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Game Keys This Weekend Vs Chiefs


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get this The Chiefs R worse on third/fourth down than the Colts are, If we start seeing third down conversions by Matt Cassel, it's going to be tough for the Colts to win.

8 specific points are discussed and other stats and opinions given


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If we can get Delone Carter and Addai to rush with succes up the middle we have a legitimate chance to have Collie and Wayne and Garcon open for a few big gains maybe some long scoring pass plays. But honestly the RBs have to be playing well to keep those DEs on the Chiefs honest. If they feast on open meat Painter he will get hurt because Glenn Dorsey will hurt some people this yr!

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One other key to this game is special teams play. Not only do we not want to give up any special teams scores....we really need to keep them pinned back as much as possible.

Painter and the offense will need the best field position possible.

McAfee has to kickoff out of enzone so no returns and pin them on punts

yes u have 2 teams bad on 3rd down conversions and sustaining drives, field position can be critical, Charles ran wild on us last year but he is out

heres hoping Garcon gets in open space and we block like last week after a catch, those long TD via YAC may be vital here, if we get a run game going and then play fake the hand off & do some deep throws who knows

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For the Colts to win this Game it starts with the O line. If Painter can stay on his feet the Colts will win this game. The defense is going to be there this week. The only concern is how will the corners cover Bowe he is starting to get going, that is my concern.

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Wow just looking at those stats kind of puts into prespective how bad we are doing this year. The only positive I really saw was that we are averaging more YPC than our defense is giving up. That's a definite plus for us. Les just hope we can keep that going now that Foster is on IR.

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The keys to the game: O-line, O-line, O-line, and jump balls to Garcon :) (don't throw it waist level, he will drop it, let him go up and get it like Megatron :)).

I think we need to get joe at least 20 touches, not play 21 yards off the ball at all times and feel free to mix in a in game adjustment. than we will be 1-4
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I feel the same, im sure he can do a better job than Caldfail at keeping the O pumped up.

I think maybe executing the gameplan will keep the offense pumped up. Maybe converting more than 4 times on third down. Maybe not throwing the ball over the receivers' heads, or not allowing your quarterback to get hit every third drop back.

I don't think it's Caldwell's job, or anyone else's job, to keep the offense pumped up. I think it's Caldwell's job to put the offense in situations where they can have some success, and let the motivation come on the field.

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
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