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Polian's Post Game Interview W/bob Lamey


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So what? It's one season, my god people move on get over it. There is NO pattern here of bad seasons like a number of NFL teams have, there is no pattern in the history of Mr. Polian being a GM of having bad teams. I think Colt Fans need to be fans of say the Lions or Bengals or Dolphins over the past decade plus to really appreciate what we have had here.

Fine I'll take away Bills one putrid season with the Colts and in fairness I'll take away his best season. So that leaves us with a SB loss, and a buncha one and done in the playoffs. With that, he should be let go for not getting us over the hump.

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Fine I'll take away Bills one putrid season with the Colts and in fairness I'll take away his best season. So that leaves us with a SB loss, and a buncha one and done in the playoffs. With that, he should be let go for not getting us over the hump.

I was calling for him to be fired after the Super Bowl victory for putting together the 3rd worst run defense in NFL history.

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I am confused, Bill Polian built a team that has dominated over the past 10 years in the regular season and only .500ish in the playoffs and that is his fault? How about the players and even coaches assume the blame for not getting the job done in the playoff games? Where is the blame that Peyton has had a history of not coming up big in big time games? I am glad Peyton was and is a Colt, but I also can see that for whatever reason when it comes big game time there are players who just don't respond as well as others.

I think you are selectively confused which is what you claim each time one of your Polian fanboy posts is cut to shreds. You try to take a slice of Polian tenure that would be favorable to your view and cite that as the reason for your OPINION. You never look at the issues as a whole as the poster did with his insights. Polian cannot be the architect of and take credit for the good regular season teams while being let off the hook for the team's performances in the postseason.

It was/is a dumb mistake by Polian to only build the team around Manning and essentially ignore the basics - the offense, defense and special teams. It was dumb of Polian to tie 75% of the salary cap to 10 players and have to fill 80% of the roster with has beens or never were players. Manning, like deodrant, tended to cover up for the vast majority of these deficiencies with his play but there were huge cracks in the Colts armour even when he was healthy and playing. Our defense has been abysmal for most of Polian's era, the special teams has been a historically bad joke over the years and while the offense had been good mainly because of Manning, we now see that as an illusion because they have really been exposed this season as being on par with a mid major college (and I am sorry to insult mid majors everywhere with that statement).

Polian has made so many stupid moves - he gets rid of the few players we've had that are actually NFL caliber players, Clint Sessions, Ryan Lilja, David Thornton, Marlin Jackson, Kevin Hayden, Marcus Washington, Jake Scott....etc. while not having any viable replacements for them. he has no accountability to anyone in the organization and that is a problem. He gave away a 1st round draft choice for that slug Ugoh, drafted Gonzo and Brown in the 1st round and got rid of the competent staff in the front office and replaced them with imcompetent people and members of his family. Polian's entire NFL career, from Buffalo to Indy, would have to be rated as an incomplete. His teams are good in the regular season but are duds in the postseason and Polian is a toxic presence in the front office as he was fired from his two previous GM positions and would be fired from his current one if the owner stopped tweeting for a minute and took a really hard look at his team. Maybe Irsay got so used to failure when his dad was the owner and/or when Jim Irsay himself was GM (what a joke that was) that any success, even with a has been, egomanical, blowhard like Polian is enough for him.

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I think you are selectively confused which is what you claim each time one of your Polian fanboy posts is cut to shreds. You try to take a slice of Polian tenure that would be favorable to your view and cite that as the reason for your OPINION. You never look at the issues as a whole as the poster did with his insights. Polian cannot be the architect of and take credit for the good regular season teams while being let off the hook for the team's performances in the postseason.

It was/is a dumb mistake by Polian to only build the team around Manning and essentially ignore the basics - the offense, defense and special teams. It was dumb of Polian to tie 75% of the salary cap to 10 players and have to fill 80% of the roster with has beens or never were players. Manning, like deodrant, tended to cover up for the vast majority of these deficiencies with his play but there were huge cracks in the Colts armour even when he was healthy and playing. Our defense has been abysmal for most of Polian's era, the special teams has been a historically bad joke over the years and while the offense had been good mainly because of Manning, we now see that as an illusion because they have really been exposed this season as being on par with a mid major college (and I am sorry to insult mid majors everywhere with that statement).

