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Peyton Manning's Wealth Figures.

King Colt

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A quick Google search shows Peyton worth between $250 and $300 million.

Eli is worth $150 million.

MaHomes is worth $70 million but is quickly rising.

Tom Brady - $300 million

Joe Montana - $150 million


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Yeah, Patrick Mahomes has a minority stake in the Kansas City Royals. Once Tom Brady's minority stake in the Vegas Raiders is approved by the owners, his net worth will start increasing too.


Dallas Cowboys QB Roger Staubach, because he ventured into real estate, his net worth is also high. The ventures outside football is what is going to end up raking more money for these athletes.

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22 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:


 Manning is just as focused at gaining wealth as he was being MVP.

Not saying you are doing it, but Manning did win 2 SB's, only 12 others QBs have won 2 or more. So it wasn't like Manning wasn't a winner + he brought Indianapolis their only title too. Not even Reggie Miller did that. 


He could've been Dan Marino or Jim Kelly, I would love to see your posts if that happened. Let me hear your thoughts on Reggie Miller, you must think he is a bum. People in here drive me nuts SMH. The Simpsons GIF by KiwiGo (KGO)

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Nothing wrong with trying to make your post-NFL career as lucrative as possible.


He has multiple investments in companies - and - has established himself as a top-level sales & marketing icon.


Additionally  - he and the Manning family - as a whole - are a very charitable family.


I wish him well as he continues in his post-NFL career.


He and his family should have long-term financial success.

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