we both had issues with that last year, the only difference being that we continued winning...And even if Schaub does go down again, God forbid, T.J. Yates was a steal of the draft, in case you didn't see how well he played last year, the exception being part of the playoff game versus the Ravens. Andre Johnson is still arguably the best wide receiver in the NFL, and now that he's tasted the playoffs, he'll be heck-bent on making it back again. Kevin Walter will do, just as he always has, and we have rid ourselves of that cancer Jacoby Jones. We also drafted a pretty good kicker, in case you didn't know. The Titans may provide competition, but with Locker, another young QB in this division, they will not seriously be playoff or Super Bowl contenders for a few years...Kind of similar to the Jaguars and Colts as well.

First of all, TJ Yates is no more than a substitute snap-taker. He never looked off his #1 receiver and all he did was threw pretty rainbows, especially when it counted. My guess is that the UH QB will take his spot given enough time, as at least he knows how to go through a progression.

In case you didn't notice, we drafted a guy whose supposed to be a pretty good QB too, but unlike the Texans the last time they drafted a QB #1, we spent the rest of the draft, and free agency, bringing in more offensive talent so that he had someone to work with.

And just like the Texans did last year, we brought in a new defensively oriented coach and are switching to a 3-4, with some new free agents added to the mix. We have just as much of a chance to bounce back on defense as Houston did last year.

I'm glad that we don't play the Texans until late in the year, because by that time we have the best chance to have gotten the new offense to be playing together pretty well. At worst case, we will at least split with the Texans, as usual.

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C'mon Jules...those weren't "interesting points". That was one level above trash talk. Looking at his post history, this guy is obviously pretty upset that the Texans are a good football team.

Actually I that we are going to be a pretty good football team.

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First of all, TJ Yates is no more than a substitute snap-taker. He never looked off his #1 receiver and all he did was threw pretty rainbows, especially when it counted. My guess is that the UH QB will take his spot given enough time, as at least he knows how to go through a progression.

In case you didn't notice, we drafted a guy whose supposed to be a pretty good QB too, but unlike the Texans the last time they drafted a QB #1, we spent the rest of the draft, and free agency, bringing in more offensive talent so that he had someone to work with.

And just like the Texans did last year, we brought in a new defensively oriented coach and are switching to a 3-4, with some new free agents added to the mix. We have just as much of a chance to bounce back on defense as Houston did last year.

I'm glad that we don't play the Texans until late in the year, because by that time we have the best chance to have gotten the new offense to be playing together pretty well. At worst case, we will at least split with the Texans, as usual.

1st bolded part: TJ did as expected for a 3rd string rookie who didn't think he'd see any action until 2013 at the earliest. The first game he ever suited up for, he became the starting QB for a team gunning for its first playoff berth. That's a big challenge, and he led us to it. The Ravens took advantage of him but because of our "decent"...LOL....defense, we almost won anyway.

2nd bolded part: Exactly, and you did next to nothing for your defense. Switching to a 3-4? So what. Hiring Pagano as HC? Yeah, he's a good DC, but even a more talented (in my opinion) Wade Phillips was never as strong as a HC than as a DC.

3rd bolded part: I've talked about this before. You can't just say "Well the Texans did it!". It's not nearly that simple. As stated, we hired one of the best defensive minds to run the show. Pagano can't run the defense all by himself, he has enough to worry about as the HC; he's gonna have to rely on his DC to make it happen. Who is your DC anyway? Did you sign FAs in the off-season on the talent level of a Danieal Manning, or a Jonathan Joseph? No. Those are big names. Did you draft high-level talent like JJ Watt, or Brooks Reed? No, you spent your early picks on offense, which is fine, but you didn't fill any defensive holes, and you have a lot. Can a late round draft pick or an UDFA make a big splash for you? Yes, but it's all assumption at this point and can't be used in a logical argument. We brought the aforementioned players in to be playmakers for us on D, and they were.

Kubiak has always been an offensive minded coach; he never knew how to run a defense, which is why we brought Wade in, and presto. We've had talent, like Cushing, Barwin, Nolan, etc., but they were never implemented properly. I expect your defense to get better, but more average than anything else. A few years down the road, who knows.

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First of all, TJ Yates is no more than a substitute snap-taker. He never looked off his #1 receiver and all he did was threw pretty rainbows, especially when it counted. My guess is that the UH QB will take his spot given enough time, as at least he knows how to go through a progression.

In case you didn't notice, we drafted a guy whose supposed to be a pretty good QB too, but unlike the Texans the last time they drafted a QB #1, we spent the rest of the draft, and free agency, bringing in more offensive talent so that he had someone to work with.

And just like the Texans did last year, we brought in a new defensively oriented coach and are switching to a 3-4, with some new free agents added to the mix. We have just as much of a chance to bounce back on defense as Houston did last year.

I'm glad that we don't play the Texans until late in the year, because by that time we have the best chance to have gotten the new offense to be playing together pretty well. At worst case, we will at least split with the Texans, as usual.

Yates still attained a 61% completion rate, despite who he did or did not throw to. He also accumulated 57 rushing yards, since he is not a statue in the pocket like a certain QB that your team just released. Of course T.J. was a substitute; Just like Painter (lmao) and Orlovsky were substitutes as well. The difference being, they did not win much.

And you want to go back in time, huh? Well let's see. When the Texans drafted David Carr, we were a BRAND NEW TEAM. When the Baltimore oh wait Indianapolis Colts added Manning, they had already been established since 1953 for Pete's sake. And yeah, you did add a defensive minded coach...Chuck Pagano. Pagano, however, is no Wade Phillips, so no, you will not make a miraculous turnaround. We are also much more loaded on defense than the Colts are...another reason we dominated all season, even with injuries. And that win in Lucas Oil Stadium does not really matter to us; Yeah, it'll be cool to get it for once, but since we will be cruising to the playoffs for a while now, it won't be completely necessary to have.

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Everyone, you do realize we have a terrible defense, right? We will be like the Panthers of last year, not the Texans.

Some people are in a state of denial. Kind of similar to how it was when Manning was first released.

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