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Status Updates posted by NFLfan

  1. @Solid84 I think you had asked how Dallas Turner was playing. Vikings are playing the Raiders who are playing their starters on offense and defense. Turner got a sack. He almost got another. He is looking good.


    @VikingsFanInChennai Are you watching/following? Darnold played the first series. JJ McCarthy is in now.

    1. Solid84


      Nice, well done Turner!


      Hope Latu has a good debut for us as well.

  2. I hope those in Indianapolis are taking advantage of the eclipse. I wish I could see it in total like those in Indy, Dallas, Buffalo/Rochester/Niagara Falls, and parts of Canada. Enjoy the experience!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. richard pallo

      richard pallo

      No.  Ours was hazy cloudy.  The total darkness was cool though.

    3. Nadine


      I don't believe I have ever been awestruck before.  It was an experience I'll never forget.  Just AMAZING

      Solar Eclipse Space GIF by BBC America

    4. NFLfan


      Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. @Nadine

  3. Congratulations to Peter King on his retirement. I have always been a fan of his. I liked Mortenson and John Clayton (RIP) too. All were so professional.



    Peter King has attended the last 40 Super Bowls in person. Now, he says, he's ready to experience one from his couch.

  4. @w87r


    "It's been a dream since I was 7 years old. I'm definitely not letting that contract stuff get in the way of my team. We have to be focused on getting to the Super Bowl.”


    I love this guy!!

  5. I love watching the Masters! Augusta National, where the Masters golf tournament takes place, is beautiful, serene, and majestic. I don't watch much golf anymore but I still watch the Masters.


    Happy Easter!

  6. @richard pallo  Has the snow reached your part of the state? It is so heavy in Orchard Park. I read that  nearly 5 feet of snow has come down there. I recall when we got 28 inches where I am. It caused so much havoc. I can't imagine getting nearly twice that amount.


    Hope all is well out there. Stay safe.


    1. richard pallo

      richard pallo

      Hello NFLfan thanks for inquiring.  We dodged a bullet here in the Rochester area.  Only a few inches so far.  Not expecting too much more.  An hour and a half towards Buffalo and it’s really bad.  Orchard Park is buried.  It looks like they are off to a big lead in the snowfall race between Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse.  Here’s hoping it stays that way.  Lol.  Take care and stay safe as well.

  7. Hey @stitches, hope all is well. @VikingsFanInChennai and I are hoping the Vikes draft a top QB in the draft next year. When you have the time, please let us know who are some to watch for. Who are your favorites?


    Thank you! Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NFLfan
    3. stitches


      Have not watched him. No idea :dunno:

    4. stitches


      started a thread about 2023 prospects. I'm watching mainly QBs so far:



  8. @Commandersfan202 Are you a long time Washington fan or Wentz fan. If you are a long time fan, what are your thoughts on Kirk Cousins?

  9. Nice to see you in the forum. I have not seen you in a while. Will you participate in the Gavin Mock Draft if we have one this year?

    1. Clem-Dog


      Yes I would like to participate.  Thank you for the invitation.

    2. NFLfan


      Okay, we will discuss this further after the Super Bowl.


      Enjoy the upcoming games. 

  10. I hear it is pretty bad in Texas. My cousin lives near Dallas and she said it is cold and her power is on and off. She said Texas does not have the infrastructure to handle these frigid temperatures and snow. How is it by where you are?

    1. danlhart87


      My power goes out every hour and is 17 degrees currently thanks for checking up 

    2. NFLfan


      Stay safe. Keep your phones and/or computers charged when you do have power.

  11. Hello friends,


    It has been a while since I have reached out to some of you -- you know who you are. I hope all of you are well.

    This has been a pretty anxious time. I am thankful that there are forums like this one and the Daily Norseman (Vikings) to provide some distraction from everything surrounding the coronavirus and COVID-19. I'm wondering how coronavirus is affecting folks where you all live. Are businesses shut down where you all are? Are there any curfews or other restrictions? Are you working from home? What is everyone doing to pass the time?


