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QB Wonderlic Scores Revealed....

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Jameis scores a very solid 27.


Mariotta an even better score of 33.


These are both very good scores.    But it only means so much.    A few years ago,  Blaine Gabbert scored one of the best wonderlic's ever....   a 42.    And we all know how his career turned out.


Read on for more QB scores, including that guy from Indianapolis....   I always forget his name but I understand he's really good!






Also....   here's another link which has many, many more wonderlic scores.    Think you'll find some of them to be really interesting...




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If this aptitude test is similar to an SAT exam to get into college, I don't put much stock in it because I never take random tests well, but if I attend a class or seminar regularly or in person I do perfectly fine. 


Congratulations to those NFL athletes who earned high marks on the Wonderlic like Luck, but bombing this test doesn't mean a player is destined for failure either.


Just another pheasant under glass, jump through hops test which proves nothing. Intelligence comes in many forms not just random evaluation. 

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I scored a 39 on my wonderlic test. That's what I got on the sample one on here. I'm not surprised either of these guys did well. It's not the brain of Winston that's the concern, it's the character issues. I have a feeling he's bipolar or something. Mariota seems like he understand things perfectly and is the squeaky clean boy scout (Peyton Manning), but has the playing playing style of RGIII. Honestly, the most important trait of a QB is intelligence, and I defy anyone to tell me otherwise. That's how you stay in the NFL for a long time. I think both of these guys have that covered. If Winston stays out of trouble, his football intelligence along with being a pocket passer should carry him a long way. With Mariota, if he can learn an NFL System besides the spread offense, he will get very far. They already have the intelligence, and that's half the battle.

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If this aptitude test is similar to an SAT exam to get into college, I don't put much stock in it because I never take random tests well, but if I attend a class or seminar regularly or in person I do perfectly fine. 


Congratulations to those NFL athletes who earned high marks on the Wonderlic like Luck, but bombing this test doesn't mean a player is destined for failure either.


Just another pheasant under glass, jump through hops test which proves nothing. Intelligence comes in many forms not just random evaluation

Absolutely. It can be as simple as "are you intelligent enough to stay out of trouble" to "can you learn an NFL Playbook." There are others like "how do you react to certain decisions on the field quickly" to "can you run a two minute drill." Every decision you make can affect your football career on and off the field and it's based on intelligence. 

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Absolutely. It can be as simple as "are you intelligent enough to stay out of trouble" to "can you learn an NFL Playbook." There are others like "how do you react to certain decisions on the field quickly" to "can you run a two minute drill." Every decision you make can affect your football career on and off the field and it's based on intelligence. 

Yeah, I'm assuming it's a way to test your time management skills, your demeanor under high pressure situations, conflict resolution qualities, & never embarrass the owner who cuts your game checks. 


Stuff like this: It's midnight & you have a game tomorrow against a heated division rival. What should you do? a. Drive to a gentlemen's club, b. Smoke an illegal narcotic, c. Flash money in the VIP section or d. Just get some sleep & rest comfortably at home? 


It's sounds funny asking do you know how to avoid bad situations but I guess given some athletes backgrounds & the company they may keep may help owners put resources in place to assist high risk players who are talented but lack good judgement overall. 


I just really wanna know can you play football at a high level, inspire people around you to perform remarkable feats based on trust, & can I be confident that winning games for this franchise is your #1 priority not women, not booze, & not materialistic obsessions that the owner's money provides? What will you do to make the community a better place for local fans & citizens? 


I imagine there's a lot of overlap between Combine interviews, Wonderlic questions, private workout sessions, & film study inquires. All designed to see if all the responses & actions of a sought after player justifies the lucrative salary he is about to get paid in just a couple more weeks. Lining all the ducks up in a row for financial & character evaluation in the end.  

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Yeah, I'm assuming it's a way to test your time management skills, your demeanor under high pressure situations, conflict resolution qualities, & never embarrass the owner who cuts your game checks. 


Stuff like this: It's midnight & you have a game tomorrow against a heated division rival. What should you do? a. Drive to a gentlemen's club, b. Smoke an illegal narcotic, c. Flash money in the VIP section or d. Just get some sleep & rest comfortably at home? 

That's probably somewhat close. I took a sample test and nothing like that was on there, it was mostly math and word association questions. However, I'm sure they wouldn't reveal what's on the real test. This could be something of a common sense question. In any case, I can't wait for the draft, 2 weeks away! Will be watching and recording it.

