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Colts Favored to Win SB by Odds Makers


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I know, future odds don't mean jack (sort of). I realize odds are affected by many different factors, but it's cool to see the Colts favored to go to and win the SB by some odds makers. Obviously, there is some logic behind the numbers. The Colts are ranked between 1-4 on most of the future odds I just looked over.


Yeah, my subject is a little misleading as not all the odds makers have us a favorite, but a few do. :)

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We were favorites a ton through the Manning years and ended up just another horse

in the race. I Like that people see we have a chance but those odds mean absolutely

squat over the long haul season.


I agree, it means nothing over the long haul, but it's cool we're looked at by many as a good team, with a favorable chance to get to the SB.

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I agree, it means nothing over the long haul, but it's cool we're looked at by many as a good team, with a favorable chance to get to the SB.



It means guys that take bets for millions of $'s have us rated the 3rd-4th best team. It looks to me like Seattle and GB are 1-2 in most futures. We are right there with NE after those 2. You have to also remember that Seattle and GB have to "get by each other " to get to that game. So , IMO, those 2 teams are rated the highest

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I prefer being the underdog....

Yep, you're absolutely right Gramz. Under the radar is a beautiful place to be.


I know; I know RB Frank Gore doesn't exactly make INDY an underdog, but in the immortal words of Jethro Tull: "He who made kittens put snakes in the grass."


Translation: Go ahead under estimate INDY. We will answer the bell in crunch time this year. It's just an intuition I've got. To use a Toto line: "Hold The Line" & protect Luck & good things will happen this year.  

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We were favorites a ton through the Manning years and ended up just another horse

in the race. I Like that people see we have a chance but those odds mean absolutely

squat over the long haul season.

True GBTLP, odds are irrelevant. That is a valid point no argument there. Right now, I just wanna see INDY hang with NE in the regular season first. I'm not demanding a win here just show me we can at least be competitive & not get blown off the darn field. INDY needs to show it's fanbase & the rest of the NFL landscape that we are capable of stopping the bleeding on the ground vs NE. 

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It is certainly better to be one of the favourites, rather than a 100-1 outsider.

Off topic: I always enjoy how Canadians & citizens of Europe spell words. Very cool. In college, I always spelled colour with a U in it too even though it was always marked as an error in term papers even in grad school with my Master's thesis. I guess it always reminded me of the Middle Ages, The Canterbury Tales, & William Shakespeare at the Globe Theater too who always spelled words phonetically vs grammatically correct. 


My professors always pulled out the red pen & laughed. I think they half admired my stubborn persistence & tenacity. haha Okay, back on topic. Sorry for the brief detour folks.  

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Off topic: I always enjoy how Canadians & citizens of Europe spell words. Very cool. In college, I always spelled colour with a U in it too even though it was always marked as an error in term papers even in grad school with my Master's thesis. I guess it always reminded me of the Middle Ages, The Canterbury Tales, & William Shakespeare at the Globe Theater too who always spelled words phonetically vs grammatically correct.

My professors always pulled out the red pen & laughed. I think they half admired my stubborn persistence & tenacity. haha Okay, back on topic. Sorry for the brief detour folks.

A nice detour nonetheless SW. I work for a international firm, and my team just agreed that for any global communications, we would default to standard language style. S's instead of Z's (summarise not summarize) and U's in, not out. My US colleagues were pretty decent about it!

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A nice detour nonetheless SW. I work for a international firm, and my team just agreed that for any global communications, we would default to standard language style. S's instead of Z's (summarise not summarize) and U's in, not out. My US colleagues were pretty decent about it!

The way I look at it as long as I can figure out the word being used in question an additional z or u just adds some panache, mystique, & flavor for other languages & cultures outside of the United States. Oops! I mean flavour. LOL! I actually wore my thesis committee down & got a few misspelled versions of words in the final copy. Victory! Okay, that's probably funnier to me, a few canadians, [21st is Superman]& 1 Irishman I know with the initials BHC I know.


I'm glad to hear that American universities have started soften their position on spelling now that's nice to see & hear actually.  U's as a letter seldom get used anyway. I'd wear a bring back the Canadian & British U t-shirt. Yeah I know; I'm a strange cat. Just Colourful I guess.  :P


Nice chatting with you as always my friend.  :hat:

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The way I look at it as long as I can figure out the word being used in question an additional z or u just adds some panache, mystique, & flavor for other languages & cultures outside of the United States. Oops! I mean flavour. LOL! I actually wore my thesis committee down & got a few misspelled versions of words in the final copy. Victory! Okay, that's probably funnier to me, a few canadians, [21st is Superman]& 1 Irishman I know with the initials BHC I know.


I'm glad to hear that American universities have started soften their position on spelling now that's nice to see & hear actually.  U's as a letter seldom get used anyway. I'd wear a bring back the Canadian & British U t-shirt. Yeah I know; I'm a strange cat. Just Colourful I guess.  :P


Nice chatting with you as always my friend.  :hat:

Ditto. Sir. One small but very important point. I'm Scottish. Not seen Braveheart? Although it was filmed in Ireland, as it was too wet in Scotland (true).

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Ditto. Sir. One small but very important point. I'm Scottish. Not seen Braveheart? Although it was filmed in Ireland, as it was too wet in Scotland (true).

Yeah, I always forget that. BraveHeart was shot in Ireland & William Wallace was Scottish. My apologies. I need to think of your username origins like Scottie from the original "Star Trek" TV Show. That I will remember. 


LOL! Yes, I have seen BraveHeart. It's been a few years though. Thanks for understanding & not decapitating me & sending my limbs to my enemies BTW. At least, put my head on a spike as boats float down the Thames River. If I go down, I wanna be a well respect legend in my ultimate demise. Just Kidding! My old professor Dr. Lundeen now deceased would have loved that joke. A little morbid yes, but he always told the best stories both in class & real life. A great guy. 


You're alright BHC. I'll even let you bagpipes in my presence if you want & they aren't exactly my favorite instrument either. I don't know how you handle all that rain though. Kudos sir! You're a better man than I. 


1 last point: If I ever need asylum, can you put in an elevator before I run to the roof of your tallest structure probably a church & yell "Sanctuary" too? I don't maneuver steps so well. Thanks. 


Okay, I'll shut up now.  :P

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I do think we make the SB this year, we'll take that next step forward at least, winning it depends on the opponent we face there.

Well, we're undefeated against Seattle and Green Bay since Luck arrived.  So we CAN play with them.  Looks like the only teams that really have our number are NE, Pittsburgh, St., Louis, Arizona and Dallas.  They all blew us out when we played them.  

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