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Davin Joseph?

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I know everyone -- myself included -- wants us to get Alex Mack, but it seems more and more likely that we're not going to get him and if we do its going to cost us way to much money.  So I was think what else can we do to shore up the interior on our offensive line?

Insert Davin Joseph, yes he plays guard not center and everyone wants us to get a center.  He was a top 5 guard before injuries and then he got released.  I think at the right price we can bring him in for like 4 million a year he would be our starting left guard and we can find a center in the draft or just roll with Costa for the time being until we find a replacement center.  Thoughts? Maybe? 

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Definitely a case where people look at the PFF ranking or whatever and make a determination.  Yes Thomas is coming back and I believe Thornton will prove to be a good guard in 2014 but Davin Joseph is definitely worth a look, IMO.  He was one of the best guards in the NFL through 2011.


Two concerns with him are; obviously he knee.  The fact that he still struggled with it in 2013 is worrisome and two, he is more of a zone blocking guard, I'm not sure how he would do in a power/man blocking scheme.


That was one of the problems with his injury, he has always been one of the most athletic guards who relied on quickness, balance and technique rather than strength.  That knee injury took away his quickness and affected his balance and without it he was pretty pedestrian.

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