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I scored a 39 on my wonderlic test. That's what I got on the sample one on here. I'm not surprised either of these guys did well. It's not the brain of Winston that's the concern, it's the character issues. I have a feeling he's bipolar or something. Mariota seems like he understand things perfectly and is the squeaky clean boy scout (Peyton Manning), but has the playing playing style of RGIII. Honestly, the most important trait of a QB is intelligence, and I defy anyone to tell me otherwise. That's how you stay in the NFL for a long time. I think both of these guys have that covered. If Winston stays out of trouble, his football intelligence along with being a pocket passer should carry him a long way. With Mariota, if he can learn an NFL System besides the spread offense, he will get very far. They already have the intelligence, and that's half the battle.


Just wondering....


On your test where you scored a 39...   did you take it in the 12 minute time frame?


Just asking.....

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That's probably somewhat close. I took a sample test and nothing like that was on there, it was mostly math and word association questions. However, I'm sure they wouldn't reveal what's on the real test. This could be something of a common sense question. In any case, I can't wait for the draft, 2 weeks away! Will be watching and recording it.

Ooh Math was never my strong suit & word association would get me into trouble with my sarcastic humor. Enjoy the draft Jared & kudos on your high score of 39. Well done!


Has anybody who got a low Wonderlic score ever made into into the NFL HOF? I have no idea when the test was 1st administered by the League.  

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Color me impressed!       :thmup:


Damn impressed!            :worthy:

Thank you! I got 5 of the first 10 wrong in the first 3 minutes, so I just took a deep breath, calmed down, and got 34 of the remaining 40 correct in 6 minutes. I wasn't mentally prepared when it started, so I had to put myself in a good spot, which is probably indicative of the real test. 

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Ooh Math was never my strong suit & word association would get me into trouble with my sarcastic humor. Enjoy the draft Jared & kudos on your high score of 39. Well done!


Has anybody who got a low Wonderlic score ever made into into the NFL HOF? I have no idea when the test was 1st administered by the League.  

Thank you very much on the props, I had to really focus to do that well. I'm curious on how some of the HOFers scores are as well. I believe Marino and Terry Bradshaw had low scores and they are HOFers. Not sure on anyone else. I think a lot of players get lower scores than we think. 

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Give Goodell the test & let's see what the outcome is. It reminds of when governors require high school students to pass a test about the history of their state prior to graduating. Could they pass it themselves? I always wonder about stuff like that. Stipulations other authority figures make citizens partake in that they may never get tested on themselves. 


In fairness to Roger, maybe he took the Wonderlic when he was named NFL Commissioner. I have no idea. 

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Give Goodell the test & let's see what the outcome is. It reminds when governors require high school students to pass a test about the history of their state prior to graduating. Could they pass it themselves? I always wonder about stuff like that. Stipulations other authority figures make citizens partake in that they may never get tested on themselves. 


In fairness to Roger, maybe he took the Wonderlic when he was named NFL Commissioner. I have no idea. 

That's interesting, it'd be a good qualification for him. However, I don't know if the real Wonderlic has to do with Football intelligence, regular intelligence, book smarts, street smarts, or something else. It would be fun to see the result.

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I scored a 39 on my wonderlic test. That's what I got on the sample one on here. I'm not surprised either of these guys did well. It's not the brain of Winston that's the concern, it's the character issues. I have a feeling he's bipolar or something. Mariota seems like he understand things perfectly and is the squeaky clean boy scout (Peyton Manning), but has the playing playing style of RGIII. Honestly, the most important trait of a QB is intelligence, and I defy anyone to tell me otherwise. That's how you stay in the NFL for a long time. I think both of these guys have that covered. If Winston stays out of trouble, his football intelligence along with being a pocket passer should carry him a long way. With Mariota, if he can learn an NFL System besides the spread offense, he will get very far. They already have the intelligence, and that's half the battle.


I remember that one, I wouldn't put too much stock into it.  It was way too easy. . . everyone was scoring highly and we all did better then Luck did based on that test.  


Not saying anyone here is stupid or anything but that test seemed way too easy and I have a hard time believing we're all smarter  at that kind of stuff (much of which was math) then a Stanford Architectural graduate.

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I would be surprised if the Wonderlic test that was on here was realistic.  I can't remember my score but the only current player that scored higher was Fitzpatrick.  I'm not dumb, but far from Harvard smart.

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