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Brad Wells Apologizes.... Admits Mistake....


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Don't make me go Old Crow!


Let me get this straight. Just because I state that I need concrete proof that BHC & Brad Wells are indeed the same person you falsely assert that I am somehow a mole planted to defend him? Clearly, you have a vivid imagination who should be writing best selling science fiction novels. Naturally Zachris, you are certainly entitled to your own point of view.

"Well, I guess I can report him to the mods for claiming to be someone he isn't... BHC should be banned from the forums if this is actually true, because you should not come here, representing to be someone you are not." 2 questions: What evidence do you have to demonstrate that BHC & Bred Wells are the same individual & even if you confirm your hypothesis what's the point? No one is forcing anyone to read his stories or even believe them.

Look, people can have their opinions on any subject, but they are not entitled to their own facts or rather blind assertions regarding someone's reputation do not qualify as facts, especially when conjecture & speculation are used to replace facts. Could you be correct about Brad Wells true identity? Sure, but the lack of evidence/the absence of evidence does not = evidence either.

Regarding SW1, I never went to journalism school, but I have taken a few editing & technical writing classes back in my undergraduate college days. That hardly qualifies me to serve as a reporter for a reputable newspaper with a corresponding website & a few online blogs. Next question: Why am I so vigorously defending BHC? The guy makes me laugh & anyway I am really defending anyone who is bombarded with unfair accusations pertaining to their reputation, ethical practices, & core principles inherent in their profession. If the shoe was flipped on the other foot, I would defend your reputation, honor, & integrity with the same passion & conviction Zachris. Have a nice day.

Thank you sir, but this was not needed. The fella's gone a bit mad. Funny thing was, I only suggested I was Brad's wife......that will teach me.

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Thank you sir, but this was not needed. The fella's gone a bit mad. Funny thing was, I only suggested I was Brad's wife......that will teach me.

Anytime BHC. When people attack my friends without provocation or proof, I tend to respond...aggressively...Politely, but aggressively. Fairness & loyalty to my friends means everything to me.  :thmup:


Yes, it was necessary because unsubstantiated allegations against any one individual directly starts a chain reaction & slippery slope mentality that no one on this forum wants or deserves IMO. Not to say that opinions cannot be stated. Rather, a clear distinction must be made between opinions & facts. They are mutually exclusive not 1 & the same thing particularly when personal reputations are involved. Thank you. 

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Anytime BHC. When people attack my friends without provocation or proof, I tend to respond...aggressively...Politely, but aggressively. Fairness & loyalty to my friends means everything to me.  :thmup:


Yes, it was necessary because unsubstantiated allegations against any one individual directly starts a chain reaction & slippery slope mentality that no one on this forum wants or deserves IMO. Not to say that opinions cannot be stated. Rather, a clear distinction must be made between opinions & facts. They are mutually exclusive not 1 & the same thing particularly when personal reputations are involved. Thank you. 

Good point. I retract my last statement. Much appreciated sir....

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A crudite couldn't possibly know...



:P  haha I have been called dumb as a cucumber before. Usually, when I am defending someone & the other person gets sick of me, calls me an unflattering name, gives up, & leaves.  Not to say that I win every verbal skirmish that I engage in. I have the scares to prove it actually both physical & psychological to be honest with ya. But, if you stand up for what is right, it's always worth it even if you get your caboose kicked 6 ways from Sunday. 


Yup, just call me Mr. Broccoli.  :lol:




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Darn it again. You got me. You make Columbo look like an amateur. Mods, send me to the sin bin for a few weeks.


Sucks to be proven wrong again and again.  It is ok, you and your room mate SW1 keep having a converstation between yourselves.  haha

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Hey BHC, 


I just noticed your signature slogan: "If I make a comment and it is not backed up by factual evidence, take it as my opinion, and my opinion only" I hope bloggers see it & it actually sinks in.


Sure, there are times when I rant against the Dallas Cowboys & the spotlight they don't deserve & haven't deserved since 1995/1996. But, my point is this: Most bloggers can detect from my tone that I have been raised to detest the Cowboys since I was 6. No factual evidence can prove behind the shadow of a doubt my extreme dislike for the silver & blue star. It's only my opinion.


The irony is that writers we love reading in sports usually are more entertaining when they make something personal, give us their opinion, & their justification for that belief. No one wants to read endless statistical numbers alone with no stance on an issue or debate. In other words, fans of any writer usually like them because they subscribe to the same viewpoint as they do & that preference usually derives directly from humor, context, applying certain situations to their own lives, & stating the obvious in a fresh & unorthodox way seldom seen before.   


Statistics play a role sure, but if all you did was list facts endlessly, a writer's followers would abandon his/her stories in droves like dropping a huge bolder into a tiny pond. That writer would be let go in about a month. People claim they want facts, but usually they prefer clever opinions & controversial conclusions. Why? It sparks lively debate & discourse that people remember. Getting along or total agreement typically fades fast & is rarely remembered IMO.  

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Sucks to be proven wrong again and again.  It is ok, you and your room mate SW1 keep having a converstation between yourselves.  haha

"I think we just found Brad Well's account!  I knew he was on here!" --Zachris.


Some people devote their life's work to feeding the homeless, curing drug addiction, or eradicating breast cancer. Clearly, not everyone sets such lofty aspirations for themselves. To each their own I guess Zachris. Proving that one man has a dual identity [bHC/Brad Wells] is not my idea of a worthy endeavor or time well spent. Knock yourself out sir.  Have a wonderful day. 

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