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1 hour ago, jvan1973 said:

He said there is no pain.   Pain is certainly a symptom of an ACL injury

See below. 

1 hour ago, BPindy said:


The ACL itself doesn’t have any pain receptors. The pain usually comes from another structure that was strained or damaged, because normally the ACL isn’t torn in isolation. So ACL is very much on the table, unfortunately. PCL is also a possibility


1 hour ago, jvan1973 said:

I have never heard of anyone injuring a ligament and have zero pain associated.   For it to be injured the knee had to twist or hyper extended.   Their is usually pain involved

Yep. It is possible. Especially if it's only a partial year. it's just a hyper extension of the ACL, he may not feel it either. 

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16 hours ago, csmopar said:

Same. Torn an ACL, PCL, Menicus and a patellar tendon. All in my right knee, all after I turned 21 all them years ago. Two weeks ago, I got diagnosed with patella femoral syndrome in that knee and my knee cap is wearing as it grinds around as I walk. But before I finally went to see the specialist, that's how mine was. No to little pain, just loose and a lot of swelling. 


go get it checked out and don't wait. I've got to have another surgery because i let it be loose and rub the knee cap for so long

I plan on getting MRI or something like that in Jan. when my parents deductible resets. Its been like 3 years now and as far as ik I've never tore anything or had anything like that which is why its always been weird for me. And I literally just hit my 21st a couple days ago so I may have a bad knee for most of my life unless there is something that can actually be done with it

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On 8/25/2018 at 9:01 PM, Jaredfor3 said:

The NFL preaches player safety but yet has four meaningless preseason games. 


On 8/25/2018 at 9:48 PM, TKnight24 said:

Nah. Definitely meaningless. Should be 2 games. And only the rookies, 2nd year players, and the other bodies from the 90 man should play 


Starters/Stars shouldn’t touch the field

Both him and Hooker looked great. Excited to see that duo week 1 


I see both sides. But because of the evolution of the sport, I'm now in favor of a 2 (possibly 3) game preseason.  I feel game 1 should be starters for 2 series, then rotate in the 2nds, until halftime.  Second half use the 3rds and rotate in those beyond ( 3 - ?).


Second game put starters in for a 1/2, potentially with a 2 minute drill. Also, if receiving the kick after the half, starters for one more drive. (simulate the season situations) Then, they are don until first game of the season.  Second half rotate in guys that earlier in camp had a low probability of making the club but has shown unexpected promise - see if it is real with higher level competition as well.


That is all, if  the team has a few scrimmage/practices scheduled with other teams.  Coaches know by then who can play and will make the squad, and those who still need work (go to the AAF !!) and improve their skills. Also, they play themselves into football shape, and team mates don't bang heads against each other as much as well.  People are fighting for jobs, I'd rather fights be vs. other teams in scrimmages rather than Colts fighting other Colts.


If there is a game 3, then it is much like game 4 is now, last look at those fringe players and those that will miss the cut.  Here, it is more likely a player(s) loses his spot he was clinging to with a really bad performance than a player performing at herculean level bumping someone, but you never know.


Yes,  teams make more money with 4 games.  OTOH, these teams need cash for operations too.  If a team doesn't have the cash, then huge signing bonuses and guaranteed money become issues in acquiring other players, etc.  Cap strapped teams I can deal with. Team made decisions.  It is what it is. Cash strapped teams, is harder pill to swallow for me. Yes, ticket sales and concessions are really watched as it plays into the operating budget of the club. So whatever is agreed upon in the CBA, OK.


On 8/25/2018 at 9:58 PM, TKnight24 said:

Won’t change cause it’s money. Money talks in the league. That “we care about player safety” jive they spitting isn’t true at all. They care about money. That’s why TNF is still a thing. 


If they cared about saftey, you wouldn’t play a Regular Season game on a Sunday then turn right around Thursday and play again 


Money is important to any business, then you have to address all of the ancillary items to remain viable.


As for Thursday night games... who pays the NFL the money? Sponsors.  They own't but ad spots unless there is a large audience.  If networks can't sell all the ad spots, they won't bid for broadcasting rights.  So among all the complaining, people watch, sponsors pay, networks fight to get the right to air it.  For the record, I think with reduced preseason, there should be a second bye week and it used solely for the week before teams play Thursday night. Thus extended time before and after every Thursday game.  Safety issue solved.

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