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Expecting improvement not miracles


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Although I agree that poor decisions are being made in coaching and that acquisitions made have failed to produce I feel that an obvious point must be made. Talent was acquired through trades and free agency. Talent which hasn't yet produced but talent none the less. As many analysts have said. Colts fans have been somewhat spoiled and hold some unrealistic expectations for success. For and "brand new" team, we are having more success than should be expected. New players new schemes. What do we expect. Holes will be filled and changes made give the powers that be the benefit and credit their years of football knowledge. I would love immediate success year in and year out. That's not football. As for Mr Irsay, you do write the checks and expect greatness. that's why you're a great owner. Keep it in house. don't soil the media market with hidden threats. You constructed a staff that you believed in now let them work. If your expectations aren't met then hold them accountable "in house". Please don't become a Jerry Jones. I'm pulling my hair out with this team the last 4 weeks but I have to believe steps are and will be taken to repair the monster.

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I agree with most of what you said, except about Irsay.  He has the right to post whatever he wants.  I enjoy his tweets, even though I know some come off as embarrassing.


He's nothing like Jerry Jones.  He does insist his team be responsible.  But it appears he leaves the football decisions to those that know better.  IMO, he is letting them work.  But he's demanding the most out of everyone. 


Not to make excuses, but losing the second most important player on offense would seriously hinder any teams progress.  You just don't find someone off the street to replace a future HoFamer.

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I have also been frustrated these past few weeks to the point of confusion and dismay over the mental errors made by the coaching staff and agree with keeping promblems in house their have been numerous mistakes made, The talent is their unfortunaly the coaching staff are not making adjustments to use the correct people to optimize the play calling and I believe this offense was set up around a running game which was based on Balilard and Bradshaw being healthy. You have a rookie OC having a hard time adjusting to the NFL and not making the good decisions on is play calling. Things do need to be corrected if you want to make a run and I'am sure in time it will

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I agree with most of what you said, except about Irsay.  He has the right to post whatever he wants.  I enjoy his tweets, even though I know some come off as embarrassing.


He's nothing like Jerry Jones.  He does insist his team be responsible.  But it appears he leaves the football decisions to those that know better.  IMO, he is letting them work.  But he's demanding the most out of everyone. 


Not to make excuses, but losing the second most important player on offense would seriously hinder any teams progress.  You just don't find someone off the street to replace a future HoFamer.

I do agree that as the owner he has the right to make his opinion heard and demand results. he made the decision to place the current coaching staff and can at any time make the decision to change. Entertaining tweets is one thing but to place demands on a team in public forum doesn't sit right with me. I believe one of the prides of the colts organization has been their ability to keep thoughts and doubts out of the public eye. I don't feel any has a right to know whats going on in my home and many on the team see this as their home. Handle ur owner biz, right that ship just don't do it in a forum that both players and coaches can view. If for some reason players get the idea that ownership is losing faith in coaching, that's when monsters are born and "team" issues arise. IMO. P.S. Hamilton could quite possibly be out of his element. Problems in any case need to be addressed.
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My concern with how things are going has to do with the beating Luck is taking!  It almost appears as if Luck is regressing in his development due to the pounding he is taking and the lack of quality receivers.  My fear is that he could follow in the footsteps of David Carr, that is, take such a beating and a beat-down that he will never become the QB he could have been.  I just can't understand why they don't have him rolling out more . . . he is gifted in passing on the run and it would give our receivers more time to get open (and Luck would have more than a split second to find an open receiver and get off a pass).  Just a thought!

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My concern with how things are going has to do with the beating Luck is taking!  It almost appears as if Luck is regressing in his development due to the pounding he is taking and the lack of quality receivers.  My fear is that he could follow in the footsteps of David Carr, that is, take such a beating and a beat-down that he will never become the QB he could have been.  I just can't understand why they don't have him rolling out more . . . he is gifted in passing on the run and it would give our receivers more time to get open (and Luck would have more than a split second to find an open receiver and get off a pass).  Just a thought!

Totally agree. like many QB's who aren't given the tools or the environment to succeed their careers regress. don't they dare take a BMW and beat it like a oldsmobile.  FIX THAT LINE!

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