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The Next Can't Miss #1 Draft Pick

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Living here on the west coast, I get to see a lot of Pac-12 football. The more I watch this kid, the more impressed I am with him. He's only a red shirt freshman, but I see so much poise, confidence, and football smarts, that I can honestly say that this is the next can't miss #1 pick.

Who is it you may ask? QB Marcus Mariota, Oregon Ducks. 19 years old 6'4 198

He was one of the most highly recruited players in recent memory. I have watched 3 of his 4 games, and he impresses me more and more. Not many freshman roll away from the pressure, keep looking down filed while on the run, and throw a perfect TD just before he crosses the line of scrimmage. When I saw that play I swore I was watching Andrew Luck. He steps up into the pocket, will take the hit if needed to complete the pass, and poised enough to avoid the rush. He can run, but from what I have seen he gets the ball down field when forced to leave the pocket. He also runs the fastest offense in all of football, Oregon averages 21 seconds per snap, and practice even faster, so he's already getting the no-huddle down.

Here are just some of his stats..

78-112 69.6% 934 yards 10 TD's 2 INT

27 rushes 125 yards

If you get a chance to watch this kid in action please do...and also check him out online...I rarely if ever make predictions, but I really believe this kid to be the consensus #1 pick when he comes out...He's that good.

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Çolt Fan 4 Life....

I'll make a Gentleman's Bet with you..... no stakes... just your view and my view...

You think he'll be a consensus #1. I'm guessing you're saying consensus #1 overall, like Luck, or, are you saying, a consensus first round draft pick, somewhere in the top 32?

Either way.... here's my prediction...

He's not a first round pick at all. My guess is he'll be no higher than a 2nd round pick and likely lower. The reason? He reads a spread option or a read option offense. He's not required to read offenses the way most college QB's who pass a lot are.

He hands the ball off... or holds it and makes a quick throw. He's running a college offense, not a pro offense. That alone really hurts his chances for the NFL. And seeing how bad Tim Tebow has struggled to make the conversion only hurts his chances even more.

So, my guess is 2nd round is his ceiling, but he's likely to go lower.... and potentially, much lower....

We'll revisit this in 3 more years! :thmup:

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Çolt Fan 4 Life....

I'll make a Gentleman's Bet with you..... no stakes... just your view and my view...

You think he'll be a consensus #1. I'm guessing you're saying consensus #1 overall, like Luck, or, are you saying, a consensus first round draft pick, somewhere in the top 32?

Either way.... here's my prediction...

He's not a first round pick at all. My guess is he'll be no higher than a 2nd round pick and likely lower. The reason? He reads a spread option or a read option offense. He's not required to read offenses the way most college QB's who pass a lot are.

He hands the ball off... or holds it and makes a quick throw. He's running a college offense, not a pro offense. That alone really hurts his chances for the NFL. And seeing how bad Tim Tebow has struggled to make the conversion only hurts his chances even more.

So, my guess is 2nd round is his ceiling, but he's likely to go lower.... and potentially, much lower....

We'll revisit this in 3 more years! :thmup:

Yeah, he's right...Terrance whitehead wen't undrafted...Jonathan Stewart went in the first and after that...Lamicheal james got a chance...maybe Kenyon Barer will get a chance...but offense hurts everybody come draft day.

Deanthony thomas is a TD machine...but come next year, he may go the way of a devin hester because nobody knows what position he really plays.

Timmy Chang has like more Yards than anybody, but that what happens when you play for Hawiaii and you run the ball zero times a game.

He does seem like a good player tough, and if he shows good arm strength and maturity, he could be a top pick anyway.

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Yeah, he's right...Terrance whitehead wen't undrafted...Jonathan Stewart went in the first and after that...Lamicheal james got a chance...maybe Kenyon Barer will get a chance...but offense hurts everybody come draft day.

Deanthony thomas is a TD machine...but come next year, he may go the way of a devin hester because nobody knows what position he really plays.

Timmy Chang has like more Yards than anybody, but that what happens when you play for Hawiaii and you run the ball zero times a game.

He does seem like a good player tough, and if he shows good arm strength and maturity, he could be a top pick anyway.

The running backs can make the transition to the NFL.

But the QB's, where reading defenses is everything have incredible trouble. See Tebow, Tim.

Hey, the Ducks had Darron Thomas run that high-powered offense incredible well and he couldn't get drafted. Not sure he was even signed as a FA. The jump is so, so hard.

This kid might be the best QB Oregon has had running their system. I'm not saying he won't get drafted. Only that the system he runs makes making the transition so difficult that calling him a future #1 is very hard to do.

Just my opinion. And I want to keep this good natured and friendly for the next 3+ years! :thmup:

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He hands the ball off... or holds it and makes a quick throw. He's running a college offense, not a pro offense. That alone really hurts his chances for the NFL. And seeing how bad Tim Tebow has struggled to make the conversion only hurts his chances even more.

And then there was Cam Newton...

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I'll make that gentlemen's wager with you..but also, keep in mind, that if it were a team, say the Colts for example, who have a young Andrew Luck, he would not go consensus #1 overall. If it is a team that needs a QB..yes he will go overall #1.

I agree he runs a "college offense"...but look at what this kid is doing...

A) .Poise..He's a true freshman on the #2 team in the nation. He makes plays like a 4th year SR. After only 4 games. I'll grant you this much, and per your quote" And seeing how bad Tim Tebow has struggled to make the conversion only hurts his chances even more." Lets look at the comparison between Tebow..Chang, and other "college style QB's, as you say.

If you look at his rushing stats, you can see that he will look for the pass before he runs with the ball. He has had numerous opportunities to just take off like Tebow, yet he shows he doesn't take his eyes off down field to hit an open receiver..Only if one isn't open will he run, and he knows to slide, or take it out of bounds. Tebow is a runner period, with no accuracy...Look at this kids percentages...He has a way better arm, both in strength and accuracy. And, he has shown more intelligence than Tebow ever has..Tebow couldn't read a pee wee league defence..and this after only 4 games...

2) He's not a Chang type either..He's not one to just air it out all the time. He runs a speed offense...21 seconds per snap. he's already controlling a top rank offense. He's getting experience against major teams, not like Hawaii...He will be playing in BCS bowls with a powerhouse team against quality teams. So far, he's only played one, and did decently against a good Arizona team.

3) Someone mentioned Cam Newton..They said the same thing about him, however, again, there is one major difference. Cam cannot look down the field when running..When he decides to run, he runs..with this kid's headiness, he will not only save his body, but he will also make more big plays downfield, and take less of a beating.

The kid has all the tools to be "the next can't miss QB"..only time will tell who is right..my money's on this kid...

(And I am not a Pac-12 or Oregon fan...I'm looking at this as a football fan)

Good luck on our bet..you'll be saying I was right when its over...lol :thmup:

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