    Hope all of you stay safe and have a good week. :hat:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 2006Coltsbestever


      Still living the same except practicing social distancing and washing my hands more. I shower daily too homer simpson singing GIF . In Indiana a lot of places are closed and traffic has died way down from the norm. Grocery stores and gas stations are still open. Fast food places are open too. Where I work at is a food plant so we are consider essential, we aren't closing. Business is slow so I just sit in my office and chime in here a lot lmao . Anything that has to do with food or medicine will stay open. Hospitals are of course open too. I have no problems going to work and back regarding the police. I haven't seen many out actually. How is it in NY as of today?

    3. NFLfan


      It is similar in NY but there is a some fear and anxiety. We have so many cases of COVID-19. @Nadine had posted something on the Coronavirus thread in Misc Section. It says NYS is expected to lose over 14,000 people (deaths) by Aug 4th. Indiana was much lower but still large. 


      I'm ok, working from home. I leave my home just to shop for food and other needed items. I'm thankful that I am still working. So many people are not so fortunate. They are all in my thoughts and prayers. So are those in hospitals, supermarkets, and pharmacies who still have to leave home to work. I hope this ends soon.

    4. Nadine


      I have some life long friends who have moved to the area and I haven't been able to see them yet.  Been trying to find a housewarming gift online but most things I thought of were closed because of covid-19.  I talked to them yesterday and found out that they are struggling to find cleaning supplies and paper products.  Then I had a genius moment.  The perfect gift is toilet paper and disinfectant! Scored some this am and am dropping them by their house today!

  12. Happy 2019 NFL :fb: Season to All! :cheer2::excited: 


    The Colts have a young, talented team under great leadership. You should all be optimistic and excited for this year and the upcoming years. It will be a lot of fun. Go Colts! 


    All the best! :coltshorse: :cheers:

    Rock & Skol Vikes!

    1. teganslaw


      The Vikings had a very impressive game! Defense looked good and the offense took over. Dalvin Cook was on my fantasy team, and he helped me do quite well. 

    2. JPPT1974


      Colts very close to pulling off a win but no cigar. Could meet later in the playoffs. So far so good on Jacoby B!

    3. southwest1


      @NFLfan, Wow! You're Vikings were lethal against the Falcons in Week 1. Talk about taking the dirty birds to the woodshed & clipping their wings. Amazing!


      Gary Kubiack was a tremendous new hire by Mike Zimmer too. Overjoyed for your club my friend. :rock:


      Thanks for the kind words regarding the Colts as well. You Rock!!!

  13. Congratulations to our US Ladies Soccer Team. Another World Cup. :fireworks::cheer2:

    1. southwest1


      Yep, that was quite an accomplishment indeed.


      Now, I wanna see women break the glass ceiling as CEO's in business as well as the American Presidency--It's long overdue. I'm getting sick & tired of sexism let me tell ya. 


      Well done ladies; Well done. Bravo! 

  14. Looking forward for baseball to start. :excited:


    https://youtu.be/YqY7e4bP9PQ (this one won't embed)



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. coltsfansince65


      Every win is a must win. The Mets should be a much improved team this season.

    3. NFLfan


      I hope. I have been following the Mets SB Nation site called AmazinAvenue. The folks there are excited about the upcoming season... The Vikings have taught me not to get too excited. haha

    4. 2006Coltsbestever


      Although the Cubs didn't make any big splashes this offseason, they are still very talented. Bryant is 100% healthy and I have been hearing Yu will be ready when the season starts. Lester and Hamels both are older but still are considered #1's on some teams and #2's on most teams. The Cubs will attempt to make their 5th straight playoff appearance in 2019. They have made the playoffs = 2015-2018, winning the WS in 2016, great run. I am excited for Baseball to begin.

  15. Merry Christmas to all my friends on the Colts forum. Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2019, one that finds both our teams in the postseason next week. 


    Go Vikes! Go Colts! 



    1. HOZER


      Merry Christmas to you as well!!!!!! 

    2. 2006Coltsbestever


      Merry Christmas :cheers:

    3. coltsfansince65


      Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you & your family as well.


      A Colts/Vikes Super Bowl would be a dream come true.

  16. Anyone see/hear from OldUncleMark @oldunclemark? He normally creates several game threads in the NFL section. There are none this week. Hope he is ok.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. aaron11


      i wondered the same, did a search and found this post.  looks like he last logged in on Tuesday.  hoping everything is alright 

    3. NFLfan


      @aaron11 Thanks. I noticed that while he last logged in on Oct. 23rd, the last time that he posted a comment was 2 weeks before that on Oct. 9th. Hopefully he is just taking a break. 

