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Realistic Look At Season


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We all know this season is a lost one. Between Manning's injury and the injuries to our OL and secondary, we are not going to be in the mix for the post season. Speculation on where we end up in the draft order will remain just that for at least another 2 months, but let's take a look at what could happen and why.

Week 1 - Texans - Loss - Collins was overwhelmed by the need to learn the offense and the Texans defense.

Week 2 - Browns - Loss - Collins continues to struggle and the defense can't stop anyone.

Week 3 - Steelers - Loss - Collins gets concussion, Painter thrown in and begins to show life, even though giving up a fumble for td, Defense plays well except for one big play. Should have won this one.

Week 4 - Bucs - Loss - Painter continues to play well for 1/2 of a game, but 2 half woes really kick in - Defense dies.

Week 5 - Chiefs - Loss - Painter has another great half, but second half woes on defense kill us. No offense after halftime. No question we should have won this one.

Current record - 0 - 5

That is the easy part. Now, how does what we have seen transfer to the rest of the season? My prediction and why is in bold.

Week 6 - Bengals - Loss - Bengals have been playing great defense and our OL is a wreck through injuries. Bengals have a young qb who looks good and, well do we have a secondary?

Week 7 - Saints - Loss - Drew Brees throwing to receivers who are running through our non-secondary. NFL could see its first 750 yard passing performance from a qb.

Week 8 - Titans - Loss - Titans are playing reasonably well. Johnson will kill our run D and Hasselback will have his best day in years.

Record at midway point of the season - 0 - 8

Week 9 - Atlanta - Loss - Between Turner and Ryan, our defense gets gashed again in the second half after holding up for 30 minutes. Our offense is just not able to win shootouts and our defense can't stop them from happening.

Week 10 - Jaguars - Win - Yes, a win. The Jags are all contemplating their move to LA and are truly even worse than we are this year.

Week 11 - Bye - Unfortunately we are only able to manage a tie this week.

Week 12- Panthers - Loss - I have been amazed at how well Newton is throwing. Our secondary can not keep up with Smith and I don't think our offense can score enough to make up.

Week 13- Pats - Loss - I hate to have to write this, but our secondary could give up its second 750 yard game.

Week 14 - Ravens - Loss - I have to say it, there will be all kinds of happy Baltimore fans to finally get their revenge.

Week 15 - Titans - I think that the Luke will be their downfall. Johnson kill us again, but Painter finally brings us back for a win.

Week 16 - Texans - Loss - yes, I think that Painter has gotten truly comfortable and is using Wayne, Collie and Clark as well as Garcon, but the defense will get gashed again on the ground, and our non-existent secondary continues to get burned by constantly giving up mid-range completions.

Week 17 - Jags - Win- As the Jags contemplate their move to LA, they have constantly complained about nagging injuries and are even more depleted than we are.

Final record - 3-13

Draft position #2 behind Miami.

Sorry it was so long, but we are in for a long season.

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I like what I see from Painter (never thought I'd say that).

Angerer has done well with the most tackles in the league...but that also says that our defense can't get off the field so he has to make tackles.

Weakness in secondary has been exposed. Try out the new CB's and let them get some time. No playoffs this season anyway. I'd like to have seen a trade of some kind for a veteran safety.

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Nice job, but Painter is getting better... who knows. I don't think we go anywhere but maybe we end up 4-12 maybe 5-11. Two wins vs the Jags, 1 vs Titans, and the Panthers. I still think we do horribly in the end.

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i can see you are not aware of the adjustments the coaches made this week

dude NO ONE is aware of the adjustments the coaches made this week because all you do is go around to different threads and say you have "a guy" at practice, and then when people ask you what your "guy" has told you, you tell us to "wait and see" and that "jim told you first"

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i can see you are not aware of the adjustments the coaches made this week

Jim... smh wth. How do u know if they've made adjustements. No one is allowed in... and even if they did, it won't affect our play unless we pick up the Hulk and Ray Lewis. Seriously, if you don't know what you're talking about, and you're making up nonsense like that, just be quiet.

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