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Aug 14th 6 pm joint practices with Cardinals

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Interesting comment in the recap about how the Colt D did so much better in the 11-on-11s than the 7-on-7s.  Those D-linemen can get after the QB, and that’s the hope for our D.  If Latu, Kwity, and Tyquan stay healthy this year, our D may work out alright even with a suspect secondary.  

The more I think about it, the more I think that Ballard was a surprised as any of us about how that 1st round worked out for us.  Looks like he tried really hard to go up and get Nabers.  He probably thought that if he was unable to swing the trade he’d move down into the twenties and target AD or another of that next tier of WRs.  But, instead, he looked at Latu and thought, “an insane amount of pressure could help this D…”  Could be a brilliant pivot.

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3 hours ago, Archer said:

Could be a brilliant pivot.


I like the way you put this. It was a pivot. Ballard has to respond within the 32 team environment, not just decide what he is going to get before the draft begins and that's that.


There are posters here who have an ideal in their head and they seem unable to accept that no one else (...Ballard...) can see what they consider obvious. What they fail to consider is that plans are made, plans change, and the leadership has to take what they can get. 


Example: They want a new secondary and they want it now. I think Ballard does to, but he LIKEs what he was able to get instead of a new secondary. Because the draft allowed him he got two first round talents that he clearly didn't expect to have a chance for (Latu and Mitchell), now he has to roll with the secondary he has. When he says 'he likes his guys' - he is saying that the talent he has this year is adequate and he likes what he got instead of a new secondary. He'll try again.


He adapted. His critics should adapt as well.


BONUS ROUND: But But But he has $26mm to sign a free agent. Just because he has the money and wishes he had a new safety, that doesn't mean there isn't a different plan for the money in regards to future cap. That money represents an opportunity cost. If he spends it on a safety, that he doesn't really want to do, he can't use it on something else in the near future that he does want to do. He has signaled very transparently that he could sign someone; but if he does, he knows he loses another year of Cross' development and he loses whatever he has in mind for future cap management. He wants Cross to make it work and its clear he's giving him more than enough rope for do just that.

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