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JJ Watt Wants Out

King Colt

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2 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

The Texans are having a lot more than a horrible year. 

O'Brian made that place a bad place for all involved. I am sure Hopkins was glad to go after the dust was settled. 

Sure O' O Brien made mistakes. However, you cannot say he didnt try and win a championship during Watt's time with Houston. Watt is coming off like a great player who played for a crappy organization that didnt try and win.

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2 hours ago, NannyMcafee said:


So now you're comparing one situation to a hypothetical situation. 


Maybe share a link to a case similar to this one with a black player? 


Should be easy considering how often people look down on the black community. 

TY made a public criticism  I believe it was the O line. Peyton Manning made the comment after a playoff  loss about the Oline. TY was hammered and people said that maybe Peyton was right. Even Polian came to  his defence. 

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25 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

TY made a public criticism  I believe it was the O line. Peyton Manning made the comment after a playoff  loss about the Oline. TY was hammered and people said that maybe Peyton was right. Even Polian came to  his defence. 


I was under the impression that JJ Watt openly said he wanted out. But maybe that was just an assumption by everyone else, or me. 

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2 hours ago, Moosejawcolt said:

Sure O' O Brien made mistakes. However, you cannot say he didnt try and win a championship during Watt's time with Houston. Watt is coming off like a great player who played for a crappy organization that didnt try and win.

Where did I say that O'Brian didn't try ? 

The mistakes he made put the Texans back at least three years. 

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2 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

Where did I say that O'Brian didn't try ? 

The mistakes he made put the Texans back at least three years. 

I never said u said OBrien didn't try. My  point is that the Texans organization and that includes  O'Biren tried to win a championship. They made trades, some stupid, with the idea of trying to win now. It is not like Watt played 10 years for a joke of a team. He has one bad year and now he is whining. Fitzgerald played for a joke of team but was always the solider. He is such a character guy. Watt to me is a joke. All the juice he has used over the years has clouded his judgement.

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I am not fully comprehending your hatred of Watt. NFL players want out every single year whether its the overall team performance or contract issues or whatever.


Watt simply wants out because his best days are behind him and he doesn't wanna go out knowing he could have gone to a contender. 


The bottom line is Watt is wonderful player on and off the field.  He donated countless times to the city of Houston including food bank and hurricane relief efforts. 


He's as good as it gets in today's game!

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