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There's only one way out


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Of course they are. There's an overwhelming(yet completely invalid) feeling around the media that Irsay is a baffoon. It's really disappointing that it seems as if Manning has taken this out of context too(even though, it's easily understandable). It really makes me question Manning's intelligence off of the football field. He's either kind of dense outside of football or he's letting others get into his head. Either way, he should know better.

or he just knows getting into this fray isn't going to help him be ready for Sunday and is just staying out of it.
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or he just knows getting into this fray isn't going to help him be ready for Sunday and is just staying out of it.




Well, I hope thats it. I always believed that Manning was a smart guy(on and off the football field), but if he has taken Irsay's words as a personal shot at him, then I would have to throw those beliefs out the window.

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There is only one way out for Jim Irsay. He needs to schedule an interview with Jeremy Schaap as soon as possible. He is getting blasted and ridiculed by just about everyone in the country. An act of contrition, an apology, and put it to bed once and for all. We're all waiting Jim. And Tweeting is not an option.

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Here's an off the wall thought...maybe Irsay made the comments that he did on purpose, knowing the media would blow it out of proportion and therefore make the majority of the media focus on him and Manning, thereby keeping the media away from Pagano, Luck and company.  Maybe there's a method to his madness. :D

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Here's an off the wall thought...maybe Irsay made the comments that he did on purpose, knowing the media would blow it out of proportion and therefore make the majority of the media focus on him and Manning, thereby keeping the media away from Pagano, Luck and company.  Maybe there's a method to his madness. :D

I was thinking that this afternoon myself, maybe he's crazy like a fox....

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You want the owner of the team you root for to be looked at negatively from here on out.... like his Dad was? No, I don't think you want that. I think an interview is forthcoming, it's the only way.

who looks at him negatively besides some of the people here (who obviously have their own agendas) and people in the media twisting his statements.  Personally I don't care how people view him as long as he builds a team that can win more championships.  He can tweet away and interview til his hearts content.  The man has made more smart business decisions and made more money then most of us will ever dream of seeing.


People are bashing him because he wanted more rings during Peytons time here.  Guess what, so does everyone else on this freaking board.  People are all aghast by his comments, but he is only saying what everyone on this board has said at one time or another.  People find any reason they can to jump on this man because he had the stones to put his feelings aside and made a smart business decision.  When has anyone on this board had to make a decision even remotely as hard as he has.  This isn't a game to him like Snyder, Jones and many other large market owners.  This is his livelihood, his legacy and what he does know ultimately is going to have a huge impact when his daughter takes over the team.

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