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Its Bronoco overreaction week again


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Overstatement....the entire team special teams until of Denver is not a liability, Skip

4/8 kicks.

Can't return for junk.

Can't cover for junk.


When you lose the field position battle every game, and can't count on your kicker to make not even the gimmie kicks  that's a liability.


That doesn't mean Denver can't win against the best teams. They have a hell of an uphill battle, though.

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Because they're not the second coming and have significant issues that need addressing if they're going to win a SB.

The second coming thing is very 'Skip Bayless'

Skip says its his duty to tell us that Andrew Luck isnt future Hall-of-Famer because HE said HE heard someone day that.

These issues you are addressing based on al their losses.right?

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4/8 kicks.

Can't return for junk.

Can't cover for junk.


When you lose the field position battle every game, and can't count on your kicker to make not even the gimmie kicks  that's a liability.

8-3..6-0 at home....Just let the season play out. they won today.

Arent you happy for them?

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You know you are making my point about overreacting, don't you?

I'm not overreacting. Denver's problems now are the same as when they began the season. Maybe the run game will exist over the next few weeks, maybe not. That would be one problem solved.


Overreacting is getting high on one game thinking Denver's run game is magically fixed. It's not overreacting to see the same problems game after game since the beginning of the year.

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I'm not overreacting. Denver's problems now are the same as when they began the season. Maybe the run game will exist over the next few weeks, maybe not. That would be one problem solved.

every team has problems,

I just wonder why you don't wait until you see whether its solved ..instead of calling the Rams game bad and the Miami game 'still bad'

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so in the 8 games they won....they were pretty bad and the 3 they lost they were worse?

Is that your analysis

The special teams and passing defense in all of the wins? Bad to mediocre aside from the Seahawks game where the secondary played well until OT. They did well with San Fran, too.


Playing poor is the norm for them, playing well is the exception. That's the problem. Hopefully the run game starts to show up as the norm instead of being the exception.

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every team has problems,

I just wonder why you don't wait until you see whether its solved ..instead of calling the Rams game bad and the Miami game 'still bad'

The Rams game was bad. The Miami game was bad outside the passing attack, run D, and run game which showed up. Will it show up next week? We'll see.

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But the Seattle game was 2 months ago. Not really valid now..

Your judgements are your own but you overreact to the latest results like most fans do...

You dont recognize the winning and the quality because you've made up your mind that they suck

they're winning.......but you know better

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You dont recognize the winning and the quality because you've made up your mind that they suck


Denver doesn't suck by virtue of their passing attack and run D. They are not anywhere near a complete team. They are carried by two phases of their group, and generally hindered by the rest.


Manning Indy 2.0, though in different respects. Biggest thing in common is a terrible return and coverage game. Ours was magnified by not being able to just kick touchbacks with the  kickoff placement. We've come a long way on ST over the past few years.


Denver doesn't suck. Suck is TB, Oakland, Jax, whatever. Denver is just carried hard and when the carry phases struggle, that "team" is toast.

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The Rams game was bad. The Miami game was bad outside the passing attack, run D, and run game which showed up.

This is a perfect example of the Skip Bayless theory.

If I dont like you..your wins are bad and losses are worse..You said it all right there.

Check back in after next week and tell me what's wrong with the Broncos win or loss.

You've got to keep addressing this flawed team about all its problems.

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Denver doesn't suck by virtue of their passing attack and run D. They are not anywhere near a complete team. They are carried by two phases of their group, and generally hindered by the rest.

But they are a winning team.

Check back next week...especially if they win... 'cause I need to know how bad the Broncos REALLY are.

I'm always up for it.

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Denver still hasn't put a complete game together since the Niner game . The offense and defense can never click consistently on a weekly basis and I'm beginning to wonder when will it ever happen ? McManus sucks and needs to be gone by tomorrow ! He misses too many easy field goals and I don't want to hear any excuses that he's a rook because when Justin Tucker was a rookie he had no problems .

