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New information in Martin/Incognito saga.


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Like many have stated previously on this topic, I have no idea what to make of this best buddy stance. Generally, if you are being tormented by an alpha male, playing along with the harassment just invites more ridicule & gives the aggressor an open door green light. Some guys are driven to fight, some guys are given to flight, some guys don't wanna create any waves, & some guys use humor to loose any tension or friction in a locker room. 


I have no idea who is lying & I have no idea if we are getting partial truths or not. If I were Martin, I will endure torment up to a point, it comes to a head, & one of 2 things is gonna happen: You either kick my caboose or kill me. Either way, I stand up for myself or go down swinging. This isn't an arrogance thing; it's a can I live with myself & look at myself in the mirror tomorrow? Physical strength isn't everything. Bat bleep crazy antics scares the crap out of most people. 


I like to resolve matters through peaceful discussion & a war of wits, but death is better than wounded pride. SW1 has always believed that & I always will. Just my 2 cents on the situation...

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I'm a guy, I know how jokes between dudes that are essentially friends go - ( Hey man!... How's your wife and my kids?  etc...   yuk yuk  more stupid guy retort stuff... yuk yuk)


I don't buy Martin and Incognito are friends. Why?  Here's an article that Martin FEARED retribution from Incognito-




Remember, Incognito laced out to Adam Schefter too!  Incognito wouldn't really do anything people say?  Pfffftttt.  Tell that to a hotel security guard just as training camp was beginning-




Incognito has a history, on and off field.  He's no leader, he's a loose cannon. He's had NFL players swing a helmet at him!  LOL  His history is littered with , to quote Brian Casserly, epic "Turditude"!  I wonder if it was second year player Merlin Olsen instead of Martin how all this would have played out... or Reggie white entering his seconds season.  Hmmmm....


And GM Ireland supposedly told Martin to punch Incognito?  Wow... faill everywhere and it is going to get bad.  Richie Incognito does not get any benefit of the doubt from me.  It has to be proven.  Thant's my cal on the field.


Yeah if you google Richard Jewell  you'll find  the media was claiming he was the olympic bomber in a rush to judgement .


Some times the media gets it wrong .   Half truths & past stories are worthless & only confuse the issue  what is Martins story gonna be in a court of law ? Thats what I want to hear ..

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Yeah if you google Richard Jewell  you'll find  the media was claiming he was the olympic bomber in a rush to judgement .


Some times the media gets it wrong .   Half truths & past stories are worthless & only confuse the issue  what is Martins story gonna be in a court of law ? Thats what I want to hear ..




As a starter, and that's not not even from Martins high powered attorney, this just initial speculation from an ESPN lawyer and analyst Lestor Munson.

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Martin will need some team mates to stick up for him in court to get the "big payday" ...    and I don't see that happening.


In fact the team has painted a totally different picture, be it right or wrong...    Just because someone gets their feelings hurt does not mean they are entitled .to MILLIONS of dollars in damages.


From all I have read on this topic,  I get the felling Martin totally went about this the wrong way.  Because not ONE Dolphin is sticking up for Martin.    They to a MAN thought it was all good.      


Something's gotta give.....


This will be very interesting to see how it plays out.   The NFL is a VERY powerful entity.  They don't like their image tainted.


A rumor floating around is that Martin is....      connect the dots...



As a starter, and that's not not even from Martins high powered attorney, this just initial speculation from an ESPN lawyer and analyst Lestor Munson.

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