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This is my first time really paying attention to Thornton


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He pulled very well, stayed in front of his man well in the pass, run blocked well, was alert to pick up the blitz & helped the man next to him very alertly.

One of the best Rookie pre-season O-Line performances i can remember. I think? ;)

We need to find a buyer for McGlynn ASAP.

That Kyle Long fellow has had a great rookie preseason.
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I agree wholeheartedly that Arians demanding (and predictable) scheme was a big part to blame for their overall ineffectiveness last year, but they really don't seem to be doing that much better under a more sensible scheme so far this season either. I think the truth is, they're being asked to do more than their limited talent allows of them. They're backups posing as starters


I'm not really debating that point.  The key point is, Grigson brought in upgrades that we could afford at the time.  They didn't have a lot to work with after dropping a bunch of Polian's high priced hires.  Given what the budget allowed, I'd say he did about as good as he could have.  And as has been obvious, he is still looking to shore things up there.  Those acquisitions were far from ideal, but they were upgrades over we we had.  We went from turnstiles to career backups, and as bad as they were, they were still upgrades.

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