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Say Ballard gets canned

Patrick Miller

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10 minutes ago, EastStreet said:


I do agree, that top coaches will have concerns (about meddling). 

And also want a strong coach, with a GM that is "paired" with the coach. 

I don't want 3 cooks in the kitchen. I want one cook. And prefer it is a coach. 


This is why I like the idea of Sean Payton. If you can’t get him then maybe Kellen Moore. But I think you need a coach with a reputation like Payton to keep Irsay from meddling too much.

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4 hours ago, Patrick Miller said:

I really wish Ballard would hold a press conference and give us a peek at what he’s thinking right now. The dude hasn’t made many appearances this season. I just don’t think he’s on board with Irsay.

Hey, good point! 
Is there a Tom vs Gisele-like atmosphere in the main office?



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10 minutes ago, lilolemoi said:


This is why I like the idea of Sean Payton. If you can’t get him then maybe Kellen Moore. But I think you need a coach with a reputation like Payton to keep Irsay from meddling too much.


I like Payton too. Just doubt Indy will be attractive to him. If Irsay agrees to cede control over to Payton, then maybe. Not sure if Jim would do that. Jim seems to allow Jeff to do what he wants though, at least now. 


Overall, it's just tough that we don't know what decisions are tied to Chris, tied to Frank, and tied to Jim. It's a big grey mess/mystery... 


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