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Vontaes' Interview At The End Of The Game. Funny!


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That's what so funny about this kid... he's actually not dumb at all. Scored a 33 on the wonderlic, same score as Brady and higher than Peyton, Ryan, Brees, Culter, Griffin, Wilson, Rivers, Schaub. He's just kind of... haha.

^^^This ... If you ever follow some of his twitter conversations he seems like an intelligent guy.  I don't know if it was a slip of the tongue or an inside joke, but he definitely is not dumb.

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Thanks Buck. I appreciate that. To tell you the truth, I realize that Andrew Luck is our future, which looks quite bright & shimmering in scope. I am just very protective of Peyton Manning. I just wanted 18 to have a respectable homecoming & he did for all intensive purposes. Now, the smoke can clear & the 2 cities and fanbases can drop the media frenzy & resume normal football activities & game preparation duties without further distraction. 


I don't usually volunteer for the firing squad onslaught unless I believe that a person I admire has been slighted in some way. Then, I step up front & center for whatever heat & friction awaits me.


Silence is a form of acceptance & occasionally it is mandatory that defiance gets displayed in order to avoid a blind endorsement of the status quo. JMO.  


SW, looks like everything is cool, I thumb through the posts in question . . . . but like Buck said you always so very respectful of posters and players, even players on the other side of the ball . . . and to see you take a such a . . . ah . .  um . . . firm stance on a position against a player like Vontae seemed really out of character . . . I had to read your post a couple of times as it did not seem like you . . . glad that you have qualified it . . . not to say the original post was out of line or not, but did not seem like you . . . given you have almost 10,000 post, the one in question kind of went against the other 9000+ . . .   :)


I always enjoy your posts SW . . . :cheer2:  :number1:  :cheer:

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Forgive me if someone already commented on this, but I thought it was hilarious

when I heard him say it.  I think it was Bob Costas who had asked Vontae about 

the game and playing Peyton Manning.   I wish I had a link


Vontae responded by saying "Yeah we worked real hard all week preparing for Tom Brady and we came together as a team and beat him today".  They finished the interview and Bob Costas looked at the camera and started laughing.  He said something like "Did you hear him? He said they prepared for Tom Brady all week!"  It was too funny when I watched it live.

Vonate doesn't get interviewed much...

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