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Interview with Irsay


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13 just interviewed Irsay after the game.  Nothing earth shattering or really news worth out of the interview.  I just wanted to say he looked better than he's looked better than he's looked in a long time.  I think part of it is he just needs to wear a dark suit, it looks better on him than light colored ones. 

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13 just interviewed Irsay after the game.  Nothing earth shattering or really news worth out of the interview.  I just wanted to say he looked better than he's looked better than he's looked in a long time.  I think part of it is he just needs to wear a dark suit, it looks better on him than light colored ones. 

Does said suit cover his mouth? 

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I liked seeing it for one reason. He might have said "uh" about 43 times, but he was completely coherent and not slurring any words. Why does that matter to me?? Because I am sick and tired of reading the * that call him a "drunk, just like his father" (not on this site necessarily, but others). I believe him when he tweeted that he hasn't had a drink in 15 years. I know he had battles with addiction, and maybe still does (who really knows). But I heard and saw a man that was not impaired, at least with my judgment..and it's decent given my line of work.


And looking back, he has done all the right things as far as getting out of the way and letting the GM do his job and the coaches coach. The Denver twitter thing was "crazy like a fox" good b/c it put all the heat on him, and took it off a young Colts team. Brilliant IMO. He does get a little loose with Twitter, but he also has run a great franchise. And it started by him realizing long ago that he wasn't a good GM. So he hired two in succession that have led to the Colts missing the playoffs TWICE since BILL CLINTON was in office. No other organization can say that. And the arrow is still pointing up...

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