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Posts posted by stitches

  1. 3 hours ago, NFLfan said:


    We need some people to volunteer as commissioners. @csmopar, @chad72.  Any others??


    Anyone have a fair way to award the Colts to a GM?


    Can we get fans of other teams to draft for their teams? @Lurk McGurk, @VikingsFanInChennai, @RollerColt

    Last year, we had a Raiders fan @LV-FrontRow 


    @CR91, @DAB68 @danlhart87 @coltsfanej, @Clem-Dog, @stitches @SaturdayAllDay  Do you all wish to play this year? 


    Has anyone seen @WarGhost21?

    Hi, I will play but with the timing I will probably need to send my picks to the commissioner in advance like last year. :thmup:

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  2. 2 minutes ago, ad24rouse said:

    Fields is far from a retread and I would trade the #4 pick for him in a heartbeat. He's clearly ascending and if the Bears surround him with the type of talent they should this offseason, he's going to take a Hurts level leap in 2023. 

    This is missing the point. My point is - he very well might make the leap next season. But if the Bears have faith in that they would never trade him. The only way they trade him is if there is actually something wrong with him behind the scenes(poor work ethic, discipline issues, bad attitude, etc.) that makes them give up on him. 

    • Like 3
  3. 6 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    That was short and sweet Happy Eddie Murphy GIF by Laff

    Sorry I just am done with retreads. Field looks promising but ask yourself - the Bears have had him in their building for 2 years now. They know how he works, they know what he does well and what he doesn't, they know his rate of improvement. If the Bears decide to trade him now, what would that tell us about Fields? Noone trades franchise QBs, especially this young... It probably means they don't believe in him and his ability to improve into a franchise guy... We already made that same mistake just 2 years ago. A team told us they don't believe in their QB and we gave them a 1st and a 3d for him. 


    Thanks but no thanks... 

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  4. My football and Colts fandom started very late. I've always been interested in sports of all sorts, but in my country American football was not really a sport anyone had any interest in so I was oblivious to it for most of my life. The first time I watched a game of football was when I went to uni in Canada... I went to a few games of the football team of my university with friends and it looked like a good way to spend a few hours with friends, but my love for the game didn't start until a friend of mine hooked me to the NFL. Now that was a competition and a show that truly enthralled me. It was just about the perfect mix of athleticism, savagery, skill and fanaticism to grab my attention. 


    At the time I didn't have any team I was rooting for so I was just enjoying the game. But at the end of the 2011 season I decided it's time for me to pick a side and complete my destiny as a fan not just of the sport but of a specific team. I decided I wanted to pick a team with an exciting rookie QB, first so I wouldn't be a glory-hunter/fair-weather fan and second so I can have my fandom grow along with the team and the QB of my team. My options were limited to the Colts(Luck) and the Redskins (RG3). At the time I decided to let my feelings and attraction grow naturally and not force myself into any direction so I started watching both teams and both QBs every week and both had great rookie years to follow, but slowly bit by bit I just started drifting towards the Colts. No idea why... I just thought Luck was a fascinating player and the team seemed so likeable at the time. An underdog story - team going from 2 wins to 11 in just one season. TY was showing great potential. By the end of that season I was a Colts fan and haven't looked back since.


    Luck was the gateway and my Cupid when it comes to the Colts. That's why his slow breakdown and his early retirement hurt so bad for me. That's why I will never forgive Grigson and Pagano for what they did to that amazing football talent. And now we find ourselves in another fork in the road with the potential to get another star QB for the team. I guess my enjoyment of the process will depend on how good the new QB is... but one thing is for sure... whoever it is, and however good he is, I cannot wait to follow the journey. 



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  5. 3 minutes ago, strt182 said:

    If at any point you play to lose you are letting 50 plus other players in the team. Those who do this should be playing a individual sport not a team.

    I'm not talking about the players. Players always play to win. That's why when you are not fighting for anything but draft position, you pull the players you have long-term investment in to protect them from injuries. This way you maximize your chances to WIN the big prize in the long term, not the prize of least horrible team in 2022. 

  6. 1 minute ago, IinD said:

    Nah man, sorry I'm not in that group of fans. 

    Draft guarantees nothing I've learned.

    I want to be entertained on Sundays, not watch a funeral each week . But to each their own of course.

    The draft guarantees nothing, but it gives you options. We will be in a MUCH BETTER spot with the Texans out of that no. 1 spot and us as close as possible to it. 

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