Another thing is coaching and John Fox with his stupid challenges ! Jeez when will that man ever learn lol ?

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But they are a winning team.

Check back next week...especially if they win... 'cause I need to know how bad the Broncos REALLY are.

I'm always up for it.

If Denver can run on the Chiefs, it'll go a long way in showing they're for real.


I expect the passing offense will do its job, like it almost always does. If the run game shows up they certainly will. The only time the passing O struggles is when there is no run game to speak of and they're forced to be one dimensional.


I expect the run D to suffocate Charles, since they always play great.


I'd expect the usual special teams ineptitude and secondary getting beat on third and long by captain mediocrity Alex Smith.

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You make it sound like I hate Denver. I don't. I hate the Patriots, but I recognize a great team when I see it and hate when the teams I DO want to win have the same problems game, after game, after game. Indy in particular, then Denver.


Examples include:

*Indy run defense since forever outside the 2006 playoffs. Still looking for it.


*Indy pass protection 2007 onward. Got annually worse until it peaked around 2012-2013 at impressive levels of awful. Pass protection is hit or miss these days instead of always bad. That's an improvement. Ditto on run blocking.


*Indy special teams until 2012, outside our kickers and punters. FINALLY FIXED as of a couple seasons ago, now actually pretty good. Thank frickin' god. Now Denver looks like we did all those years, only without a kicker on top of it. At least they can kick touchbacks more regularly thanks to short kickoffs to help. Minimizes the damage.


*Indy run game which vanished after 2006. Still looking for a reliable one.

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Comparing present day Denver to Indianapolis in the last decade is lazy..thinking based on one guy, isn't it?

Loo at TE, DT CBs...They aren't the same team at all...DEnver's special teams have been good this year...

You cant morph Indy's problems 10 years ago on Denver now because of who the QB is.

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His selfish play kept the Colts from winning. His selfish ego made football too much about stats and too little about winning. I enjoy football, not fantasy football.


Hahaha, I guess you didn't like the Colts playing in a pair of Super Bowls?


Only 4 teams can claim that during his time with the Colts.


Colts, Patriots, Steelers and Rams.

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all teams have serious shortcomings...as I know you know

Not all of them. NE in particular has nothing. If they have a considerable issue, I'd love to know what it is. Brady gets rattled, but good luck getting to him.


I forgot to ask - you mentioned Denver's special teams have been pretty good up until this point. What game(s) would you say they effectively won the field position battle on returns and coverage? Just curious. I'm not even counting the "kicker."


I think they had a few draws against some bottom feeder teams, but the good ones ate their lunch.

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His selfish play kept the Colts from winning. His selfish ego made football too much about stats and too little about winning. I enjoy football, not fantasy football.

Yeah...no...losing the special teams battle on a weekly basis, especially against teams like SD, ruined us. Vinny and Hunter aside, of course. Moreso the coverage and return teams. "KNEEEEEEEEEEEL!" was what we prayed for any time we were set to receive the ball....just wanted to hang on instead of fumbling or running backwards.


Having an unreliable D that played to hang on instead of playing to WIN killed us when the offense couldn't carry, and even then blew some leads playing ahead like they're supposed to benefit from. Remember our run defense? Outside the 2006 playoffs I sure don't. We won the SB solely because  they showed up for a 4 game stretch to help the offense and passing D. (Special teams still sucked, but the rest of the team was good enough to carry them at that point.)


No run game after 2007. Addai had a monster rookie year then.....nothing. Injuries and played lackluster even when he did play. Rhodes I think went to Oakland where careers go to die.


2007-2011 we were carried by the passing O and a passing D that sometimes showed up with a great pass rush. That was it, and we made the SB in 2009. Barring a combination of bad special teams, coaching and losing our most important D player we probably would have won. Freeney was devastating and we had nothing to replace him with......against Brees that is deadly. He did ok for a quarter then got too gimpy to do much.


