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Broncos asked to play Sunday afternoon


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Yes, it is a disadvantage to West Coast teams, but it is a known disadvantage.  You play WC you have to learn to deal with that issue... period.


Our team practices at 7 AM for a reason.  I don't know our early east coast game record this year but I'm fairly certain it was really good.  The worst game we had was the crazy 8:30 PM (Pacific time) start at the Raiders.  We were totally thrown off by it, while they weren't.


I had to laugh at the comments about how Peyton Manning had a short week last time he played the Chargers and they lost - at home.  We had a short week too AND we traveled to Denver on top of a short week.  


No excuses.   


Broncos fans probably feel that they'd rather lose in the regular season than in the playoffs, the opposite way of the Ravens-Broncos matchups last year. Who wouldn't?


Yep, no excuses in the playoffs, it is going to be an intense game - Broncos vs Chargers. It is going to come down to the wire.

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There really isn't extra time to game tape if your the winner of INDY/NE. You don't know who you are game taping for. You get an extra day's rest body wise but thats about it...and since football is such a game of habit in preparation I see this playing no advantage at all for either team....the only advantage is Denver plays an earlier game on Sunday which weather and preparation wise probably suits them best.....but it isn't much an advantage...the game still has to be played and its all down to execution.

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