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Why didn't the Broncos keep Tebow as backup?


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Who knows, maybe he is a better coach then player. But some leaders would rather lead by example than lead from the sidelines, though I'm definitely not underestimating any influence that coaches have. As with Manning on the field...players draw energy from that kind of leadership. I don't have a problem with Tim wanting to play QB and refusing to play in the NFL at any other position. He played quarterback from high school to the NFL when people said he couldn't, and that was the position he wanted to play. If anything I think the fact that he would rather turn away from the game is admirable. There's no doubt he would have the same following and the same craze he had as QB if he was a RB or TE so those who claim he does it for the fans don't have an argument in that aspect.

 As far as the Broncos receivers go, I would take a Marvin Harrison or Dallas Clark over Eric Decker, Emmanuel Sanders or Julius Thomas anyday. But that's just me. DT is indeed a physical freak and the guy isn't even in his prime yet. He is going to be a good player for sure long after Manning retires. But it all does come down to his throwing....I don't know, but it was said that Tebow's practices were terrible but he always found the receivers at the right time in the actual games.


This is a problem I have with Tebow's mantra.  He keeps pretending like people where telling him he couldn't do it the whole way.


My question is who where these people?  Because I doubt anyone was telling him he couldn't play in college, He was like a 4 or 5 star recruit.  In fact I clearly remember reading an article many years ago before Tebow was even the starter at Florida saying that Tebow was basically the perfect specimen to run Urban Meyer's offense and if Urban Meyer had to draw a perfect QB for his system up on a board it would look like Tim Tebow.


He did these ads saying that people told him he couldn't be a college QB and stuff and I'm like "WHO?" because the overwhelming consensus seemed to be that Tebow would be a great college quarterback.


Now a lot of people said he couldn't do it in the pros. . . and he couldn't do it in the pros.  HIs style just doesn't fit.


As far as insisting on playing QB. . . to me some of it smacks a bit of hubris.  Tebow is really really good at hiding his ego, but he does have one just like everyone else and that ego seems to be telling him that he must play QB and can't play in the AFL or CFL.

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I don't recall Kurt Warner making commercials about his opinions on abortion maybe I have a bad memory but in my opinion Tebow used his fame to try to push his beliefs don't feel that way about Kurt there is a difference between thanking god after games and in interviews and making commercials


You know Kurt Warner made a commercial against Embroyonic Stem Cell research right?


"On October 24, 2006, Warner was featured in a political advertisement opposing a bill supporting embryonic stem cell research in Missouri. The advertisement was in response to a pro-embryonic research ad featuring Michael J. Fox. Warner appeared in the advertisement with James CaviezelPatricia HeatonJeff Suppan, andMike Sweeney. The advertisement aired during game four of the 2006 World Series."




And lets also remember Tebow's ad basically just said "choose life", not "abortion should be illegal" in fact the feminists where so flabbergasted by the lack of aggressiveness against the issue that they turned from criticizing the message to criticizing the image of Tebow tackling his mother in an obviously playful manner as "violence against women".


On the other hand Kurt Warner's ad was entirely political.


And honestly I don't see why we should be upset by athletes trying to push their views in the political arena.  Every actor in Hollywood does, but for some reason it's ok for Micheal J. Fox and others to do that sort of thing, but god forbid an athlete do it.

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Vastly. The way some tell it Tebow marched out on the field, said a prayer, threw an interception, and watched his defense win games for him. People love to go the defense route when in fact that same defense started 1-4 before Tebow became the starter. Obviously the guy wasn't great but his fire and his plays when they mattered helped lead to wins and a trip to the playoffs, which resulted in another win. It wasn't all the defense and it wasn't all the running game. As another poster mentioned, put Tebow on the 49ers with Harbaugh and who knows how he could fare as a back-up. His stints with the Jets and Patriots shouldn't count against him because he was never seriously given a chance given the circumstances. If Manning doesn't get released from the Colts who knows how things would have gone in Denver.

In twenty years of watching the sport I can't think of a single player worse at physically throwing the football, but I would love an example or two if you can think of one.

Tebow was an incredible athlete when you look at his size and speed and, by all accounts, brought great intangibles to his teams. He flamed out because he used these gifts, which punched his ticket into the league, as a crutch. He never improved as a passer. I don't believe for a second that Ryan and Belichek would be bothered with the distraction to not give him an honest chance.

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This is a problem I have with Tebow's mantra.  He keeps pretending like people where telling him he couldn't do it the whole way.


My question is who where these people?  Because I doubt anyone was telling him he couldn't play in college, He was like a 4 or 5 star recruit.  In fact I clearly remember reading an article many years ago before Tebow was even the starter at Florida saying that Tebow was basically the perfect specimen to run Urban Meyer's offense and if Urban Meyer had to draw a perfect QB for his system up on a board it would look like Tim Tebow.


He did these ads saying that people told him he couldn't be a college QB and stuff and I'm like "WHO?" because the overwhelming consensus seemed to be that Tebow would be a great college quarterback.


