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13 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Bama trying to steal this Championship like the Pats did the SB. Amazing lmao 20-20 now.

Something about Georgia football teams getting tight in the 4th quarter. Maybe this OT will loosen them up because they have been playing not to lose.

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7 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

Saban is the best coach in sports history. Only one that comes close is Belichick...but how many coaches can bench a starting QB at halftime of a championship game and win? Sabans probably the only one who could do that.

You can't be the best coach in sports history coaching college . Sorry. 

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Georgia did some horrible things offensively in the second half.

The 'split the QB wide and run the option' nonsense showed me they didn't really have a lot of confidence in their QB...


I give Saban credit for benching his season-long QB at the half because if it didn't work, it was all his fault..

One other thing: Didnt the Alabama freshman QB remind you of Russell Wilson?


This playoff. to me, was a good example of why the 4-tean playoff is best.

I dont want the 8th best team to have ANY chance of playing in the national championship game. Ever

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10 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

Georgia did some horrible things offensively in the second half.

The 'split the QB wide and run the option' nonsense showed me they didn't really have a lot of confidence in their QB...


I give Saban credit for benching his season-long QB at the half because if it didn't work, it was all his fault..

One other thing: Didnt the Alabama freshman QB remind you of Russell Wilson?


This playoff. to me, was a good example of why the 4-tean playoff is best.

I dont want the 8th best team to have ANY chance of playing in the national championship game. Ever

You don't think UCF could have beat Alabama? I do. That was as good a reason as any to WHY you should go larger. Alabama didn't even win their conference. Many people think if you don't win your conference you shouldn't be there. Just goes to show that once your in....anything can happen.


8 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

Saban is the best coach in sports history. Only one that comes close is Belichick...but how many coaches can bench a starting QB at halftime of a championship game and win? Sabans probably the only one who could do that.

I don't know about that...Belicheck doesn't have 5 star freshman that he can just pull out of a hat at LT, RB, QB, and WR and still beat you. In college there is a huge gulf of talent between the haves and have nots. Saban didn't show me much last night. He made a desperation move to put in a freshman that was not prepared to play....made several shake my head freshman mistakes last night that should have lost Alabama the game. Problem was Georgia didn't capitalize on it. They didn't make him pay for his awful turnover nor the sack and on the 4th an 3 he throws a horrible pass when he should have checked down for a first down and the receiver he was throwing the ball to wasn't even the guy who caught it for a TD. Outside the defense he just got lucky. I will say this....on the Clemson game....give Nick Saban or Bill Belicheck (as we see in SBs) time to prepare....two weeks...a month...and your team will be at a huge disadvantage.

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8 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

And oh yeah...Kirby Smart has built a hell of a program with Georgia. They will be good for a long time. Hell of a game.

That team was mostly led by Mark Richt's players. It was chalk full of seniors. Kirby is a good coach and will have them playing well but he hasn't built anything. Guys like Chubb and Mikel were seniors that came back to try to win a championship...it is going to take that type of sacrifice to beat Alabama. No doubt this NC run will allow him to recruit much better but lets see him in a couple years when everybody is his.

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I keep seeing that play...two deep safeties....he has half the field and he is still sitting on the hashmarks worried about the other side of the field instead of the one wr that he is responsible for. Fill bad for the kid. I will say at least the Alabama kicker didn't have to try to redeem himself...poor kid...he was about to go down in Alabama folk lore. He was from Alabama and likely would have to leave the state.

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On ‎1‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 8:02 AM, dgambill said:

You don't think UCF could have beat Alabama? I do. That was as good a reason as any to WHY you should go larger. Alabama didn't even win their conference. Many people think if you don't win your conference you shouldn't be there. Just goes to show that once your in....anything can happen.



I dont want the 8th best team to play the top seed. I don't want UCF to have a chance to beat crushed by Alabama.

They didn't earn it.

That's why this present playoff works....You don't have teams that lost twice or played Raccoon State and Buckwheat Central 10 times to have ANY chance to win the title.