Polian has made so many stupid moves - he gets rid of the few players we've had that are actually NFL caliber players, Clint Sessions, Ryan Lilja, David Thornton, Marlin Jackson, Kevin Hayden, Marcus Washington, Jake Scott....etc. while not having any viable replacements for them. he has no accountability to anyone in the organization and that is a problem. He gave away a 1st round draft choice for that slug Ugoh, drafted Gonzo and Brown in the 1st round and got rid of the competent staff in the front office and replaced them with imcompetent people and members of his family. Polian's entire NFL career, from Buffalo to Indy, would have to be rated as an incomplete. His teams are good in the regular season but are duds in the postseason and Polian is a toxic presence in the front office as he was fired from his two previous GM positions and would be fired from his current one if the owner stopped tweeting for a minute and took a really hard look at his team. Maybe Irsay got so used to failure when his dad was the owner and/or when Jim Irsay himself was GM (what a joke that was) that any success, even with a has been, egomanical, blowhard like Polian is enough for him.

The GM's sole job is to put the team together that has the best chance of winning. Polian did that and been very successful at it. Has his teams been as successful in the post season as in the regular season, no, but the teams he built got to the post season and then it's on the players. If they are unable to play as well under presure as they are during the regular season how is that his fault.

I agree he shouldn't have tied up so much money in selective players, but maybe if those players were more "team" friendly they would have taken a little less. Also I don't remember hearing any out cry from Joe Fan when Peyton was resigned to all his deals or monies were give to Freeney or such. The only player I can remember hearing fans not to happy with contract wise was Bob Sanders. It's only NOW that Joe Fan goes back and says ....we shouldn't have paid player X that much. Joe Colt fan can be as angry as he wants to be with Bill Polian and "make up" as many reasons why they don't like him, I doubt he cares and when he is selected in the football HOF, he won't care, He has done his job in Buffalo, Carolina and now in Indy, one horrible season won't tarnish that at all.

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The GM's sole job is to put the team together that has the best chance of winning. Polian did that and been very successful at it. Has his teams been as successful in the post season as in the regular season, no, but the teams he built got to the post season and then it's on the players. If they are unable to play as well under presure as they are during the regular season how is that his fault.

I agree he shouldn't have tied up so much money in selective players, but maybe if those players were more "team" friendly they would have taken a little less. Also I don't remember hearing any out cry from Joe Fan when Peyton was resigned to all his deals or monies were give to Freeney or such. The only player I can remember hearing fans not to happy with contract wise was Bob Sanders. It's only NOW that Joe Fan goes back and says ....we shouldn't have paid player X that much. Joe Colt fan can be as angry as he wants to be with Bill Polian and "make up" as many reasons why they don't like him, I doubt he cares and when he is selected in the football HOF, he won't care, He has done his job in Buffalo, Carolina and now in Indy, one horrible season won't tarnish that at all.

I for one was disappointed with the prospect of Manning's would-be "break the team" salary over the winter before he had the additional surgery. Several times on this board I said.....if he was going to handicap the team even more than previous levels we should let him walk & use the 100M to get who we need. My opinion never changed.....and lo & behold look what happens we're playing without him plus the money is gone and we're currently the worst team in NFL history. This is an old, old issue. Sorry you can't see it. And you're wrong if you don't think this debacle & the way Polian is handling it won't effect his HOF credentials and ability to get in. He should be glad I don't have a vote.

By the way, he was fired in Buffalo because of a rift with their money people. I don't know what the details were....and I'd love for a Buffalo fan to chime in on this as to the particulars if they're known. I imagine it boiled down to control and valuation issues. Fast forward to the Indy years and again, there should be plenty of evidence of cap mis-management to see why they would have been at odds with him for similar reasons in Buffalo. Draw your own conclusions.

