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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument

So you basically do admit you follow Bogie around at times and critique his every word for fun? Must be enjoyable to single out someone.




Says an anonymous poster to an anonymous poster online........







This just sounds creepy.........


No.    I didn't admit to following him around.    No where did I say that.


I admitted that when I see a post of his that leaves me and others in the thread completely baffled,  I poke and prod him to make him see what is upsetting so many others.


That's what I admitted to.


As for the rest of you....   I'll simply say this.....


You have been described to me by several others as his one and only friend here.   Or at least,  his best friend here.


OK....   everyone is entitled.    But that explains you jumping in here.....

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument

No.    I didn't admit to following him around.    No where did I say that.


I admitted that when I see a post of his that leaves me and others in the thread completely baffled,  I poke and prod him to make him see what is upsetting so many others.


That's what I admitted to.


As for the rest of you....   I'll simply say this.....


You have been described to me by several others as his one and only friend here.   Or at least,  his best friend here.


OK....   everyone is entitled.    But that explains you jumping in here.....



You said you flat out poke and prod him basically, you do it often too with long winded essays that actually embarrass you since most of the time you sound like a preachy father type who is trying to lecture his son. And most of us only need two parents in life.



Yes I have known Bogie since 2011.......and it's funny if "others" describe all this and all. But, so be it. I don't really care.



Hey if someone bothers you so much put them on ignore.......especially if you think they have a distortion when it comes to reality. Believe me, Bogie is fine. He does not need your constant advice on life and football either. Do not waste all your energy on one person if they bug you that much. I don't like or agree with much here at times either so I ignore it.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument

You said you flat out poke and prod him basically, you do it often too with long winded essays that actually embarrass you since most of the time you sound like a preachy father type who is trying to lecture his son. And most of us only need two parents in life.



Yes I have known Bogie since 2011.......and it's funny if "others" describe all this and all. But, so be it. I don't really care.



Hey if someone bothers you so much put them on ignore.......especially if you think they have a distortion when it comes to reality. Believe me, Bogie is fine. He does not need your constant advice on life and football either. Do not waste all your energy on one person if they bug you that much. I don't like or agree with much here at times either so I ignore it.



For whatever it's worth,  I have yet to put anyone here on ignore.


I give people the benefit of the doubt.   And I try to read what I can.


As I said to Bogie....   I spend my least amount of time on the NFL page.   So, I don't go looking for him.


And I don't respond to all of his posts.    Only his posts that stir things up unnecessarily.


And typically when I respond,  I get nothing but favorable responses.    No one but you has ever told me to ignore him.


Like I said,  I'll try to interact with him less.    It's clear he's not interested in anyone else but himself.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument

I don't get involved in disagreements among friends. All I will say is that I enjoy Jules's candor, Bogie's love of music, & NCF's skill as a writer & journalist. 


I go off the rails too sometimes with my Chewbacca Andrew Luck facial hair jokes, my future wife Zoe Saldana jokes, & my SW1 3rd person comic persona.


So, I try to remember we've all got our own unique behaviors & idiosyncrasies that make us tick. I'm no NFL mastermind; I just like to joke around a lot & I'm a big film buff. 


What's my point here? Just that I try to highlight what I see as my friends natural gifts I guess. Enough said. 


But, even when I go off topic, I try to come back to the subject matter like a boomer rang eventually. Yes, I'm aware of the irony over a guy who says enough said & keeps on talking BTW.  ;)

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument

This is the kind of reply I am talking about, I didn't even read all of it. You want to rant, rant away I don't give a %.


You are an * and that's all I have to say, and you spend a lot of time posting rants at me and I ignore it, ignore it and ignore it but sometimes you push me too far and I'm going to push back. You have no room to talk about about me "living here" when you're the one that follows me around and posts these emotionally charged rants at me all day. I don't get this from anyone else on here, except for you. I get a lot of replies upset with me but it don't phase me. I post on here and most the time I am in private messages talking with friends. I don't spend all day looking for you to mine people for quotes and intentionally be a jerk to them cause I don't know, you're having a bad day or something? I don't care.


Maybe you should go back and read what you actually post and then question if it makes you come off as an immature jerk or not rather than obsessing with me all day. "OMG look! Bogie made a post! I'm MAD GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" - that is how you come off to me.


Who cares about my predictions? It's something for fun. People don't come on here to take sports overly too serious. Sports (like politics, since that's how you treat it around here) is something you have absolutely no control in whatsoever. I make predictions, I make comments, I give my opinions, so what. It's not hurting you, but you choose to become overly offended at it, that's not my fault.


My life does not revolve around football. I have plenty of other things to talk about rather than a silly game, most of my friends on here know this too, and I spend more time talking about music with them rather than I do sports, what's wrong with that? Nothing if you ask me.


At the end of the day, I am not the one that follows you around posting emotionally charged whiny essay length responses and posting personal attacks cause you're mad over an opinion. If I bother you so bad, you can easily ignore me like I have been doing you since this summer. Post your essay length rants at me and embarrass yourself as you have been doing for months, I don't care. This is the last time I will reply to you, so I hope it makes you feel good that you finally got something out of me.



Moderators note - if you want to give me a warning point for this post, I understand it and I won't object, but I'm getting tired of this. I never report these personal attacks and I ignore it continuously, but I am getting tired of it from this specific member. It has went on for months on end and I am getting sick of it. It has to end eventually, I'm not going to keep putting up with it.


Great.   You don't read my post but write a long one to me expecting that I'd read it.   Why am I not surprised.    It's so you.


Basically, to sum this up,  you want to be completely free of any and all responsibility for annoying, bothering, or upsetting anyone.     It's their problem, not yours.


And if someone like me comes along and points it out,  then they're the *,  but not you.    It's someone elses fault,  not yours.


Nice deal you get there.     Where does everyone else go to get such a deal.


It's never you.    It's someone else.     How typically you.


Let's hope our paths cross less and less......

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument

Great.   You don't read my post but write a long one to me expecting that I'd read it.   Why am I not surprised.    It's so you.


Basically, to sum this up,  you want to be completely free of any and all responsibility for annoying, bothering, or upsetting anyone.     It's their problem, not yours.


And if someone like me comes along and points it out,  then they're the *,  but not you.    It's someone elses fault,  not yours.


Nice deal you get there.     Where does everyone else go to get such a deal.


It's never you.    It's someone else.     How typically you.


Let's hope our paths cross less and less......



You act like you actually know him but you don't. You honestly try to read too far into people's posts when the reality is IT'S THE INTERNET. It is a forum. Chill out.


You sound a bit obsessive. I have seen you go off on him even when he just analyzes something football related and you do not simply agree and feel the need to "preach" reality or some moral high ground some here actually do have.


I going to report this thread now too btw. It got OT and frankly this is pretty embarrassing to read.

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A personal argument derailed this thread and I removed it.  Please use pm for that.


I like that this team got excited and that their fans got excited. For me, that's what being a fan is about.  I vastly prefer it to complaining about everything.

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