That's what makes it a title worth winning.

If UCF wants to have a shot at the national title., play Miami or Florida or Florida State.

Until then, have a parade,  split your squad and go play with yourself



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17 hours ago, oldunclemark said:


I dont want the 8th best team to play the top seed. I don't want UCF to have a chance to beat crushed by Alabama.

They didn't earn it.

That's why this present playoff works....You don't have teams that lost twice or played Raccoon State and Buckwheat Central 10 times to have ANY chance to win the title.


That's what makes it a title worth winning.

If UCF wants to have a shot at the national title., play Miami or Florida or Florida State.

Until then, have a parade,  split your squad and go play with yourself



So why are any of these other teams even in Division 1.....lets just limit it to Power 5 conferences. If your not in the SEC, ACC, BIG10, BIG12, or PAC 10 well you can't win a championship. It's not UCF's problem that the played Alabama in 2000 and beat them and now Alabama won't reschedule them. That Alabama plays Mercer instead of giving these other conferences games. UCF beat Memphis twice (top 20 team) and USF a very good team. Then they beat Auburn who beat both Georgia and Alabama. I'm not sitting here telling you they should be the champs but they certainly deserve a shot to prove it in a playoffs. How can EVERY SINGLE level of football have a playoffs where the conference winners makes the playoffs but NCAA Division 1 doesn't? High school everyone gets a shot, Division 2 and 3 conference winners make the playoffs, professional conference winners make the playoffs, heck I bet the new XFL will have its conference winners make the playoffs. Only in this college football does some random group arbitrarily decides who gets into the playoffs...its the DUMBEST thing ever. You don't think there is corruption involved in that?? If your not an Alabama, Ohio St., or Notre Dame of the world you don't get invited. Even rankings aren't always based on W/L records etc. This media person thinks this team should be rated high because its local...this guy hasn't even seen a game all year but votes for this team...its *ic. There are 10 conferences in Division 1. How hard would it be to set up a 16 team playoff. You take the 10 conference winners and add 6 at large bids (based on final rankings). Heck the NFL has 12 teams in the playoffs and college could copy that....top 4 teams in the country get a bye....then its 5 vs 12, 6 vs 11, 7 vs 10, 8 vs 9. Point being you leave no one out that won their conference and it even leaves room for teams like Alabama or OSU that got beat and didn't win their conference the last couple years. I just don't get your point....point being is when they play good teams...they beat them...including Auburn. Last time they played Alabama they beat them. You don't think they could beat them this year? Maybe, maybe not but they deserve a chance. How dumb would all sports be if they used college footballs rules for determing a champion? Well....the Cowboys didn't win their division but guess what...they have a huge fan following and will sell good to advertisers on tv so we will kick out the small market Minnesota because they played in the NFC North and that division sucked.

Everyone deserves a chance....little guys too...its what makes march madness awesome...its what also builds parity because those teams get on the big stage too and so every 5 star athlete in America sees they don't have to go play at Alabama to get notoriety. It's a bad system...it's flawed...and just because it's better than the old with only 2 teams elected to play doesn't mean its right...otherwise if your not a power 5 conference you can't compete....and thus every conference will keep losing schools and having them move over and over from one conference to another to find the best deal to be relevant. Let them all eat cake or just get rid of all these conferences outside the power 5 because it isn't right.

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    • I also forgot to say I think Buffalo will also have a down year. 
    • Yeah North.....maybe I got confused about the Pittsburgh Pirates playing in the central.  But I think before realignment there were only 3 divisions, I think.. Like the Colts and Dolphins played in the East, the Raiders and Broncos played in the West and the Steelers and Brownies played in the Central.  But yeah my mistake the Steelers currently in the North division. 
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    • "I think he flashed last year and can add some value to the LB room."  And I also responded directly to the LB room question. I will simplify, he has a looooow ceiling.   So what's the Problem, why argue?  
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