Also, his SB teams are 1-6. Are you suggesting the Jim Kelly/Bruce Smith- Bills were just as "inept under pressure" as you define the Manning-Colts? Quite a coincidence.

Polian was GM in Buffalo from 1986-1993, but his teams were still alive in Buffalo through the 1996 season, at minimum. Their postseason record durng those years was 11-8 including the dubious honor of being the only team to lose 4 straight SBs.....this during the pre-1994 salary cap years. They lost two more postseason games between 1997-1999. That's not much of a legacy.

In Carolina he took the expansion Panthers to the NFC championship in their 2nd year of existence, with a 1-1 playoff record. After that they went into a 6 year tailspin with just one winning season at 8-8 and bottomed out at 1-15. That's not much of a legacy, either.

In Indy the Colts are 9-10 in the postseason and 1-1 in SBs.....this with one of the best QBs in league history.

Compare with PITT since that's where we started this conversation a couple pages back. PITT has a winning formula that defies salary cap/non-salary cap eras and other trends that have long since come and gone. They've had three head coaches since 1969 (Knoll, Cowher, Tomlin) and during those years are 33-19 in the postseason & 6-2 in SBs. They are the league's gold standard. End of file. They do things right. Ask yourself what they do differently than the Colts over the years including Bill Polian's tenure and you'll hopefully arrive at the answer you need to find.

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I for one was disappointed with the prospect of Manning's would-be "break the team" salary over the winter before he had the additional surgery. Several times on this board I said.....if he was going to handicap the team even more than previous levels we should let him walk & use the 100M to get who we need. My opinion never changed.....and lo & behold look what happens we're playing without him plus the money is gone and we're currently the worst team in NFL history. This is an old, old issue. Sorry you can't see it. And you're wrong if you don't think this debacle & the way Polian is handling it won't effect his HOF credentials and ability to get in. He should be glad I don't have a vote.

By the way, he was fired in Buffalo because of a rift with their money people. I don't know what the details were....and I'd love for a Buffalo fan to chime in on this as to the particulars if they're known. I imagine it boiled down to control and valuation issues. Fast forward to the Indy years and again, there should be plenty of evidence of cap mis-management to see why they would have been at odds with him for similar reasons in Buffalo. Draw your own conclusions.

Also, his SB teams are 1-6. Are you suggesting the Jim Kelly/Bruce Smith- Bills were just as "inept under pressure" as you define the Manning-Colts? Quite a coincidence.

Polian was GM in Buffalo from 1986-1993, but his teams were still alive in Buffalo through the 1996 season, at minimum. Their postseason record durng those years was 11-8 including the dubious honor of being the only team to lose 4 straight SBs.....this during the pre-1994 salary cap years. They lost two more postseason games between 1997-1999. That's not much of a legacy.

In Carolina he took the expansion Panthers to the NFC championship in their 2nd year of existence, with a 1-1 playoff record. After that they went into a 6 year tailspin with just one winning season at 8-8 and bottomed out at 1-15. That's not much of a legacy, either.

In Indy the Colts are 9-10 in the postseason and 1-1 in SBs.....this with one of the best QBs in league history.

Compare with PITT since that's where we started this conversation a couple pages back. PITT has a winning formula that defies salary cap/non-salary cap eras and other trends that have long since come and gone. They've had three head coaches since 1969 (Knoll, Cowher, Tomlin) and during those years are 33-19 in the postseason & 6-2 in SBs. They are the league's gold standard. End of file. They do things right. Ask yourself what they do differently than the Colts over the years including Bill Polian's tenure and you'll hopefully arrive at the answer you need to find.

Last time I checked the "owner" was the one out touting that Peyton was going to be paid. It was the owner who had to approve the contract.

As for Polians enshrinement into the Pro Football HOF...trust me he will be a first ballot election without any issues at all.

