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The Reason For The Colts Decline


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I've glanced at the composition of the Colts roster frequently over the past decade. At any given point it is normal for them to have essentially the entire two previous draft classes still on the squad, along with, the vast majority of the class before that, a few guys from the class before that, and then only a couple of standouts from the several years before that. By that definition they are pretty much where they have always been - with just McClendon, Terrance Taylor and perhaps Marcus Howard being the notable recent "waives" (if you consider the 6th and 7th rounds to be essentially gambles where you don't expect much).

I'm disputing the value of searching back to 2005 and calculating a percentage. It doesn't mean much, because many serviceable players from that far back would have been intentionally replaced by younger, cheaper serviceable players from recent drafts (and lets not forget UFAs). And I'm of the opinion that in total the past three drafts/UFAs compare well to any other three year period of the Polian FO.

I'm not disputing the fact that no stars have emerged from the first round recently. At the time of the Super Bowl win you could look back and say that not only were all the recent picks as described above contributing to the team, but also that all but two of the first picks in the draft (phrased that way to include Sanders) from the previous ELEVEN years were key contributors. I found that absolutely remarkable at the time, and used to mention it to pretty much anyone who made the mistake of saying the word "football" in my presence.

Considering it remarkable suggests that no reasonable person would expect it to continue - particularly when you are drafting so late. So yes, by that definition the Colts have taken a step backwards. Harrison, Glenn, Addai, and Freeney were ideally to have been replaced by Gonzalez, Ugoh, Brown and Hughes. In each case the new player is clearly inferior to the old. But then again Harrison, Glenn and Freeney would have been LONG gone by our 27-32 drafting slot. Some decline was absolutely inevitable. But I also think that injuries (Sanders, Jackson, Gonzalez) have done far more to break the string of stars than under-performance. Of course Castonzo looks like a stud, Pollack (technically the first pick in 08) may yet replace Saturday, Gonzalez may be healthy again, and many of us (including the Colts) aren't giving up on Brown and Hughes. I don't see any basis for condemning the draft record.

I like this roster a lot, and expected them to be a twelve win team again with Peyton. If he is back next year, and if next years draft is as good as the previous two (and is in a much higher slot), we should continue to be amongst the leagues elite. Everything looks terrible right now because the team is built around a player who isn't here. Some people view that as the definition of front office failure. Considering the insanity of the salary cap, I'd be more inclined to view it as the definition of front office success.

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we need to start working on an o-line that will keep the d off from whoever is the QB. No one will succeed if they are constantly being hammered because the line wont keep them safe.

I agree, our O-line needs to get better, plain and simple. No running game, means having to pass to much, which makes us one dimensional and the opposing defense can know exactly what we are doing. I do not know if it is the front office, but we need to draft better and maybe for once do some off season signings.

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I agree, our O-line needs to get better, plain and simple. No running game, means having to pass to much, which makes us one dimensional and the opposing defense can know exactly what we are doing. I do not know if it is the front office, but we need to draft better and maybe for once do some off season signings.

Um, we did get some off season signings this year and our run game hasn't been deficient yet. Against Houston we averaged 4.0 per carry. I'm very interested to see if they can build on that the next game and hopefully not get behind by 17 in the first quarter to where they virtually abandon the run again.

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