Now a lot of people said he couldn't do it in the pros. . . and he couldn't do it in the pros.  HIs style just doesn't fit.


As far as insisting on playing QB. . . to me some of it smacks a bit of hubris.  Tebow is really really good at hiding his ego, but he does have one just like everyone else and that ego seems to be telling him that he must play QB and can't play in the AFL or CFL.

He had his fair share of doubters, even back in high school. Being a 4 star recruit doesn't necessarily mean that every single coach and evaluator is going to agree that you are quarterback material. Urban Meyer said Tebow was the perfect QB, but no one really got on his strap until he gave that speech and led the Gators to a National Championship. I'll take Tebow at his word because he isn't one to just lie about stuff like this. Just because we don't know who all his doubters were/are doesn't mean that he is lying. And he did prove people wrong...he resurrected an NFL franchise, playing quarterback, and won a playoff game. Something that no one expected would happen, besides his most devout followers. Put him in the right system and, just like any other QB, his deficiencies can be worked on and worked out and his strengths enhanced for the game. But the thing is no teams are going to be willing to give him the chance given the media circus that follows, unfortunately. I don't think a guy refusing to play a position that he has played since he was a kid smacks of hubris at all. I mean, everyone has an ego about something, something that they pride themselves on and would not give up for anything. To Tebow that is playing QB, and if he can't play at the highest level (the NFL) then I don't see how it is egotistical for him to not want to play at all.

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In twenty years of watching the sport I can't think of a single player worse at physically throwing the football, but I would love an example or two if you can think of one.

Tebow was an incredible athlete when you look at his size and speed and, by all accounts, brought great intangibles to his teams. He flamed out because he used these gifts, which punched his ticket into the league, as a crutch. He never improved as a passer. I don't believe for a second that Ryan and Belichek would be bothered with the distraction to not give him an honest chance.


Most likely those gifts are the reason he was never that good of a passer.  It's not like that's something he could develop when he got to the NFL.  


There is a reason why you very rarely have the accurate arm of a Brady, Manning, Brees, or Rogers on the body of an extremely athletic QB.  Really Luck is about as close as it gets to having that.  


Guys with those kinds of athletic gifts learn as kids "When in doubt, run the ball"  So they just never learn the finer points of being a pocket passer such as throwing guys open.  It doesn't help that there are entire college offenses which are very successful at the college level (but not in the NFL) that are designed entirely around QB's of that nature.  

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In twenty years of watching the sport I can't think of a single player worse at physically throwing the football, but I would love an example or two if you can think of one.

Tebow was an incredible athlete when you look at his size and speed and, by all accounts, brought great intangibles to his teams. He flamed out because he used these gifts, which punched his ticket into the league, as a crutch. He never improved as a passer. I don't believe for a second that Ryan and Belichek would be bothered with the distraction to not give him an honest chance.

Tom Brady is well-known for not giving up his reps, as he should be. If you think Tebow had an honest chance to play QB for New England you are very much mistaken. I believe that he was brought in just because Belichick liked him, but it didn't last long. Same thing with the Jets. Rex Ryan has a tattoo of his wife wearing Sanchez's jersey for Pete's sake lol. He just happened to like Tebow and his personality, and who knows, maybe he embraced the media attention that he brought, especially in New York. The guy was brought into the game like, what, less than 10 times and on obvious rushing downs? I don't even remember how many passes he threw for the Jets. He never had an honest chance in either of those stints, whereas if he had remained with the Broncos he would have been the starter no doubt had Manning not come along.

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He had his fair share of doubters, even back in high school. Being a 4 star recruit doesn't necessarily mean that every single coach and evaluator is going to agree that you are quarterback material. Urban Meyer said Tebow was the perfect QB, but no one really got on his strap until he gave that speech and led the Gators to a National Championship. I'll take Tebow at his word because he isn't one to just lie about stuff like this. Just because we don't know who all his doubters were/are doesn't mean that he is lying. And he did prove people wrong...he resurrected an NFL franchise, playing quarterback, and won a playoff game. Something that no one expected would happen, besides his most devout followers. Put him in the right system and, just like any other QB, his deficiencies can be worked on and worked out and his strengths enhanced for the game. But the thing is no teams are going to be willing to give him the chance given the media circus that follows, unfortunately. I don't think a guy refusing to play a position that he has played since he was a kid smacks of hubris at all. I mean, everyone has an ego about something, something that they pride themselves on and would not give up for anything. To Tebow that is playing QB, and if he can't play at the highest level (the NFL) then I don't see how it is egotistical for him to not want to play at all.


Sure you could always find a few doubters, I mean football is watched by millions of people.  But you could find those doubters for literally any player who has ever played the sport.  