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I for one was disappointed with the prospect of Manning's would-be "break the team" salary over the winter before he had the additional surgery. Several times on this board I said.....if he was going to handicap the team even more than previous levels we should let him walk & use the 100M to get who we need. My opinion never changed.....and lo & behold look what happens we're playing without him plus the money is gone and we're currently the worst team in NFL history. This is an old, old issue. Sorry you can't see it. And you're wrong if you don't think this debacle & the way Polian is handling it won't effect his HOF credentials and ability to get in. He should be glad I don't have a vote.

By the way, he was fired in Buffalo because of a rift with their money people. I don't know what the details were....and I'd love for a Buffalo fan to chime in on this as to the particulars if they're known. I imagine it boiled down to control and valuation issues. Fast forward to the Indy years and again, there should be plenty of evidence of cap mis-management to see why they would have been at odds with him for similar reasons in Buffalo. Draw your own conclusions.

Also, his SB teams are 1-6. Are you suggesting the Jim Kelly/Bruce Smith- Bills were just as "inept under pressure" as you define the Manning-Colts? Quite a coincidence.

Polian was GM in Buffalo from 1986-1993, but his teams were still alive in Buffalo through the 1996 season, at minimum. Their postseason record durng those years was 11-8 including the dubious honor of being the only team to lose 4 straight SBs.....this during the pre-1994 salary cap years. They lost two more postseason games between 1997-1999. That's not much of a legacy.

In Carolina he took the expansion Panthers to the NFC championship in their 2nd year of existence, with a 1-1 playoff record. After that they went into a 6 year tailspin with just one winning season at 8-8 and bottomed out at 1-15. That's not much of a legacy, either.

In Indy the Colts are 9-10 in the postseason and 1-1 in SBs.....this with one of the best QBs in league history.

Compare with PITT since that's where we started this conversation a couple pages back. PITT has a winning formula that defies salary cap/non-salary cap eras and other trends that have long since come and gone. They've had three head coaches since 1969 (Knoll, Cowher, Tomlin) and during those years are 33-19 in the postseason & 6-2 in SBs. They are the league's gold standard. End of file. They do things right. Ask yourself what they do differently than the Colts over the years including Bill Polian's tenure and you'll hopefully arrive at the answer you need to find.

Polian put together a dynasty in Buffalo and had a team that did something I believe no other team has ever done, and that was go to four concecutive SB. In 3 out of 4 of those they were not the better team and it showed on the field and that doesn't mean they were a bad team, just not the overall best team in the NFL. In the 4th they got beat on a last second FG.

How many SB did the Dolphins go to with Marino and how many did they win? I would rank Marino on the same level as Peyton. No question he was one of the top in the game. Brett Farve played in how many SB and won how many and I would rank him up there with Peyton. John Elway played in how many SB's? He won 2 but got beat in how many? Getting to and winning the Superbowl takes talent but also takes alot of luck.

You claim he has mis managed the cap, I would say he did what he thought was best with the blessing of his boss the owner and over a decade of play it worked out pretty well.

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Polian put together a dynasty in Buffalo and had a team that did something I believe no other team has ever done, and that was go to four concecutive SB. In 3 out of 4 of those they were not the better team and it showed on the field and that doesn't mean they were a bad team, just not the overall best team in the NFL. In the 4th they got beat on a last second FG.

How many SB did the Dolphins go to with Marino and how many did they win? I would rank Marino on the same level as Peyton. No question he was one of the top in the game. Brett Farve played in how many SB and won how many and I would rank him up there with Peyton. John Elway played in how many SB's? He won 2 but got beat in how many? Getting to and winning the Superbowl takes talent but also takes alot of luck.

You claim he has mis managed the cap, I would say he did what he thought was best with the blessing of his boss the owner and over a decade of play it worked out pretty well.

What the Bills did was remarkable but to call them a dynasty is a joke. They didn't even win one Super Bowl.

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What the Bills did was remarkable but to call them a dynasty is a joke. They didn't even win one Super Bowl.

Braves only won 1 WS in a 16 year run of winning their divisino and making the playoffs and they are a dynasty. You don't have to win the SB to be considered a dynasty.

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This was the flukiest run to a Super Bowl in NFL history. That defense was the worst defense in NFL history going into the playoffs and they all of a sudden flipped a switch.

