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Something You Might Want To Know About Tom Moore Being Honored


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I have a friend who has this sports radio network (Balance Radio Network) and I call in most Saturdays morning around 9 a.m. to discuss FF and other sports.

He had Phil Wilson from the Indy Star for the first time this morning and Phil Wilson was talking about the stories that are still trickling from 56th St. about Chris Polian. He specified one instance where it was Peyton Manning's idea to honor Tom Moore to begin with before one of our games and Bill Polian was crediting Chris Polian for it. Phil Wilson found out that Peyton was livid that it was spun that way.

Just thought I'd pass it along. Phil did specify that he wanted the Colts to still go all in with Peyton despite drafting Luck but Kravitz, as you probably know, wants to rebuild with Luck.

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Hm....that seems a little fishy to me. I don't think Peyton would be livid at something like this, he isn't that selfish. He is always team-first and passes the credit to his teammates and coaches. I don't think he cares who gets the credit as long as Moore gets the accolade.

I also don't mean this as a personal shot or anything, but what are you trying to achieve with this thread? Just to get people mad at Chris and Bill?

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I also don't mean this as a personal shot or anything, but what are you trying to achieve with this thread? Just to get people mad at Chris and Bill?

We are bound to hear more stories trickle down from 56th St. in the news. So, just take this thread of mine as a prelude. :) Just got off the show, so shared what I heard on the show.

It is not like I need to give a reason for folks to get people mad at Chris and Bill, do I? :) The ones that have always been mad will still find a reason to be mad, don't you think? Me giving one more reason is not going to change the status quo, IMO.

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I also don't mean this as a personal shot or anything, but what are you trying to achieve with this thread? Just to get people mad at Chris and Bill?

Always a popular passtime, but more likely he was just touting his friends show since they got a name guest on. Pretty cool I admit (for what I assume is essentially a podcast), but I hate the whole "fragmentation of the news and entertainment business" nonsense and would never bother listening to stuff like this myself. I also hate the fact that Wilson - who I was just applauding the other day for his concilitary tone - is investing his time being this petty and vindictive. Says more about him than it does about Polian.

Oh, and the story itself is just silly. Peyton made his feelings about Polian pretty clear. A third hand unconfirmed report about a trivial incident (is it not possible that more than one person had the idea - Peyton got livid? Come on!) doesn't reveal any deep insight on this thoroughly beaten horse.

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Hm....that seems a little fishy to me. I don't think Peyton would be livid at something like this, he isn't that selfish. He is always team-first and passes the credit to his teammates and coaches. I don't think he cares who gets the credit as long as Moore gets the accolade.

I also don't mean this as a personal shot or anything, but what are you trying to achieve with this thread? Just to get people mad at Chris and Bill?

Just one more straw couldn't hurt.


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