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Colts @ Browns Means More Than Just A Game To Former Browns Players


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I wouldn't disagree with a word Keith said in your quote there.


Talented but troubled.

I just hope that he treated you well because I like you & I realize this would be considered hearsay but the word on Keith was that he was very demanding to his staff & anyone who worked for him. They weren't exactly treated with respect & dignity 24/7. That's the nicest way I can phrase it. Enough said. 

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I just hope that he treated you well because I like you & I realize this would be considered hearsay but the word on Keith was that he was very demanding to his staff & anyone who worked for him. They weren't exactly treated with respect & dignity 24/7. That's the nicest way I can phrase it. Enough said. 



Your info is accurate and I regret to say that, no,  I was not treated well.


Wish it weren't so,  but it's true.....

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Your info is accurate and I regret to say that, no,  I was not treated well.


Wish it weren't so,  but it's true.....

Sorry man. It really bothers me when people I like are forced to undergo a stressful work environment on a frequent basis. I don't mean to speak ill of Mr. Olbermann or stir up unpleasant memories in you my friend.


I myself have no background in journalism or TV production but I can appreciate things getting tense occasionally as stories break in the sports world & need a staff's attention & quick thoroughness on the fly to pull the program together. I just hope that it didn't always feel like a chaotic, unstable place to earn a paycheck constantly anyway under Keith's stewardship etc. as a boss. 


You are a very insightful person NCF & I'm sure you made the best of an unorthodox situation if there is such a thing that is. Can you watch him on ESPN now & find his work tolerable & provocative or does it bring back too many memories that you would prefer to forget? You don't have to answer that. I respect your privacy, but feel free to send me an e-mail if it would help to unload some things as a cathartic or therapeutic gesture. 


In any event, difficult bosses make you appreciate the good employers even more down the road. That's been my experience anyway. I'm just glad that you no longer have to work for Keith now so that's a plus I guess. 


"Talented but troubled." Yes, I can certainly agree with that assessment NCF. Very well stated BTW.


Usually, Keith has about a 5 year window before he wears out his welcome & either moves on or gets let go...ESPN, MSNBC, A network owned by Al Gore, ESPN again...He's got a loyal fan base & he knows how to move the entertainment needle, but he's not exactly cute & cuddly or warm & fuzzy. Translation: Colossal jerks can be very intriguing & captivating at times, but burn the candle at both ends & singe themselves with their own wax or self inflicted ego. 

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I didn't even realize Jonathan Newsome used to play for Ohio State, and grew up in Cleveland. Lot of people on this team going back home, or going back to face the former team this week.


It better show up on the field is all I know

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