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LB Corps


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I was a little surprised to see us take 2 LBs in this draft, as I thought that was one of our deeper positions going into it.  I trust Grigs/Pagano/etc., so I am not complaining about the picks, I am just a little interested to see how this will play out.


Right now we have at ILB:  Josh Freeman, Josh McNary, Kelvin Sheppard, Mario Harvey, Henoc Muamba, Aaron Morgan, D'Qwell Jackson, and Andrew Jackson


At OLB: Mathis, Walden, Werner, Cam Johnson, Studebaker, Adongo, Justin Hickman, and Jonathan Newsome (the roster has him listed as a DE, but a 6'3" 236 lbs and what I've been reading, it sounds like we are hoping for him to be our next Mathis).


We will have some difficult choices to make to slim the 16 we have down to 9 -- assuming we go with 4 ILB and 5 OLB on our final 53 like we did last year. 


At ILB, I think Freeman and D. Jackson are our locks.  I think McNary played very well towards the end of last year, so I bet he makes it.  I have no idea who will make the 4th spot -- I know a lot are high on Muamba and Andrew Jackson and I thought Sheppard and Harvey were both serviceable last year.  I'd say Aaron Morgan is the lock to be cut. 


My best guess for the final 4 at ILB would be:  D. Jax, Freeman, McNary, and Sheppard -- Harvey gets cut and we keep Muamba and A. Jackson on our PS to start the season.


At OLB -- I'd say Mathis, Werner, and Walden are locks to make it.  I am not sure what to make of Adongo, it almost seems like they are so high on this guy's potential that he will make the team (I know he is still raw and a lot of people like his character, but I was not very impressed with him on special teams last year).  It sounds like they are very high on Newsome if he bulks up a little bit.  I liked what I saw of Studebaker and Cam Johnson -- and I think Hickman is the lock to be cut.


My best guess at OLB would be:  Mathis, Werner, Walden, Adongo, and Studebaker -- I won't be shocked if we keep Newsome on the team because of his versatility and potential -- seems like he'd be too risky to place on the PS


Overall, I think the depth we have at LB is going to benefit our special teams.  I think we will keep at least 1, probably 2 LBs on our P.S., which will be nice insurance in case of injury.  I think, outside of maybe Morgan, all of the current LB's we have on our roster currently will be associated with some NFL team this season -- so, I guess this is a good problem to have.



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Didn't we start with 5 ILBs last year? Freeman, Angerer, Conner, Sheppard, and Harvey.


I am not quite sure what we started with -- but I was wrong in my original post -- it looks like we ended the season with 4 ILB and 6 OLB -  ILB were Conner, Freeman, McNary, Sheppard, and OLB were Adongo, Johnson, Mathis, Studebaker, Walden and Werner.


Still some tough choices to make if we cut from 16 to 10, as I think just about all 16 are NFL-capable.

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I dont expect Sheppard to be back and others at the ILB are looking at he PS i say Jax, Freeman, Mcnary, Harvey and Jackson make final roster as far as Newsome, besides Mathis we lacked an effective opposite pass rusher. Walden was decent he wasnt brought in to be a pass rusher only to set the edge. Werner showed flashes but injuries set him back. Im assuming Newsome is projected to learn under Mathis and contribute on Special teams until his time is called.

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I think we go 5 ILB's and 5 OLB's personally. Freeman, D.Jackson, McNary, A.Jackson, and Harvey at ILB, and Mathis, Walden, Werner, Newsome, and Johnson as the OLB's. I think we'll start with Muamba and Adongo on the P.S. Sheppard will probably be cut IMO. The last spot for OLB's could be interesting if we go with 5. Cam Johnson battling it out with Adongo.

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