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Question of the Day - 06/12


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A trident Colts bucket list you say. Okay, here we go...


1. Crush RG3 in Andrew Luck's 1st SB Indy 35 Washington 17. 


2. Force ESPN First Take Host Skip Bayless to publicly acknowledge that Andrew Luck is a legitimate superstar QB.


3. Have Robert Mathis have a record setting sack season despite his initial 4 game suspension as well as witness Bradshaw, Ballard, & Richardson chew up teams on the ground all year long & spit them out like bubble gum.


Works for me man... :thmup:

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:blueshoe:   I'd say it's fair to say that ALL of us have "bucket lists" - some personal - some professional.

Personal bucket list...That's a whole different animal outside of a Colts context.


Athletes never interest me that much meeting them I mean. I am always intrigued by top notch musicians & comedians actually. That's my natural element actually: Creative geniuses that blow me away playing an instrument or making me laugh my caboose off. 


There are a few actors/ actresses that I wouldn't mind chilling with for a weekend too. Bruce Willis, Robert Redford, Samuel L. Jackson, Meg Ryan, Jennifer Connelly, Zoe Saldana etc. etc. 


I love watching NFL games, but meeting players personally means nothing to me at all. I respect certain guys like Manning, Brady, Jason Pierre Paul, Brees, & Mathis sure. But, I have zero interest in chilling with them. 

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mine involves cheerleaders & is inappropriate for the forum 



:lol:  :funny:  lmao  Now that was hilarious SDS! But, to be fair, what eye candy do female NFL fans get though? Fair is fair & we need to give the ladies something to fawn over besides QBs I'm just sayin...

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