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Why dont NFL players complain about playing on Thanksgiving?


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Most of the year? Playing Thursday night games are terrible and awful...Its those greedy owners...they just do it to line their pockets...Its for TV....players get hurt...don't let me hear anybody talk about player safety? they don't care!!!

This week? But playing Thanksgiving MORNING and AFTERNOON in Detroit and Dallas is a priviliege and tradition..

A chance to show off for a national TV audience.

....NFL players just like to complain....Detroit has played on Thanksgiving for 60 years

...Its never led to more injuries and its always been about making money.

...always good to have a little turkey without whine

Ok. Coooooool

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We should cancel all that junk. just my opinion.


People need to fly. People watch TV. There's the news (even if you get your news from other sources, someone is making that information available).


I get that people like to spend time with their families and enjoy the holiday. For some people, though, those other things are just as big a part of the holiday. Other people don't even really celebrate it, they just enjoy the time off. For people who just want to spend time with family, I think that's just what they should do. I don't know why their opinion should dictate what everyone else does.

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People need to fly. People watch TV. There's the news (even if you get your news from other sources, someone is making that information available).


I get that people like to spend time with their families and enjoy the holiday. For some people, though, those other things are just as big a part of the holiday. Other people don't even really celebrate it, they just enjoy the time off. For people who just want to spend time with family, I think that's just what they should do. I don't know why their opinion should dictate what everyone else does.


I get it, for a while when I was in college, I fixed computers part time at best buy geeksquad. This was during the best buy hay-day, before online shopping became incredibly popular.


I found that I was scheduled to open on Black Friday I had to be there at 4:00am or some garbage like that, I promptly told him that if I didn't get my schedule changed to close on Black Friday that the Wednesday before would be my last day.


I really don't care for the people who stood in line for days to buy a laptop, and I could really care less if they got one, there was no chance that I was getting up at 3:00am to get to work by 4:00am the day after Thanksgiving, just so some savages could save $50 on a laptop. They of course buckled and caved because they couldn't afford to lose their best technician.


These days they are making these poor people come into work on Thanksgiving, it's absurd. I still think that the online deals the day of Thanksgiving were the best idea, with Black Friday kicking off the in-store deals, but the amount of people in this nation that have to labor on Thanksgiving is growing insanely large. It's almost like it's becoming an upper-middle class + Holiday only with the lower classes being forced to serve their entertainment and shopping needs.


I know I kinda diverted from the subject a little, but I still feel for those people who have to make all the behind the scenes stuff go on, people like the guy who chases the guy with the camera so he doesn't trip or get tangled in the wire. This country should get back to it's roots and have a couple real Holidays where 95% of the people don't have to work (I say 95% due to medical, fire, and police presence, etc.). We've become so commercialized that it's just accepted everywhere. Some other countries would be appalled at what we are forced to do here for entertainment and saving a few dollars during the Holidays.



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I get it, for a while when I was in college, I fixed computers part time at best buy geeksquad. This was during the best buy hay-day, before online shopping became incredibly popular.


I found that I was scheduled to open on Black Friday I had to be there at 4:00am or some garbage like that, I promptly told him that if I didn't get my schedule changed to close on Black Friday that the Wednesday before would be my last day.


I really don't care for the people who stood in line for days to buy a laptop, and I could really care less if they got one, there was no chance that I was getting up at 3:00am to get to work by 4:00am the day after Thanksgiving, just so some savages could save $50 on a laptop. They of course buckled and caved because they couldn't afford to lose their best technician.


These days they are making these poor people come into work on Thanksgiving, it's absurd. I still think that the online deals the day of Thanksgiving were the best idea, with Black Friday kicking off the in-store deals, but the amount of people in this nation that have to labor on Thanksgiving is growing insanely large. It's almost like it's becoming an upper-middle class + Holiday only with the lower classes being forced to serve their entertainment and shopping needs.


I know I kinda diverted from the subject a little, but I still feel for those people who have to make all the behind the scenes stuff go on, people like the guy who chases the guy with the camera so he doesn't trip or get tangled in the wire. This country should get back to it's roots and have a couple real Holidays where 95% of the people don't have to work (I say 95% due to medical, fire, and police presence, etc.). We've become so commercialized that it's just accepted everywhere. Some other countries would be appalled at what we are forced to do here for entertainment and saving a few dollars during the Holidays.




I can appreciate that. You're right, the commercialization of EVERYTHING is a bit much. It's the reason stores have started opening Thursday evening instead of just Friday at midnight, and it's growing. But what's good for commerce is good for the economy. Doesn't make it right, but it's not all bad.


As an aside, without getting too political or religious or anything, much of the world would be appalled if they really thought about the origins of Thanksgiving to begin with. Fact is, people mostly just accept things for the way they are. If people weren't willing to camp out for a week in the cold to save a few hundred dollars on a TV, Best Buy wouldn't open at 8PM on Thanksgiving day. If people were willing to boycott the early shopping, the retailers wouldn't take advantage of the opportunity to make more money. 


And when it comes to sports on holidays, it's a tradition, just like the Macy's parade, or the Rose parade, or anything else. I'm not 100% sure, but I bet the camera guys and the guys who chase after them with the cable get holiday pay. And they do this job a couple days a week. There's a bunch of people willing to do it if they're not. To me, Sundays are a day to spend with family. A lot of people have taken a similar principled stand. You did when you were on Geek Squad. But when you want a job or a career, you give certain things up. NFL players and coaches give up a lot, and so do the other people in that field.

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