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Anyone else getting Game Rewind?


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I think it excels at what it's supposed to do. It's purpose is to show you every TD that happens on Sunday, including all the other big plays. And at around 3:30pm and 6:30 pm it provides more drama than anything I've ever seen. You get to witness every close finish and it makes those boring games (any game involving the Jets) interesting and exciting. I prefer to watch full games, but I could never watch every full game on Sunday, there's just not enough hours in that one day to do so.


I get what you are saying sumpremecoltsfan300, but to only display scoring drives diminishes the domination in the trenches & real defensive battles which actually wins games IMO. There's plenty of other media outlets to gain 32 team scores from. I have more productive ways of wasting my time. Sometimes, an onslaught of information isn't better it's just overkill. JMO.

You know SW, that's not a popular position and I usually just ignore the topic since so many people think it's the cat's meow - but I don't have much use for it myself. I'm sure that many watch it simply because it's better than nothing, or because they don't care for the full games available to them, but I'm sure that many fit into the groups you mention. I suspect that it also appeals to the video game addled "GIVE ME MORE STIMULATION NOW" junkies.


They should change the name to RedBull channel, both for it's pointlessness and for what you'd have to consume in vast quantities to keep up with it - all without actually watching a football game.

You know me MAC. Popularity isn't my sole motivation in life. SW1 likes what he likes & usually tells ya what he can't stand either. To each their own I guess. Your red bull analogy is a good one. A heightened sense of immediate self gratification over a fast paced blur of highlights that reveals absolutely nothing meaningful IMO. Like a crack addict who can't get enough & has nothing concrete to show for it. A gambler's utopian paradise designed to steal your hard earned money & that's about it.


The is a huge difference between relevant information & trivial details to drown yourself with. Streamline the information don't dump everything including the kitchen sink on me. Graduate school taught me that...How to dilute crucial information. Separate the wheat from the chaff...

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The other reason SW1 dislikes NFL RedZone/Red Bull is this: Scoring drives alone out of context tell you nothing about what put teams in that position to score 6 points. Superb blocking downfield, a TE or WR being used as a decoy, a clean pocket...I can keep going...


True defensive domination is seldom seen on NFL RedZone highlights that's why I deplore it. It fails to give fans an accurate portrayal of why a team really won on Sunday. 


"Don't miss the forest for the trees." Get a complete picture both micro & macro for full comprehension. 


I don't need to see every NFL team nor do I want to actually. It's about intricate details of a few select NFL squads for me plain & simple. 

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I've willingly paid more like $800/year to watch one football team - after decades of frustration because of NOT being able to pay to see them.


Well some of us must have better jobs or less responsibilities than others lol.  I envy you to be able to afford that, cudos to you.

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Well some of us must have better jobs or less responsibilities than others lol.  I envy you to be able to afford that, cudos to you.

You jump to the wrong conclusion. There have been times that I could afford it (now is not one of them), but mostly it's a choice. For instance I've never had a smart phone, and I haven't been on a vacation in eons. How many people on this site would make that trade? There are people who lease new cars but can't pay their rent. What do you assume looking at the car? We're all different.


I was just posting with someone who is going to spend hundreds this fall to travel and attend one game in Indy.  I can think of a zillion things I'd rather do with that kind of money besides that. Not really tempted by that - whether I could afford it or not (which at the moment I can't).


And for what it's worth, my responsibilities would sadly make most peoples eye balls pop out of their heads - which has a lot to do with the lack of vacations.

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You jump to the wrong conclusion. There have been times that I could afford it (now is not one of them), but mostly it's a choice. For instance I've never had a smart phone, and I haven't been on a vacation in eons. How many people on this site would make that trade? There are people who lease new cars but can't pay their rent. What do you assume looking at the car? We're all different.


I was just posting with someone who is going to spend hundreds this fall to travel and attend one game in Indy.  I can think of a zillion things I'd rather do with that kind of money besides that. Not really tempted by that - whether I could afford it or not (which at the moment I can't).


And for what it's worth, my responsibilities would sadly make most peoples eye balls pop out of their heads - which has a lot to do with the lack of vacations.


Ah sorry to hear my friend, maybe you should take a vacation lol. but my idea of affording something is making sure all your responsibilities are paid before spending on the excess.  People who buy cars but cant pay rent, cant afford it imo.  But its all in how you perceive the definition of things. 

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