Flukie? Peyton was on this team right?.. and it tells us all a couple of things... "one player" can make a BIG difference on either side of the ball. Indy's SB run was due to 3 key occurances.

1 Bob got healthy

2 The Booger trade

3 Rob Morris took over at OLB for GG

It was not "flukie" at all ... The D got healthy. AND UPGRADED AT DT. Via trade, too bad the very next year Booger got hurt.

Some of you totally underestimate the impact of what a healthy Bob Sanders meant to this D. And team.

When Bob was in the game this team was a totally different unit.

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I think Dungy had more doing with building that team than Polian did. I think Polian started using all of his power when the puppet came into play. This is for the "Polian built the SB team" argument.

I totally agree with this. Tony IS a winner. He is so under rated by so many... even Colt fans.

Tony coached UP the "so called bad talent" Bill brought in.

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Last time I checked the "owner" was the one out touting that Peyton was going to be paid. It was the owner who had to approve the contract.

As for Polians enshrinement into the Pro Football HOF...trust me he will be a first ballot election without any issues at all.

Outlay for Manning is only part of the Colts salary cap picture. As I said, if his new contract was going to limit what the team could do more than years past I'd have been okay with him leaving the team. Turned out Manning left money on the table so other players could be signed. The right thing to do. Irsay takes salary figures and cap considerations under Polian's advice. His fingerprints are all over this.

Bookmark this thread for 20yrs on the Polian enshrinement. Do me a favor wouldya and check current Vegas odds on that right now, I'd like to invest.

Polian put together a dynasty in Buffalo and had a team that did something I believe no other team has ever done, and that was go to four concecutive SB. In 3 out of 4 of those they were not the better team and it showed on the field and that doesn't mean they were a bad team, just not the overall best team in the NFL. In the 4th they got beat on a last second FG.

How many SB did the Dolphins go to with Marino and how many did they win? I would rank Marino on the same level as Peyton. No question he was one of the top in the game. Brett Farve played in how many SB and won how many and I would rank him up there with Peyton. John Elway played in how many SB's? He won 2 but got beat in how many? Getting to and winning the Superbowl takes talent but also takes alot of luck.

You claim he has mis managed the cap, I would say he did what he thought was best with the blessing of his boss the owner and over a decade of play it worked out pretty well.

I understand our differences in expectations and definitions of success. I see lots of thinking more along your lines around here. No surprise. Again, we could have done better over the years. Tons of regular season wins for over a decade, a large percentage of which were against our own weak division, don't mean much to me compared to 13-3 and 14-2 one&dones and other squandered postseason opportunities against the best teams in the league. It was more compelling to see the 1995 9-7 Colts lose a close AFCCG to PITT 20-16. To each his own though.

For the record, in SBs Marino was 0-1, Elway 2-3, Favre 1-1.

Additionally, Terry Bradshaw 4-0, Joe Montana 4-0, Tom Brady 3-1, Jim Plunkett 2-0, Troy Aikman 3-0, Ben Roethlisberger 2-1. Where's the "luck" in any of these situations (no spygate jokes allowed)? Bottom line is most of these teams truly were dominant and proof is in titles earned over the league's best in the postseason over many years.

So where do you want the QB comparisons to end? I've seen lots of folks rank Manning above most of the names above here ^ yet their SB records are better. My point was measuring team success against the gold standard PITT Steelers. If Manning is in fact a better QB than most of the SB winners listed above, we are truly on our way to squandering one of the best talents of our age. Ask why.

Edited by everybodysgotone
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I was calling for him to be fired after the Super Bowl victory for putting together the 3rd worst run defense in NFL history.

Simon (traded for) Injury, Booger (traded for) worked out when it mattered, he got injured the following season. McCargo (traded for) failed physical. Quinn Quitcock, Quit. ... Bill Johnson (drugs) and on and on...

The team HAS TRIED TO ADDRESS THE RUN D........ but this is the most injury prone team I have ever seen.

What can you do?