    4. NFLfan


      @oldunclemark Glad to see you logged in. Many here were concerned about you. We missed you. How are you doing? Hope you're well. 

  17. You once told me that you liked this song. I heard it yesterday and found this live version of it. It is a great song.


    Btw, hope you had a Happy Father's Day with your lovely daughter.



    And how about this one?



    I love 70s music. 

    1. TheRustonRifle#7


      Awesome thank you for rembering and sharing.  We had a great Father's Day together 

      , thanks so much!

    2. southwest1


      Good call on the soothing sounds of the 70's NFLfan. I couldn't agree more.


      Happy belated Fathers Day Out There to all the dads. Here's hoping you all got something more than a tie, toolbox, grill, or set of golf clubs. Unless you actually wanted those things. LOL!

  18. Prince, a fellow Vikesfan, would have celebrated his 60th birthday today, if he were still alive. I think his halftime performance in Super Bowl XL1 was the best I have seen. And who won that Super Bowl? 



    Continue to rest in peace.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. teganslaw


      I didn't follow Prince much, but have to admit he gave an outstanding halftime show.  


    3. coltsfansince65


      Prince was one gifted individual. Very underrated musician. He wrote some great songs that were made famous by other artists. (Manic Monday/Bangles, Nothing Compares 2 U/ Sinead O'Connor, Stand Back/Stevie Nicks, How Come You Don't Call Me Anymore/Alicia Keys, With This Tear/Celine Dion.....etc.)


      One of my favorite halftime shows & an even better super bowl.

    4. southwest1


      Cool Prince post @NFLfan! It makes me fond of this cover by Jeff Beck & Beth Hart. I swear to God this woman can sing anything & make it her own.



      Happy belated 60 Prince! It's a shame you're no longer around anymore.


      Good luck to your Vikings this year! BTW, I was glad to hear that former HC Dennis Green will get inducted into the Minnesota Ring Of Honor at the stadium as well. Well deserved honor indeed. :hat:

  19. Teddy is back!




    After nearly 15 months since

    sustaining a near career-ending injury, Teddy Bridgewater will be activated and moved to the Vikings roster today. He won't play right away but I believe he will play this year.


    To commemorate Teddy's return to football, enjoy this video from B/R. Hopefully it shows here. Otherwise, watch it on YouTube. (Andrew makes an appearance in the video too.)

    1. coltsfansince65


      Love it. Laughed out loud at the line about LA now having a team & a half.  I really hope Teddy comes back better than ever. I picked him up a couple weeks ago for my FF. I'm stashing him till he's ready to go. (my league is QB heavy & my current QBs are awful)

    2. 2006Coltsbestever


      I hope Teddy bounces back and has a solid career.

  20. Hope my fellow New Yorkers are safe tonight after another senseless attack on innocent people. Thoughts and prayers are with victims and their families. Hug your loved ones today. :hug:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 2006Coltsbestever


      Such a senseless act, hopefully the people that were injured recover. To the people that lost their lives, RIP and my condolences goes out to their families. Not sure how we can put a stop to the violence but this is the USA so we aren't backing down from any terrorists.  

    3. NFLfan


      "...this is the USA so we aren't backing down from any terrorists."



    4. teganslaw


      A former NYC policeman said in an interview that he thinks this kind of thing is the "new normal." I tend to agree with him, as scary as it is. These kind of attacks are happening too often, and it's just become a part of our lives now. Depressing to think of it that way, but how else could we consider it? Dangerous world we live in.

  21. Hi, you seem to be knowledgeable  about all the NFL rules. Where can I find information on whether injured players (on IR, on PUP, etc) can be traded? Most say they cannot be traded. But is that accurate? Yes, many will ask "why would anyone trade for an injured player"? Lol. I would trade for an injured elite player (Watt, Luck, Julio Jones, L. Bell etc.). 


    I wish we had a Q/A section where these types of questions can be addressed. Since we don't, I decided to ask you in a Status Update. :) Thanks.

