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Hilton or Rogers?


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Allen suffered a shoulder-injury last game so he might not go at 100% vs Denver so keep that in mind.


TY is playing through shoulder injury as well, but he always kills the Texans.


Rogers is still a wildcard. He had a good game last week, but I wouldn't start him over your studs just because of that one game.


I'd take the safer route and start Allen personally.

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Wow nice QB's. You should've traded one or 2 of them for great position players.

I had Luck all year.  I traded Antonio Gates for Brady right before he went off against PIT.  Someone else had Stafford and Rivers all year and dropped rivers for some reason.  I added him for basically this week.


RB Gore

RB Murray

WR Gordon

WR Green

TE Thomas

DST Seattle 

Flex Allen/Hilton/Rogers/Jennings/Bell


Grabbing one more skilI position guy would have been great but i have had a solid year.  Not to toot my own horn (well actually that's exactly what im doing lol) but I drafted Julius Thomas in all 3 leagues im in.  During week 1 Collinsworth said "Talk about a fantasy football sleeper.  You would have to be a genius to have drafted him."  i hit rewind and made my wife come listen to it LOL 

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
    • I'm very interested in Carlie's as well.  I'm just not sold on our starting LB core.
    • I also forgot to say I think Buffalo will also have a down year. 
    • Yeah North.....maybe I got confused about the Pittsburgh Pirates playing in the central.  But I think before realignment there were only 3 divisions, I think.. Like the Colts and Dolphins played in the East, the Raiders and Broncos played in the West and the Steelers and Brownies played in the Central.  But yeah my mistake the Steelers currently in the North division. 
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