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Terry Williams- A missing man?

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Darn, there goes my favorite remaining UDFA. La'el Collins or bust now I guess! haha just kidding, but sad to see Williams go to Chicago.

Yeah same here I think he could of easily came in a pushed for a roster spot. I do hope we go after Collins though if he clears his name. He is way to talented to not have us pursue him. They say that good teams like us don't get good UDFA because it is too hard to make the roster. Well we have a need for depth at T and possibly might have a hole there if Cherilus doesn't make a recovery. Hope that might be enough to win him over to the Colts as we are winning organization. The real nice thing is that we can match pretty much anyone's offer as all teams are limited to what they can offer him due to the CBA.

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    • Maybe at a pro level but I’m guessing they battle the same issues. When you lose weight it’s never just all muscle or all fat.  The three years I played I would lose at least 10lbs through the season. Wasn’t able to lift like I did in the offseason bc something always hurt. Nearly half of the weeks were mostly stretching and cardio trying to let the body heal. 
    • Im not expecting anything from the Colts ant least in the short term.  Assuming the Colts are even interested in either Simmons or Diggs I think those guys will wait for camp and an inevitable injury.  That will motivate teams to up their offer.   And that would — in theory — include the Colts.   I’m not expecting anything from the Colts until Aug 1 at the earliest.      I’d like a signing, so I hope I’m wrong and a quality signing happens sooner than later.    
    • You may be right about the Colts. But I sure hope not. 
    • Injuries always happen during the training camp phase. Always. Those available will be signed eventually at some point next month.    As for the Colts? We’re going to roll out who we have. 
    • I agree Adams wasn’t a likely target. But often  a signing like this just prior to camp gets the ball rolling for the other unsigned vets. I’d expect some immediate action now that Adams is off the table. Hopefully the Colts are in the game. 
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