    1. ColtsBlueFL


      I'm still cleaning upi after hurrican Irma here, so don't spend much time in research these days.  So I can't give you a link until I have time later.  but in the meantime, think of these things.  Injured players must be paid. period.  If you want to waive them, there must first be an injury settlement. IOW, they must be paid for the amount of time it would take them to be fully rehabbed.


      Money (especially elite players) - not only is their contracts high, so is guaranteed money.  That money is paid to the player up front at signing (unless a contractual alteration is agreed to). So the team 'Cap Hit' is spread out and manageable.  The owners 'Cash Hit' , however, is immediate and much larger.  A team cannot recoup any of that cash, and I'm pretty sure the cap hit stays with the team as dead money, since it is on their books as already paid.  Superman would be better to consult on these items. So any team would absolutely want to trade for injured elite players, but it appears there is no incentive for a team to trade that commodity away, considering the enormous resources already put into them that cannot be recouped.  So whether their is a rule about trading a n injured players rights or not, looking at some of the details of the deal seem to prevent it from ever happening.


      Oh, and there is a trade deadline too, I think it is Halloween this year.  Try Superman, I'll be the could explain more and better. :)


      Back to cleanup and helping out the neighborhood however I can.

    2. NFLfan


      Thanks. Sorry to hear that. About a third of my extended family lives in South Florida, east and west. So, I have heard about the current conditions. Glad all are safe. All the best with the recovery and clean-up.


      The more I read, the more I am assuming that there is no rule against trading players on IR or PUP. I read an article that recommended that the Jets trade for A. Robinson, WR, Jags. I believe he is on IR. The writer also thought the Jets should trade for Teddy. Ugh. I would hate that. Giants maybe, not the dysfunctional Jets. 


      Take it easy, if you can.

  22. Hey buddy. Hope you're well and pumped up for football as I am.


    Please play me some Steely Dan. Walter Becker died. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheRustonRifle#7


      Hey I hope all is well with yours as well.  My internet is down....on my phone now...going to try to post some Steely Dan in memory of Walter...

    3. TheRustonRifle#7


      Still trying....ughhhh.

    4. NFLfan


      No worries. 

  23. Fantasy Football Draft Day


    Are you all ready??? :excited:


    I tried a couple of mock drafts in preparation for the draft coming up in fewer than 7 hours. The one I like better:


    QBs: Brees, Winston (tons of offensive weapons)

    RB: L McCoy, C. McCaffrey, E. Lacy, A. Kamara

    WR: Michael Thomas (Saints), Diggs, Moncrief, Marvin Jones, Cooper Kupp 

    TE: Jordan Reed, Delanie Walker

    D/ST: Broncos, Giants

    K: Dan Bailey


    If my actual team could look like that, I would be mostly pleased. The only thing I don't like is that I have 3 players on one team (Saints). I could have selected a different RB like Vereen or Latavius Murray. Also, I want to draft Luck.


    Good Luck to all. :cheer2:

    1. Show previous comments  37 more
    2. NFLfan


      Coltsfansince65, what do you think of picking up JJ Nelson. He is playing against your Colts but the Cards are thin at WR. John Brown is out. Nelson may be a good pick up. 

    3. coltsfansince65


      NFLfan,  Sorry I didn't see this any earlier. I don't think that's a terrible idea. If you didn't pull the trigger & hope you grabbed someone else who can help you.

    4. NFLfan



      I was making the recommendation for you. I took Cooper Kupp earlier in the week. 

  24. I am so excited about tomorrow when I am going to see Journey, Fleetwood Mac and Earth Wind and Fire perform at CitiField in NY. It is a gift from my sister for my birthday earlier this month. Last summer we were going to see Peter Gabriel but she was out of town on business. So glad she could make this concert this year.


    It should be awesome! Thanks, Sis. 



    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. coltsfansince65


      Is that Neil Schon? Yes, he does look a little like Springsteen. Neil has been around for a while. He was actually the other guitar player with Santana at the original Woodstock in 69.


      Glad you enjoyed the show. Posting pics is a royal pita. I would post more pics if I didn't have to go through photobucket.

    3. NFLfan
    4. NFLfan


      They are not clear because I had to re-size them to fit here. The original pics look better.

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