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Samson Satele's knee


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Hey Colts fans...Bronco fan here.  First off congrats on the win.  The Colts have been proving all year that they are one of the best teams in the NFL after beating Seattle, San Fran and now Denver.  Luck is the real deal.  

Anyway, thought I'd weight in on the Vickerson cheap shot from a Bronco fan perspective.  In all the years I've seen Vickerson play for Denver, I've never seen him this frustrated.  Clearly the Colts were in his head and he thought he'd take matters into his own hands.  I personally like Vickerson as a player, but what he did on Sunday was shameful.  I understand from his perspective that he felt justified to get revenge on the cheapshot that Satele put on him earlier in the game.  But whether he took a cheap shot or not, it gives him no right to seek revenge like that, no matter what happened.  I know as a Colts fan you look at Vickerson and think the guy is trash and everything, but I just wanted to say as a Bronco fan, what he did was trash, vicious and cheap, but this isn't Vickerson's typical style.  I gotta stick up for my team because I've been watching him play since he got to Denver a few years ago and this is the first time I've ever seen the guy do something like this and lose his cool.


The Colts had the Broncos truly frustrated and flustered for the first time this year and Vickerson clearly let it get inside his head and it led to him taking some bad penalties and delivering a cheap shot.  I don't believe Vickerson is a classless player, but what he did on the field that day was the definition of classless and it was a poor decision on his part to let his emotions get the better of him. Anyway, just wanted to congratulate you guys on the win and let you know that most bronco fans feel the same way. Was listening to the sports talk in Denver today and they were all over Vickerson for this...they too agree this isn't like him and it was a shame he went that route in the game.


Well good luck Colts with the rest of the season, and glad to hear that the MRI came back negative...sucks about Reggie Wayne though...I thought that guy was invincible. Hopefully we'll see you guys again in the playoffs...I'd love to see a rematch, hopefully in Denver this time :)

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Kevin Vickerson fined $10,000 for unnecessary roughness

In the third quarter, Vickerson was fined for unsportsmanlike conduct on an extra point. On the play, Vickerson went over the top of Colts center Samson Satele, then appeared to strike downward at Satele. At play’s end, Satele was holding his right knee in pain.


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I think the ref standing right there should also be fined . He was looking right at it the entire time and did nothing. While I'm glad to see vickerson fined, 10,000 is nothing to these guys who make millions a year. He should have been fined at least 6 figures, then if satele has to sit out due to the injury, Vick should have to sit out the same amount. Unpaid. I think that's the only way to curb this nonsense cheap shots we are seeing so much off. Vickerson purposely tried to end sateles season and possibly his career. I'm not a Satele fan but gotta give him credit for not just beating the snot out of vickerson(and the rest of the colts for not doing it either)

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Look what happened to the Saints for just "incouraging" actions less than this. In no way was this any type of football move, let alone a "rough" one. The NFL just wants to cover this up and when someone finely punches someone a QB in the throat, this type of assault will finely get the coverage and attention it deserved here, but did not get. P.S. How many players get "frustrated" and don't punch players sololy to put them out of the game/end career.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I think the ref standing right there should also be fined . He was looking right at it the entire time and did nothing. While I'm glad to see vickerson fined, 10,000 is nothing to these guys who make millions a year. He should have been fined at least 6 figures, then if satele has to sit out due to the injury, Vick should have to sit out the same amount. Unpaid. I think that's the only way to curb this nonsense cheap shots we are seeing so much off. Vickerson purposely tried to end sateles season and possibly his career. I'm not a Satele fan but gotta give him credit for not just beating the snot out of vickerson(and the rest of the colts for not doing it either)

I agree...but my guess is the NFL took Vickerson's history (or lack of) into account.  If this was Suh he'd be suspended.

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