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31 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Lets say Cam Newton or Russell Wilson kneeled before the Anthem this year, does anyone think that they would get the Kaep treatment? They are Top 7 QB's at worse. 25 owners would sign them tomorrow and give them huge Contracts. Kaep just isn't that good anymore. So why sign him if you are an owner to go along with the media circus. I wouldn't.


I don't believe that. You are old enough to remember Chris Jackson, the former NBA player who converted to Islam and changed his name. His play was very similar to S. Curry. He was a very good, young player who could shoot 3s better than almost all NBA players. He chose to pray during the singing of the anthem. He was out of the NBA soon after. He was a borderline great player but he became a distraction and owners were worried about losing fans and endorsements.

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1 minute ago, NFLfan said:


I don't think that to be true. You are old enough to remember Chris Jackson, the former NBA player who converted to Islam and changed his name. His play was very similar to S. Curry. He was a very good, young player who could shoot 3s better than almost all NBA players. He chose to pray during the singing of the anthem. He was out of the NBA soon after. He was a bordering great player but he became a distraction and owners were worried about losing fans and endorsements.

Jackson was a Great college player, I would say Good Pro player. I do remember him. I would have to go back and research that incident before I can say either way why teams started to ignore him.

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Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Jackson was a Great college player, I would say Good Pro player. I do remember him. I would have to go back and research that incident before I can say either way why teams started to ignore him.


You don't recall that? It seemed like an even bigger deal then. He was suspended for a while. 



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8 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


You don't recall that? It seemed like an even bigger deal then. He was suspended for a while. 



I remember it but not enough to say that was the reason why Jackson wasn't being signed. I remember him as a Good pro, not Great. I would have to go back and look at that whole situation again to give a fair assessment of it is all I am saying. Yes Jackson was Good but he wasn't Steph Curry, he had that potential but wasn't never as Great as Steph Curry is in the Pro's. Let me do some research on it and then I can respond properly.

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17 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Hmmm...some might prefer to see it that way.  However, I would argue that what Kap did is exactly what that flag gives him a right to do if he so chooses.  To me a bigger disgrace to this country are the injustices that have historically and in some instances continue to be perpetrated upon African-Americans, Native Americans and others.  Sure we have made strides as a nation and racial & social injustices don't alone define us but real issues continue to exist and as a nation we can't hide behind a flag to avoid dealing with them.  This nation should be focusing more on what led to Kap taking this action rather than the act itself which is protected free speech symbolized by our flag.


The media can vilify Kap for his actions because they don't like his chosen form of expression but the flag still stands for his right to do what he did.  That freedom of speech is what makes being an American citizen so precious.  Sadly, everyday our freedoms are being circumvented by the global elites and the media influenced masses obliviously take up their pitch forks while watching them further erode. 


In my opinion, Kap is a middle of the road QB who should have a back up job in the NFL all things being equal.  However given the controversy that has been stirred up largely by the media, many owners aren't willing to risk bringing him on. I do feel like he is being black balled to some extent but I also recognize that it is very difficult to prove it as there are public relations and football reasons for a team choosing not to sign him.   It is sad that in modern day America, a man protesting social injustices by expressing himself in this way should be treated in a manner akin to how domestic abusers are dealt with by league owners but that is where we are.  It is important to also recognize that while we have freedom of speech, one is not immune from the consequences of such speech.  Perhaps there was a better, less offensive way for Kap to convey his message.  Maybe there wasn't another way that would have had the same level of national impact and discourse.  While I support Kap and hope he lands a job soon, I will also say that he didn't do himself any favors by wearing that Castro t-shirt.  Castro is seen as an oppressor by many Cuban-Americans so donning his shirt makes Kap look hypocritical and minimizes his validity.  This is likely why Miami didn't give Kap much consideration for their opening as they didn't want to offend their significant Hispanic fan-base.


The above are my personal views regarding Kap's situation.  I realize that many feel passionately about this topic and not everyone will see things the same way. In respect to that, this will be my one and only post in this thread.


I agree with a lot that you wrote here, but I also believe that Kaepernick could have found another way to express his views and still make an impact without upsetting so many.


I don't believe Miami ever considered Kaepernick or any other player. Cutler has a history with Adam Gase; so, he was the best fit. 

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I remember it but not enough to say that was the reason why Jackson wasn't being signed. I remember him as a Good pro, not Great. I would have to go back and look at that whole situation again to give a fair assessment of it is all I am saying. Yes Jackson was Good but he wasn't Steph Curry, he had that potential but wasn't never as Great as Steph Curry is in the Pro's. Let me do some research on it and then I can respond properly.


No, he was not close to the kind of player Curry is but he shot threes like Curry does. He was not a marginal player like Kaepernick.

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The Kaepernick story is a reminder of the element of "power." Power simply is the ruler, the final answer and the dictator of policy. It exists in our every day life, every day of our life. How many times does a person want to shout out how they really feel about something only to choose the safer course to remain silent? Ever feel like you are getting shafted by your insurance company, your utility company, the cop that wrote you a ticket, your boss or your salary? "Know your limitations" means think of the consequences of your actions. It is what it is and some choose different paths when they are confronted. If you want to tell your boos to shove it when you don't have another job lined up, who is the fool? Kaepernick is learning a hard, if not fatal lesson as he may never start another game in his life.

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