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B.A.'s offense vs. Pep's offense.


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My thoughts on our "new offense". Think of it like this - Pep has never been an NFL head coach. So while I am sure his coaching philosophy comes from a deep understanding of football - I do not think you will become an NFL head coach saying "ya know, if you hire me, we,re just gonna throw the ball around crazy and see what happens." That would eventually get everyone fired.  


The West Coast Offense is just a "safe" system that can be easily adapted to a wide range of personel. If your QB has a weaker arm, throw short and run the ball. If you dont have the perfect RB, throw him out the backfield to raise his threat potential.


The point is the WCO is not a box our team will be put in. Our team will run "ITS" version of the WCO based on the players we have or dont have this season. Its ludcris to think we are not throwing the ball deep because Bill Walsh said so. Throwing deep got BA his 1st head coaching gig, its getting us enough Super Bowl's to make up for B Polian.


Side note - do you have any idea how much speed we have at WR? To put into perspective - i'll give you madden 13 ratings. T.Y - 95 SPD - -  DHB - 98 SPD - - L Brazil - 94 SPD - - N Palmer - 95 SPD - - Reggie - 87 SPD - just for reference - but my guy R-Dub is a wizard in the slot so he doesnt need speed anymore . To think we're not going deep in our WCO is a mistake i hope most DEF make. Just the threat is going to keep our RB's running and have Reggie giving his version of the Jerry Rice Slant all year long.




What about kelley?

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