But if you are gonna make an ad talking about all the people who doubted maybe you should base doubt on the consensus opinion and not the opinion of a few isolated individuals.  Otherwise even a guy who was a 5 star recruit and then the #1 pick in the draft can say "They said I couldn't do it and I proved them wrong!"  Freaking Clowney could have a decent NFL career and say he proved them wrong because a couple of people (including me) expressed doubt about him at the NFL level.  But when literally 5 million people are saying you are gonna be a beast and maybe 500 people are saying you will be a bust. . . claiming you proved them all wrong is actually kind of lame.  


And the consensus was that Tebow was going to be at the very least a good college QB.


Now if you are a guy like Tom Brady you can literally say that you proved them wrong about your ability to be a starting QB in the NFL.  Because very few people where saying that Tom Brady was a future NFL starer much less future NFL star when he was drafted.  If you where a walk-on at your college and turned out to be a good/great starter then you can say you proved everyone wrong.  


But a 5 star recruit being heralded by many (not just Urban Meyer) as the perfect specimen to run a particular offense can not claim "I proved them wrong" because in reality the doubters where few and far between.  Because everyone is gonna have a few doubters.  You could have a guy who's literally capable of picking up 2 350 pound men one with each hand and throwing them 10 yards and there will be at least one person who will say that he will never make it as an NFL lineman.  

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Sure you could always find a few doubters, I mean football is watched by millions of people.  But you could find those doubters for literally any player who has ever played the sport.  


But if you are gonna make an ad talking about all the people who doubted maybe you should base doubt on the consensus opinion and not the opinion of a few isolated individuals.  Otherwise even a guy who was a 5 star recruit and then the #1 pick in the draft can say "They said I couldn't do it and I proved them wrong!"  Freaking Clowney could have a decent NFL career and say he proved them wrong because a couple of people (including me) expressed doubt about him at the NFL level.  But when literally 5 million people are saying you are gonna be a beast and maybe 500 people are saying you will be a bust. . . claiming you proved them all wrong is actually kind of lame.  


And the consensus was that Tebow was going to be at the very least a good college QB.


Now if you are a guy like Tom Brady you can literally say that you proved them wrong about your ability to be a starting QB in the NFL.  Because very few people where saying that Tom Brady was a future NFL starer much less future NFL star when he was drafted.  If you where a walk-on at your college and turned out to be a good/great starter then you can say you proved everyone wrong.  


But a 5 star recruit being heralded by many (not just Urban Meyer) as the perfect specimen to run a particular offense can not claim "I proved them wrong" because in reality the doubters where few and far between.  Because everyone is gonna have a few doubters.  You could have a guy who's literally capable of picking up 2 350 pound men one with each hand and throwing them 10 yards and there will be at least one person who will say that he will never make it as an NFL lineman.  

Idk. I don't think it is our place to decide what should and shouldn't motivate people. Even the slightest doubts can be enough to propel a guy and make him work even harder toward attaining his goal. Say for instance that Tebow's dad or ex-girlfriend or something told him that he would never be an NFL QB. Depending on his emotional connection with that person, he would be motivated beyond anything else to succeed, and those could be the doubters that he refers to. Who knows what his situation is like and who he has talked to in life. Hell, I can think of a few people in my personal life who I was more than happy to prove wrong, and it is the best feeling in the world. But here are a couple of links, I did a brief search but I'm not sure if there are many sources offering minute details on who Tebow's doubters were.



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Tom Brady is well-known for not giving up his reps, as he should be. If you think Tebow had an honest chance to play QB for New England you are very much mistaken. I believe that he was brought in just because Belichick liked him, but it didn't last long. Same thing with the Jets. Rex Ryan has a tattoo of his wife wearing Sanchez's jersey for Pete's sake lol. He just happened to like Tebow and his personality, and who knows, maybe he embraced the media attention that he brought, especially in New York. The guy was brought into the game like, what, less than 10 times and on obvious rushing downs? I don't even remember how many passes he threw for the Jets. He never had an honest chance in either of those stints, whereas if he had remained with the Broncos he would have been the starter no doubt had Manning not come along.

It's true they only put him in during obvious rush situations, and that certainly hurt his individual production to a significant degree. But, imho, Tebow didn't do enough in practice and in preseason to earn more time on the field. If he had performed better during his (admittedly) limited opportunities in practice and the preseason they would've given him a longer leash with the offense.

I agree with Valpo2004 s appraisal, he's spent his life playing a certain way. Though I still wonder if Tebow could've learned to compensate for poor technique had he tried playing several years in another league.

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It's true they only put him in during obvious rush situations, and that certainly hurt his individual production to a significant degree. But, imho, Tebow didn't do enough in practice and in preseason to earn more time on the field. If he had performed better during his (admittedly) limited opportunities in practice and the preseason they would've given him a longer leash with the offense.

I agree with Valpo2004 s appraisal, he's spent his life playing a certain way. Though I still wonder if Tebow could've learned to compensate for poor technique had he tried playing several years in another league.

Yeah, who knows. He still hasn't given up on football yet though according to some reports so who knows, maybe we'll find out in the coming years.

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