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Okay… So David Shaw just resigned… A Whacked Thought I just Had


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4 minutes ago, J@son said:


I have every right to post my opinion in any thread I want.  "All this back and forth"?  I've made 3 posts in this thread, 2 of which were explaining to blueshoe why he's getting the replies that he's getting.


For the record, I had no issue with Luck retiring early.  It sucked, but more often than not I've defended him for doing so.  What's ridiculous are the people who still, 3 and a half years later, suggesting that he STILL might decide to come back.  They're the ones that need to "let it go".  




Okay. Thank you for clarifying that. Yes, you have the right to state your opinion.

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On 11/27/2022 at 10:05 AM, BlueShoe said:

I just read this article. 



I don’t know why all of us Colts fans reach for anything that would bring Andrew Luck back… But I have to admit the first thing I thought was, what if the Colts hired Shaw and he convinced Luck to come back to football. Count me in as guilty to wish for this, even though it is not likely. 

Before anyone calls me delusional, read this next sentence several times. I doubt this will happen, but crazier things have happened. 

From the article; “I am not burnt out," he said. "I'm healthy; I feel good. But 16 years is a long time. ... Sixteen years of running a program, 16 years of being responsible for everything and everybody catches up to you."


Sounds to me like he wants a fresh environment. Luck or no Luck; he might be in the running as the next Colts head coach. 

I don’t think Shaw is viewed as a potential NFL HC anymore.    You can’t introduce Shaw to a fan base.   Off the top of my head, Shaw’s last 4 years are 4-8, 4-2, (Covid) 3-9 and 3-9.    That’s not going to move the needle. 

Shaw is a college coach.   A molder of young men and their lives.   He’s not a good enough HC to handle an NFL locker room.    For a coach whose entire career has been on the offensive side of the ball he runs an offense that is not very sophisticated.   It’s a hard offense to watch.   You wouldn’t  think his background was all offense.   

He’s more likely to work for the NFL Network or ESPN if he doesn’t find another college job.   

One last thing….    Shaw is close with Luck but is very happy that Luck has retired and moved in.    I’m not sure he’d even try to talk him into a comeback.   Maybe.   But I doubt it. 

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6 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

So question, if you really think there is no chance Luck is coming back why even bring him up?  If you think Shaw is legit good choice to be the Colts next head coach rather he was Luck’s coach or not has nothing to do with that.  Just say why you think they should hire Shaw and let it stand on that.  Injecting Luck into the conversation at all is a distraction from that.  

However, you seem be wanting to say they should hire Shaw because there is a chance that could entice Luck to come back up but at the same time you don’t think that’s happening.  Then you get mad at people who are saying Luck isn’t coming back regardless.  You can’t have it both ways and say well this could maybe lure Luck back even if it’s remote and then jump on people for saying it’s not happening by saying I said it was unlikely.  You still suggested it’s a chance and all people are saying is no it’s not and if that’s why you want Shaw that’s not a good reason.  

Again, if you want Shaw for other reasons you’d be better served to just state those reasons and leave Luck out of it.  I don’t want Shaw because he hasn’t done much without the team he inherited from Harbaugh and college coaches don’t tend to make successful jumps go pros.  Sure there are exceptions but most had pro coaching experience before like Carol who failed as a NFL coach before going to college.  


5 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

I don’t think Shaw is viewed as a potential NFL HC anymore.    You can’t introduce Shaw to a fan base.   Off the top of my head, Shaw’s last 4 years are 4-8, 4-2, (Covid) 3-9 and 3-9.    That’s not going to move the needle. 

Shaw is a college coach.   A molder of young men and their lives.   He’s not a good enough HC to handle an NFL locker room.    For a coach whose entire career has been on the offensive side of the ball he runs an offense that is not very sophisticated.   It’s a hard offense to watch.   You wouldn’t  think his background was all offense.   

He’s more likely to work for the NFL Network or ESPN if he doesn’t find another college job.   

One last thing….    Shaw is close with Luck but is very happy that Luck has retired and moved in.    I’m not sure he’d even try to talk him into a comeback.   Maybe.   But I doubt it. 

I don’t think Shaw is coming to Indy. I don’t think Luck is coming back either. Never said I thought either was going to happen. 

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