Oh, and our passing game was still carrying with garbage protection post 2007 throwing to studs like "Hands of Stone" RB Kenton Keith and  TE Aaron Moorehead. Remember them? If you do, not from any good highlights.

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I think Denver peaked too early.



They peaked early in the season when Peyton got his record and they were blowing teams out and running the scores up on them.



That New England game changed this team. They are not the same anymore, they're not invincible.



LOLOL another sports cliché with no scientific proof behind it

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Yeah...no...losing the special teams battle on a weekly basis, especially against teams like SD, ruined us. Vinny and Hunter aside, of course. Moreso the coverage and return teams. "KNEEEEEEEEEEEL!" was what we prayed for any time we were set to receive the ball....just wanted to hang on instead of fumbling or running backwards.


Having an unreliable D that played to hang on instead of playing to WIN killed us when the offense couldn't carry, and even then blew some leads playing ahead like they're supposed to benefit from. Remember our run defense? Outside the 2006 playoffs I sure don't. We won the SB solely because  they showed up for a 4 game stretch to help the offense and passing D. (Special teams still sucked, but the rest of the team was good enough to carry them at that point.)


No run game after 2007. Addai had a monster rookie year then.....nothing. Injuries and played lackluster even when he did play. Rhodes I think went to Oakland where careers go to die.


2007-2011 we were carried by the passing O and a passing D that sometimes showed up with a great pass rush. That was it, and we made the SB in 2009. Barring a combination of bad special teams, coaching and losing our most important D player we probably would have won. Freeney was devastating and we had nothing to replace him with......against Brees that is deadly. He did ok for a quarter then got too gimpy to do much.


Oh, and our passing game was still carrying with garbage protection post 2007 throwing to studs like "Hands of Stone" RB Kenton Keith and  TE Aaron Moorehead. Remember them? If you do, not from any good highlights.

Wow. That is a lot of excuses for pretty much every season. Some of those Colts teams were dominant and should have won. But it is hard to win the Super Bowl. No team in the salary cap/FA era is perfect. Every team has holes. That is why teams pay so much for elite QBs. They can cover a lot.

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Wow. That is a lot of excuses for pretty much every season. Some of those Colts teams were dominant and should have won. But it is hard to win the Super Bowl. No team in the salary cap/FA era is perfect. Every team has holes. That is why teams pay so much for elite QBs. They can cover a lot.

Not excuses. Just facts.


Those teams weren't dominant. Those passing attacks were.....until they ran up against good defenses. In the case of 2009  the passing D was more than good enough, but far from a dominating force. Our pass rushers were awesome but the unit as a whole was nothing special. Freeney going down the game before the SB killed it and we were forced to win the game solely on great offense.  The problem was the other team could keep up and we lost a shootout. In between that their coaching staff and special teams were better than ours. I think the onside kick alone speaks volumes about that.


Also if they didn't lay down instead of going for 19-0 the Jets wouldn't have made the playoffs. Maybe Freeney doesn't even get hurt against them in garbage time in the AFC Championship and we win the SB but, that's how it happened. A dominant team doesn't just go belly up in the face of history.


A dominant team is dominant in all 3 phases of the game. We've never been that. Not even when we won the SB in 2006. Who the heck gives an opening TD return in the Superbowl?! Well, we did. Our run defense was among the worst in the league for the entire season and showed up for 4 games. That's why we won. In spite of our return/coverage teams sucking up the joint like usual, the rest of the team was able to carry them since most of it showed up when it mattered for one year and one year only.

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Not all of them. NE in particular has nothing. If they have a considerable issue, I'd love to know what it is. Brady gets rattled, but good luck getting to him.


I forgot to ask - you mentioned Denver's special teams have been pretty good up until this point. What game(s) would you say they effectively won the field position battle on returns and coverage? Just curious. I'm not even counting the "kicker."


I think they had a few draws against some bottom feeder teams, but the good ones ate their lunch.

Denver's punting is solid..They don't fumble kicks as they did the last 2 years...yes they don t get long returns

and the new kicker is automatic

all teams have flaws...

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