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Why are yall arguing about sports dynasties? Who cares. What we need is an efficient and well run front office. Now there are many ways to get to that. If it takes keeping Bill Polian and Chris Polian, getting rid of them both, or keeping one or the other, it doesn't matter as long as it works.

First, I want to see all of our former employees who were forced out of the organization back on this team. That's guys like Tom Moore, Howard Mudd, Don Anile, and other executives and scouts that helped this team become great. Second, we need a top caliber coaching staff. Whether that's Jim Caldwell and his guys or someone else, we need to have a well coached team. Third, lets not forget the morals and beliefs that got this team here in the first place. We need guys like Tony Dungy back to lead this team.

Edited by Ramblinwreck7
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Why are yall arguing about sports dynasties? Who cares. What we need is an efficient and well run front office. Now there are many ways to get to that. If it takes keeping Bill Polian and Chris Polian, getting rid of them both, or keeping one or the other, it doesn't matter as long as it works.

First, I want to see all of our former employees who were forced out of the organization back on this team. That's guys like Tom Moore, Howard Mudd, Don Anile, and other executives and scouts that helped this team become great. Second, we need a top caliber coaching staff. Whether that's Jim Caldwell and his guys or someone else, we need to have a well coached team. Third, lets not forget the morals and beliefs that got this team here in the first place. We need guys like Tony Dungy back to lead this team.

It's not an argument over sports dynasties. That was simply one of several misplaced off-shoots by dn4192 while trying to find a point and/or justification for his view.

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Simon (traded for) Injury, Booger (traded for) worked out when it mattered, he got injured the following season. McCargo (traded for) failed physical. Quinn Quitcock, Quit. ... Bill Johnson (drugs) and on and on...

The team HAS TRIED TO ADDRESS THE RUN D........ but this is the most injury prone team I have ever seen.

What can you do?

If they are so injury prone then that sounds like a scouting and drafting issue if you ask me as well as an issue with hiring sub-par medical and training staff. Both of which are Polian's responsibility.

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The GM's sole job is to put the team together that has the best chance of winning. Polian did that and been very successful at it. Has his teams been as successful in the post season as in the regular season, no, but the teams he built got to the post season and then it's on the players. If they are unable to play as well under presure as they are during the regular season how is that his fault.

I agree he shouldn't have tied up so much money in selective players, but maybe if those players were more "team" friendly they would have taken a little less. Also I don't remember hearing any out cry from Joe Fan when Peyton was resigned to all his deals or monies were give to Freeney or such. The only player I can remember hearing fans not to happy with contract wise was Bob Sanders. It's only NOW that Joe Fan goes back and says ....we shouldn't have paid player X that much. Joe Colt fan can be as angry as he wants to be with Bill Polian and "make up" as many reasons why they don't like him, I doubt he cares and when he is selected in the football HOF, he won't care, He has done his job in Buffalo, Carolina and now in Indy, one horrible season won't tarnish that at all.

Your posts begin to make less and less sense and are devoid or facts or reality. I see that you have been exoposed as a troll by numerous posters in other threads on this forum. Like I said in an earlier post, you are amusing and can be counted on keep us in stitches with your fantasyland views.

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Simon (traded for) Injury, Booger (traded for) worked out when it mattered, he got injured the following season. McCargo (traded for) failed physical. Quinn Quitcock, Quit. ... Bill Johnson (drugs) and on and on...

The team HAS TRIED TO ADDRESS THE RUN D........ but this is the most injury prone team I have ever seen.

What can you do?

Tack a horseshoe and rabbit's foot on the GM's wall. I wonder why Colts management hasn't conducted a study or analysis on why our players are injuried so often? I am suspecting the root causes go far beyond just bad luck.

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Tack a horseshoe and rabbit's foot on the GM's wall. I wonder why Colts management hasn't conducted a study or analysis on why our players are injuried so often? I am suspecting the root causes go far beyond just bad luck.

Outside of last season and this one, has the Colts suffered any more injuries on average over say any other NFL team? As for this season I think the injury issue is impacting all teams big time due to the lack of offseason workouts and camps.

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