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WR in free agency available?


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Dear Jim Irsay (or Grigson)

We really need someone tall and dependable at reciever. I know it sounds desperate but how about Randy Moss? Or anybody that can catch a ball!!!!! To replace Wayne...

I know any of those players will come at a cheap price.

This thread belongs in the dust bin along side the let's get Albert Haynesworth threads.

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Vaughn is simply awful and Gordy is abysmal as well.


Keenum picked on Bethea and Vontae however.  I have to wonder what might have happened if they stayed with the deep ball and picked on Vaughn even more...the "man who never sees the ball." :spit:


Thank you, Brent....


We're back to yet another thread of "Cassius Vaughn sucks!"


The Colts gave up 3 passing TD's yesterday....    none were over Vaughn.    One over Bethea and the other two by......  

Vontae Davis....     yet no one is saying how much he sucks.....     Hmmmm....... 


Vaughn started because Toler is out....   otherwise, he doesn't start.    He is what he is....   a 4th corner who starts when one goes down.    Butler remains the nickel back. 


Not sure what people here are expecting.......?

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