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Time To Give Orlovsky A Start?


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In your other related post I criticized Painter, but that doesn't mean that I want to see Orlovsky. Not even a little bit. I assumed that there would be lots of ups and downs in Painter's play. You don't get past that by sitting him. This isn't about winning, it's about developing Painter as a backup. However ineffective he has become, I've seen a ton more potential out of him than I've ever seen from Orlovsky (dating back to rooting for the poor Lions to pull something out of the hat). He may possibly be more confident at the moment, but there is no upside, no room for development. Playing him is a waste of time.

I agree. Painter has regressed but leave him in there and let him continue to get experience. There is no purpose served in starting Orlovsky other than to potentially put him in the history books as the 1st qb to start at quarterback for two 0-16 teams. :lol:

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I guess you wanted Ryan Leaf too, because he is a franchise QB. There is NO way anyone can know if Luck will be sucessful in the NFL.

Coming out of college, Leaf had some warning signs in terms of attitude and maturity. Colts went with the safer option Manning and it paid off. In terms of attitude and maturity Luck has more in common with Peyton than he does with Leaf. True there are no guarantees with anyone but that in itself isn't enough reason not to take him imo.

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Coming out of college, Leaf had some warning signs in terms of attitude and maturity. Colts went with the safer option Manning and it paid off. In terms of attitude and maturity Luck has more in common with Peyton than he does with Leaf. True there are no guarantees with anyone but that in itself isn't enough reason not to take him imo.

Luck has warning signs too... like his arm is too weak.

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I want to see Dan O start at least 4 games this season, We have nothing to lose...other than more games haha. We see what Painter has done, and he just doesn't cut it. I thought he'd get better but he's only gotten worse. His first 2 games he had 4 tds and zero picks. Since then, 1 td and 5 picks. I don't know if we have given up or if it's Painter that's making this so bad. No matter how many points we put up, I don't see the other team putting up less...

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They said that Peyton had a weak arm coming out of college too, when compared to Leaf....or was that your point?

No one is comapring to any other QB. the Analysts have said they have doubts that he can't make big NFL plays with his arm. All i'm saying is that Luck is by no means a guarantee for franchise QB or even a NFL starter. I don't think we should get rid of a proven QB who has the best stats out of any active QB for an unproven rookie QB.

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Luck has warning signs too... like his arm is too weak.

Yeah but like Sfergson727 already correctly pointed out, they also knocked Peyton's arm strength coming out of college. Even with that said Luck's arm is better than Peyton's was coming out of college. And as Peyton showed that isn't something that can't be overcome with intelligence. Luck being from Stanford and calling some of his own plays already should have the tools necessary to compensate accordingly. I'd rather take an intelligent, mature guy with some question about arm strength than one with a strong arm and concerns about his character, work ethic, etc. The later category tends to be the ones with the higher risk factor generally speaking. I have heard nothing that places Luck in that category so comparing him to Leaf is unmerited.

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No one is comapring to any other QB. the Analysts have said they have doubts that he can't make big NFL plays with his arm. All i'm saying is that Luck is by no means a guarantee for franchise QB or even a NFL starter. I don't think we should get rid of a proven QB who has the best stats out of any active QB for an unproven rookie QB.

Well in a perfect world where Peyton is still healthy and leading us to the playoffs every year we wouldn't be in this position or having these discussions. But the reality is that there is great uncertainty if Peyton will ever be what he was again and thus the Colts must explore all options. Stats are nice but you can't base future decisions on what is best for the franchise solely on what someone did in the past. Football is a forward thinking business and franchises that don't get left in the dust.

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Well in a perfect world where Peyton is still healthy and leading us to the playoffs every year we wouldn't be in this position or having these discussions. But the reality is that there is great uncertainty if Peyton will ever be what he was again and thus the Colts must explore all options. Stats are nice but you can't base future decisions on what is best for the franchise solely on what someone did in the past. Football is a forward thinking business and franchises that don't get left in the dust.

There is equal chance that Manning never plays another game that Luck is a bust. There is a great uncertainty that Luck can be a franchise QB. This is really a tough subject because most teams never get into this situation. Do you take an unproven rookie QB or do you take a star QB that has proven stats that may or may not be able to perform.

If Manning cannot play at a high level I'm all 100% for Luck, until the time comes where Manning practices, throws, and take some snaps no one will know. This is a big unknown and it's pointless to speculate about it.

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yeah,let's pass on a franchise QB,which is everything in the NFL,sowe can have a bad QB and great D.What is wrong with you?

All this talk about Luck being in the draft when we don't even know if he is going to forego his last year of collage does not a franchise QB make. And the 2000 Ravens winning it all without a franchise QB must have been forgotten too. A franchise QB, while is nice to have, is not everything in the NFL....you still need that defense. As for what is wrong with me? Wanting value for the #1 overall draft pick is nothing wrong. So you want a franchise QB? That tells me you have given up on Manning's return. Look at it like this....let's say we take Luck #1 overall...Manning is cleared and can play another 3 years....but we can't pay top dollar to keep them both under the new rookie cap...what do you do?

I have a feeling you would opt out of Manning's extension just to keep Luck as a franchise QB.

So let's look at it in another way:

Manning is cleared for another 3 years after being in practice for the last month of this season. You take the #1 overall pick...trade down for a top 10 pick and get value picks for the next 2-3 years...using all of those extra picks to find the next franchise QB. Because once Manning is back, Colts go into the 10-6 to 12-4 winning season for next year (If things return to normal, but since we are only guessing on everything, might as well guess that too). We use those value picks we made with the trade...what's the harm in that...I see none.

It's time to stop dancing around a subject that has no full weight until we see what happens to Manning's recovery

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In Painter I trust because honestly we don't have anyone else. I mean Dan Orlovsky and that other guy but I say just keep on pushing and improving (jeez I sound like Jim "I dont know where I am or what I am doing" Caldwell. Anyways lets just keep on giving him a chance, in all fairness this QB on the Jags is somewhat of a rookie, more so then Painter so lets just see what happens? Maybe I wont scream my self horce this sunday.....

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