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Sam Reality Show Postponed....


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Which is what a lot of famous people actually are to be honest......gay or straight.

And I still don't blame a lot of this attention on Michael Sam as much as I do as the rabid homosexual exploitation camp in our society.



It's not so much on SAM. He saw an opportunity and ran with it. The issue is how the media is turning this into some sort of gay cause. If SAM gets cut, which it highly possible, then the NFL will be labeled bigots There's alot of media folks that would love to see a truly AMERICAN game such as AMERICAN FOOTBALL be taken down and torn apart for being too AMERICAN.

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It's not so much on SAM. He saw an opportunity and ran with it. The issue is how the media is turning this into some sort of gay cause. If SAM gets cut, which it highly possible, then the NFL will be labeled bigots There's alot of media folks that would love to see a truly AMERICAN game such as AMERICAN FOOTBALL be taken down and torn apart for being too AMERICAN.


Now you are going to get too deep with the American ways thing. I do agree though that the gay rights community can be too rabid and pushy at times and so can the media with it.


But, that's the thing......everything around us can be turned into a cause....cause it SELLS too. And IMO the true American way can be making money in the end and a quick buck and Sam is a product at times just like anything.


Peyton and Brady have images too that SELL. It's just not a gay image. We love to sell people!

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Now you are going to get too deep with the American ways thing. I do agree though that the gay rights community can be too rabid and pushy at times and so can the media with it.


But, that's the thing......everything around us can be turned into a cause....cause it SELLS too. And IMO the true American way can be making money in the end and a quick buck and Sam is a product at times just like anything.


Peyton and Brady have images too that SELL. It's just not a gay image. We love to sell people!



Can you imagine how it's gonna' be, if he makes the team? Every week, it will be about the how good the gay superstar did, even though he got like 1 tackle on special team's. But he was FFAABBUULLOOUUSS doing it.

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Can you imagine how it's gonna' be, if he makes the team? Every week, it will be about the how good the gay superstar did, even though he got like 1 tackle on special team's. But he was FFAABBUULLOOUUSS doing it.


Again though that is not necessarily Michael Sam's fault. If he is on the Rams or any team and the media goes nuts if he has a special teams tackle one week and that's it.....well he is just doing his job asked of him by the team.


I think that this gay thing is going to be VERY uncomfortable if more come out of the closet eventually. Because you can't convince me with all these men in the NFL that not MORE are gay (or bi), but they are secretly hiding it due to the backlash and circus that could evolve if they publicly announced it.


It goes against the masculine image of professional sports too for many and they won't admit it. But, you CAN be gay and play sports. Many seem okay with an artist of some sort or actor being gay but more uncomfortable with an athlete coming out.


And often it does not suprise me that some feel this way because sports in many ways is a distraction for a lot of people from everyday life and a masculine fantasy that sells. And when they mix "real life" elements into it such as religion or sexuality etc. it can make some very uncomfortable. Men who watch sports fanatically often like to see great athletes do their thing, cute cheerleaders and beer adds.....so a gay man in a way can be crashing the party.

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I'm amused that so many people still think "reality" TV shows are in any way reality. 


Oprah is a predaceous engorged exploitation tick, attaching herself to anything that she can suck ratings out of.. ..


Sam seems like a great guy caught in a whirlwind of agenda seekers emitting from both extreme ends of the spectrum. 

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Can you imagine how it's gonna' be, if he makes the team? Every week, it will be about the how good the gay superstar did, even though he got like 1 tackle on special team's. But he was FFAABBUULLOOUUSS doing it.

I bet he would look fabulous knocking that smart mouth of yours around. 

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:bossy:  :loco:

Look. I didn't mean to infer an attack on you nor a threat. Just wanted to highlight how silly your comment was. Believe it or not, not all gay men are flaming silly queens. I'm sure some members (fellow Colts fans I might add) are homosexual, and they likely would take some offense to your inference. 


Nadine has made it clear. This subject matter is a no-no here. We simply cannot have a thread like this where people wish to discuss such a matter in a positive light, as it ALWAYS deteriorates into a socio-political mud flinging contest. A shame, really. 

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Look. I didn't mean to infer an attack on you nor a threat. Just wanted to highlight how silly your comment was. Believe it or not, not all gay men are flaming silly queens. I'm sure some members (fellow Colts fans I might add) are homosexual, and they likely would take some offense to your inference. 


Nadine has made it clear. This subject matter is a no-no here. We simply cannot have a thread like this where people wish to discuss such a matter in a positive light, as it ALWAYS deteriorates into a socio-political mud flinging contest. A shame, really. 



What about the opinion's of the remaining 97 percent of the population that disagrees? Should they be silenced?

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, May 19, 2014 - political
Hidden by Nadine, May 19, 2014 - political

97% of all statistics are made up on the spot.



The gay community makes up about 3 percent of the total population, so that makes them a minority,even though they're not a true minority group. The problem is that these type's of people gravitate toward media resources as jobs, so it's not a big shocker that their pro gay and skew facts to benefit their overall cause. The majority of the world disagrees with them.




I'm black BTW.

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