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Chip Kelly and Eagles plotting to trade up for Mariota


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Let's remember to revisit this . Your stance is he will be 1.1 or 1.2 this year as he would have also been 1.1 last year. I say he drops in this draft as teams figure it out that he's a product of that system. IMO he has questionable accuracy , good but not outstanding arm strength , played in an offense that didn't require NFL the reads .. see RG3. I think Winston goes higher ..

Winston may go higher, but that doesn't mean it is justified. The kid is the definition of red flag and if a team wants to take that chance over a smart, well-spoken athletic guy then they can. If Mariota drops past 2, I don't think he falls past St. Louis.
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Winston may go higher, but that doesn't mean it is justified. The kid is the definition of red flag and if a team wants to take that chance over a smart, well-spoken athletic guy then they can. If Mariota drops past 2, I don't think he falls past St. Louis.



Huge difference between 1.1 and 1.10 but I do agree with you that Winston has too many red flags to warrant 1.1. I guess I'm of the opinion that we might have hit a dry spell with franchise QBs. I didn't like Bortles coming out and I think he's far from a sure thing. Maybe Bridgewater might be the real deal ? As for Mariota , I hope he makes it as he's a great kid. He makes some really nice throws but his arm reminds me of Matt Leinart's. Actually I hope your right on him...

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I don't know what you all can't see with Mariota, unless you haven't watched him much. I have seen every single snap, every single play this kid has made since his first game at Oregon. I said from the first time I saw him, that he is a special player, and that he would become the best QB in college, and then go onto a great pro career. People say he can't run a pro style offense...I read that around 80 percent of the plays in the nfl are run from the shotgun. How much does Luck go from the shotgun? I'm not comparing Luck to Mariota, as Marcus is still very young and needs to continue to work and grow, as all players do. He has the size, intelligence, poise, arm strength, leadership, and escapability that is needed at the QB position. He works and studies hard to improve, just like Peyton and Luck, and also, like those two, is a great role model for all.


He is not and RGIII clone. Marcus is an awesome athlete that I have seen many times stand in the pocket, and throw beautiful in stride passes to his receivers. I've seen him also tak some hard hits and still complete the pass, while other times using his great speed and agility to escape pressure and still hit his target down field, or, when he has to take off with his 4-4 speed. You all say that Russell Wison is such a great QB, well, you will all find out that Marcus will be as good or better than Wilson, due to his physical attributes.


A lot of people have their opinions, and you all are welcome to them. But like the opinions of TY have changed dramatically from when he got drafted, and people saying he wasn't going to be good, or couldn't make it, or he drops too many passes, he is now our best receiver, and is getting better and better.


Don't be too quick to judge Mariota..He is going to do well in the NFL.

A nice scout breakdown there TYG. To answer your question, no I haven't seen Mariota play 1 down in a college game beyond a few ESPN highlights anyway. Nevertheless, as an author, you're very persuasive. You cold sell ice to an eskimo man.  :thmup:

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I think with chip kellys mind, he can prolly make geno look elite. Anything is possible with this guy. With the proper coaching its possible.

Now, you have peaked my interest bap1331. Just for the hades of it, let's bring back former Raiders QB Jamarcus Russell for a year & see what wizardry Coach Kelly can conjure up for giggles shall we...


If he pulls this off, he will have a new nickname "Magic Man." I feel a Heart song coming on...No, I will spare you all the joy of posting the number in a You Tube clip. It's one of my favorites, but I digress. Too much INFO? My bad. LOL! 


But, I suppose taking Geno Smith under his wing & making him look respectable as a QB is worthy of a miracle so both field general career resurrection projects would be fascinating to watch either way. So, let's roll the dice on this hypothetical scenario & see what happens... :P 


Besides, Chip loves to accumulate QBs like baseball chewing gum cards anyway so why not roll with it anyway? It's right in his wheelhouse of mirrors strategy of throw tradition to the wind so it makes sense in an unconventional way. 

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Do they really need one?  One could make the case that Kelly has a QB-proof offense in Philly.  He's made Foles look like an elite player and has made Sanchez look like a viable starting option.  I'm not saying they don't need a franchise QB; I'm just playing Devil's advocate here.

Even I must admit that I didn't think his well conditioned, high octane offense would work in the NFL. Chip Kelly made me eat crow & see the light. If he can win a a football game with Sanchez at the helm, who can't he win with at QB? An excellent point 21. 


Chip might even make former Jacksonville Jaguars QB Blaine Gabbert look competent. Imagine that. Whoa dude. I just blew your mind didn't I? Just Kidding! 

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Huge difference between 1.1 and 1.10 but I do agree with you that Winston has too many red flags to warrant 1.1. I guess I'm of the opinion that we might have hit a dry spell with franchise QBs. I didn't like Bortles coming out and I think he's far from a sure thing. Maybe Bridgewater might be the real deal ? As for Mariota , I hope he makes it as he's a great kid. He makes some really nice throws but his arm reminds me of Matt Leinart's. Actually I hope your right on him...

Yeah, Bortles sort of popped up out of nowhere before the Draft, and I was so glad the Texans passed on him. He might be the answer in Jacksonville but as of now I'm not convinced. Teddy should develop well in Minnesota, not having A.D. has helped him I think in the long run. I hope Mariota succeeds as well, he seems like a good kid. I can root for him easily but I can't stand Winston at all. It'd be hilarious if Tennessee drafted him but they might not have the chance to.
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It would be fascinating to see what Chip Kelly would do with QB Marcus Mariota. I say that because his high tempo offense & athletic talent on the Eagles roster was impressive to watch. I won't say that Chip made me a believer in what he does 100%, but he sure beat INDY when we faced Philly & I love how Chip loves to put his unorthodox system up against traditional football methods & school teams. 


He doesn't run from a challenge to prove the NFL wrong & the rebel inside of me admires that enthusiastic confidence. As far as the college to pro transition level, Chip has done well as an NFL HC IMO. 


Also, Chip Kelly is to be commended for making Philly fans not regret letting go of Andy Reid in his rookie year running football operations. Philadelphia is a very smart & demanding football fan base & it's not easy to win them over initially. Chip has earned their respect. That's pretty amazing in a blue collar diehard city that bleeds green 24/7.


That city loves their football as much as Chicago does, NY does, & GB does. If you lose there, that place will eat you alive. 

The refs beat Indy in that game, and I hardly ever blame the refs for a loss. 

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Yeah, Bortles sort of popped up out of nowhere before the Draft, and I was so glad the Texans passed on him. He might be the answer in Jacksonville but as of now I'm not convinced. Teddy should develop well in Minnesota, not having A.D. has helped him I think in the long run. I hope Mariota succeeds as well, he seems like a good kid. I can root for him easily but I can't stand Winston at all. It'd be hilarious if Tennessee drafted him but they might not have the chance to.



TB has had a heck of a time trying to find their QB and looks like they have to go that way again.

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