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Skip Bayless tweet about Andrew Luck


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I don't know how to post it from twitter (maybe someone else can) but it says

"Amazing playoff-game feat for Andrew Luck:

He didn't throw a single interception!"

This dudes a flipping joke.

Right now the only thing that is keeping him going is that he just makes off the wall comments, and you guys keep bringing him up. If you ignore him he will disapear.

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Why do we care so much about what Skip thinks about Luck here? We know he has crazy view points, that's his gimmick, so if he has a crazy view point on Luck that's good news. Don't let him troll you.

For the same reason you invite your crazy uncle over for Christmas dinner GC8818. Just when you think you've heard it all, your delusional uncle tops himself, even though he thinks he is of sound mind & body.


Besides, Skip's brand of catering to the lowest common denominator makes you appreciate quality journalism more. After all, you can't appreciate the light without enduring the darkness first. 


But colts got 'happy ending':P

There are so many glorious directions I could take that statement HCF. Okay, I promise to water it down & keep it PG family friendly here. 


It reminds of a classic old joke: A judge addressing you in divorce court. "So your wife is crazy then? That's the reason you are before me today sir? Irreconcilable differences then?


"No, your honor. You misunderstood me. I said my wife is bleeping Goofy as in infidelity man." Stupid I know, but still mildly funny. 



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Right now the only thing that is keeping him going is that he just makes off the wall comments, and you guys keep bringing him up. If you ignore him he will disapear.

Yeah, but Skip is like a guilty pleasure like a candy bar or soft drink you know is bad for you & will probably give you diabetes someday Skelly. It's so bad for you it's almost delicious & darn the consequences down the road. The appeal of incessant stupidity has a very strong, almost enticing pull for me & given Skip's mass following clearly I am not alone on an island here either.


Besides, Skip is like a polygraph test. You need to establish a baseline first to properly to detect habitual liars right? That's how I view Skip. He's off his rocker a lot & very entertaining like a royal court jester for mass amusement that no one takes seriously.  

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Here's the thing with skip:


A) He's regressed to a sensationalistic journalistic

B) He will never admit he's wrong, just look at his ardent viewpoint of Tebow and RGIII.

C) The better Indy does, the stupider he looks so he has to make more sensationalistic comments.

D) Ratings = money therefore stupidity=ratings (Jerry Springer in his hay day is a great example of stupidity at its finest)

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Why are you worried about someone's opinion who will go to his death bed swearing Tim Tebow is a starting NFL QB?


Skip just hates Indy...  always has always will ..    Heck he called Tony Romo the NFL's "MOST CLUTCH QB IN THE LEAGUE RIGHT NOW" .. 


loll>>>>>    Dude is a shock jock..     

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It is Skip Bayless's job to hold unpopular opinions and argue them to death.  Not sure when he became "that guy" or how, maybe defending an unpopular opinion on an early ESPN appearance and driving people nuts, but it's his job now.  


One thing I have to say, is the guy sticks with his guns unlike Colin Cowherd, who flip flops at the outcome of a single game.  He has been a Cowboys homer since day one, granted he did work in Dallas for a long time, and continued to hold the unpopular opinion of supporting Jerry Jones, despite most Cowboy fans wanting a change.   He picked RGIII over Luck and now despite being obviously wrong, he is moving to "Luck is good, but his interceptions keep him from being great", which actually might have some truth to it.  But the fact is, he picks an unpopular, usually ridiculous opinion and sticks with it, and gets called a fool on a regular basis.  


As far as Tebow, I am betting that was ESPN's idea, since they had their love affair with him for a couple of seasons.  I still remember Jonathan Coachman going on a rant on ESPN radio about how sick he was of Tebow and how ESPN made them talk about it. 



Basically what I am saying, is the guy is there to troll and argue the unpopular opinion to both get people fired up and be "that guy" in the room.  Someone has to do it, what is the point of First Take and most sport shows, if people just agree on everything.  He's not to be taken seriously, just playing a role that he seems to have fun with and be good at.  I actually can't even blame the guy, in debate class I liked to choose the unpopular opinion to see if I could win just because of the challenge.  At the end of the day though, if you want serious NFL analyst, watch the NFL network.  If you want to see soap opera-esque coverage of sports, where the stories matter more than the games, watch ESPN. 

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