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Thoughts on next season and beyond....


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On ‎12‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 2:57 PM, coltsva said:

In the salary cap era (1994-now), the winning quarterbacks have been:

Young, Aikmen, Favre, Elway(2), Warner, Dilfer, Brady(4), Johnson, Roethlisberger(2), Peyton Manning(2), Eli Manning(2), Brees, Rogers, Flacco, Wilson. Although you can win without a great quarterback, your chances of doing so are very, very low. 


Except for Steve Young (13.1%), none of these quarterbacks took up more than 12% of the teams salary cap. Luck was under that number this year, and will be under it next year. 


Man, i'mma tell you this. This post, and the one before it. That's why I love this team. The fans are extremely football smart here.


The coaches and Irsay should pop his head in here when he's not popping pills and he can see what we are all basically saying makes since.


Stop being a wossy in F.A. and get the guy you know is good, and is a good character guy and will make an immediate impact. Walk into the Louis Vuitton store looking for Louis Vuitton, not into a Marshals looking for Louis Vuitton.

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 10:12 AM, Jason_S said:


Where was the personal shot in that reply?  The only shot I took was at Doyel's opinion.

  1) Well since you thought his opinion in the Star was the dumbest you've heard in a long time and you 
  questioned why anyone would take it serious (the article wasn't written as a joke) or AGREE with it I took

  it as a dig because neither team IS close to winning a SB


Pick a bar. ;)       2) I prefer the gym to let off steam....



And as NCF said, Irsay shouldn't pay even the slightest bit of attention to the views of the fan base or the national media.  3) Fans matter... Ask the NFL about the concern over ratings lately (which affect tv

  deals). Too many bad teams are playing on primetime and people are tuning out. So if the national sports   media starts deeming your team as a bad product your national exposure will diminish. Trust me if Colt

  fans stop purchasing tickets because they are feed up with the direction of the team I promise you Irsay

  will take notice as any owner would


Well that's the thing, I disagree about the downward spiral having begun.  As I said before, struggles this season should have been expected just based on the fact that they brought in pretty much an entirely new coaching staff, which was going to lead to scheme changes, terminology changes etc.  Plus adding 4 new rookies to the OL group of which they typically only keep 8-9 on the active roster.  Then add all the injuries that occurred, especially to that OL group and to the secondary.


In my honest opinion, neither Chuck nor Grigson are the problem at this point...Chud is.  Granted he came out with a great game plan and playcalling against the Vikings, and if he can build on that moving forward then great.  But far more often than not I've not been a fan of his playcalling or general game planning and a highly inconsistent offense can hurt our own defense even more than a lack of playmaking talent.


So, long story short, I absolutely think things will improve next year.  But if Chuck and Grigson are kept, and the team does remain as inconsistent as this season then I'll be right on the fire them both bandwagon.


As you know I'm not a fan of Chuck but I agree with you 100% about Chud who is a tad below or boarder line avg as an oc in his playcalling and approach. The problem is that he happens to be Chuck's buddy and the Colts are stuck with him as long as Chuck is here. Like I said before Chud is not the worst out there but he can be upgraded to someone that can bring a more dynamic flow to the offense. Look at that Jason S we agree on something for a change. :thmup:

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1 hour ago, bluephantom87 said:


As you know I'm not a fan of Chuck but I agree with you 100% about Chud who is a tad below or boarder line avg as an oc in his playcalling and approach. The problem is that he happens to be Chuck's buddy and the Colts are stuck with him as long as Chuck is here. Like I said before Chud is not the worst out there but he can be upgraded to someone that can bring a more dynamic flow to the offense. Look at that Jason S we agree on something for a change. :thmup:


Well, we somewhat agree.   :)  I disagree that Chud being Chuck's buddy means we're stuck with him for as long as he's here.  I don't know conclusively that Chuck would fire Chud if the offense continues to be inconsistent, but we also don't known conclusively that he wouldn't.



3) Fans matter... Ask the NFL about the concern over ratings lately (which affect tv

  deals). Too many bad teams are playing on primetime and people are tuning out. So if the national sports   media starts deeming your team as a bad product your national exposure will diminish. Trust me if Colt

  fans stop purchasing tickets because they are feed up with the direction of the team I promise you Irsay

  will take notice as any owner would



I do agree that fans matter, but that doesn't mean that the owner should listen to the fanbase when it comes to making important decisions about the team.  And no matter how many fans stop buying tickets, there will always be new ones coming along to pick up the slack.  It's going to take many, many years of Browns-level failure before the Colts stop selling out the majority of their games. In my opinion of course. :)

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 6:57 PM, NewColtsFan said:


Have the Colts been one of the best run organizations for the last 20 years?     The numbers say yes.    The 2nd wnningest franchise behind only New England.


That doesn't happen by mistake.      Part of the reason the Colts have been as good as they've been is Jim Irsay.


I can agree to disagree. The further we have gotten away from the Polian/Dungy/Manning era the further we are slipping into mediocracy. I give him him full credit for making the decisions to bring in those men but as I'm looking at where we are headed...the future..I'm not exactly comforted that Jim is leading us. I generally dislike his use of twitter in the past and well honestly to me he is a drug abuser and that whole ordeal was very embarrassing for the whole organization and all us fans. I'm not going to disagree that the organization turned around when he took over for his father...but I'm also not going to ignore the impact that Polian, Dungy, and Peyton's leadership had on this organization.  That is hard to replicate and I think we are very very far from achieving that right now. It's no secret that I'm not a big Irsay fan and maybe I take it to far but I am very wary of his decision making...especially in most recent years seeing how poor his decision making in his personal life has been.

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